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Diamonds in Decor

3 minutes
Diamonds are geometrical shape that can add a unique decor to any setting.
Diamonds in Decor
Last update: 29 July, 2019

Geometric shapes have a big presence in home decor– you actually use them more than you might imagine. So today, we want to talk about using diamonds in your home decor. They make a great visual impact and help a room come together.

Certain shapes are more common finds in home decor, such as squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles. Other shapes, like trapezoids or diamonds, also have a certain presence but aren’t quite as common.

Diamonds can actually offer a lot to home decor. We don’t always realize how well they can work for decor, especially in spaces where they can sit perfectly.

Using diamonds: wall vinyl decals

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When people browse vinyl decals for their walls, they tend to look for options that have text or are inspirational. But at the end of the day, decals are another way to express personal tastes and preferences.

So, how do diamonds fit into all of this? How can they change a room? You can actually use them to create an abstract decor. But you have to take a visual approach, not a poetic one.

Here’s an interesting decal idea: use diamonds of different shapes and colors on your wall. Additionally, you can apply them in two different ways: create a chessboard pattern and cover your whole wall, or randomly place them for an appearing and disappearing effect.

Diamonds have a lot to say in both bedroom and bathroom decor.

Diamond-pattern fabric

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Moving on, how can you use diamond-pattern fabrics?

  • More often than not, diamond-patterns are used for tablecloths. They add color and a continuous pattern to the design. Diamond-pattern tablecloths are very common in restaurants so it’s no surprise that you can find them at home decor stores as well to mimic the look.
  • Pillows often have diamond-patterns as well. But if your pillow has a diamond-pattern, your sofa should be a solid-color for a good contrast.
  • Diamonds also find their way on rugs. Just as in the case of tablecloths, designs might be patchwork-like with a chromatic contrast that offers neutral decor.
  • Other elements that might use diamonds are lampshades, mirrors, frames, blankets, pots, etc.

Using diamonds: bathroom tiles

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Diamond bathroom ceramic details are a wonderful decor idea. We’re thinking of a certain idea that we previously mentioned: tiles arranged in a chessboard design. You can use 1, 2 or 3 colors and they are very popular for floors.

But that’s not the only popular bathroom idea. You can also use 3 diamond tiles together to create a 3D-looking cube. In other words, placing the colors in a certain way can create a 3D effect. Your bathroom floor could look like you’ve decorated it with cubes!

In order to create the effect, you need a chromatic contrast between your diamond tiles. Each side of the cube needs to be a different color and have a different light intensity: one of them has to be dark to look shaded; another has to be a middle tone; and lastly, your last tile has to have a light tone.


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We can’t wrap up our post without mentioning wallpaper. There’s no doubt about it: wallpaper is one of the best resources for using diamonds in home decor. In addition, it’s simple to apply to walls and it looks great in any room.

But we recommend not covering all the walls in a room with diamond wallpaper. It might be overwhelming and lead the shapes to lose their essence. Try covering a single wall with it instead to create contrast and just the right amount of diamonds. That way, they won’t overwhelm your decor and your room will look great.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Lava Oliva, Rocío: Interiorismo, Vértice, 2008.