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Cookies Law

Our website, DecorTips.com, makes use of both its own and third party cookies for personalizing content and making browsing easier, enabling greater accessibility and functionality. We comply with all laws regarding the regulation of cookies (Law 34/2002, July 11th, Social Services of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), which corresponds to the Spanish legislation Directive 2009/136/CE, also referred to as “The Cookies Directive”).

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser when you visit a website. Their main purpose is to store data from page visits. Cookies usually contain technical information, site preferences, personalized content, usage statistics, links to social networking, access to user accounts, etc.

2. What types of cookies are used on the web site?

Decor Tips uses the following cookies on its website:

CookiesType of cookieFunctionPrivacy policy
RequiredSession DataWe generate these cookies to store data related to the user’s session (visit) to guarantee the best possible experience.Click to view (GRUPO M CONTIGO S.L.)
Data Analysis and StatisticsGoogle Analytics CrazyEggThese cookies capture session data, including number of visits, pages visited, sections visited, session duration, referral sources, search history, etc.Click to view (Google, Inc.)
Click to view (Crazy Egg, Inc.)
AdvertisingGoogle AdSense
These cookies help improve and properly manage the advertisements the user sees, avoiding repetition and customizing content to user interests, creating a more enjoyable experience while surfing the web.Click to view (Google, Inc.)
Click to view (Criteo)
Social Networking and External SitesFacebook
These cookies allow the user to interact with our site using their accounts from major social networking sites to leave comments and feedback for each article.Click to view (Facebook, Inc.)
Click to view (Twitter, Inc.)
Click to view (Google, Inc.)
Click to view (YouTube, LLC)
Click to view (DISQUS)

3.How do I disable cookies?

1. The user can disable cookies from our site or any other at any time. To do so, open the configuration settings in your web browser. See the user guide for some of the most popular browsers below:

  • Google Chrome with this link.
  • Firefox with this link.
  • Opera with this link.
  • Internet Explorer with this link.
  • Safari with this link.

2. To remove third party cookies, consult the links above.

GRUPO M CONTIGO S.L.. is not responsible for the content and accuracy of third party policies appended to this cookie policy.

If you have any questions, please visit our Privacy Policy page or send us an e-mail using the contact form available here.