Top Tips for Living Together As A Couple

Living together as a couple: the time has come to choose a house, furniture, style, color scheme. Want to avoid arguments? These top tips will help make living together easy.
Top Tips for Living Together As A Couple

Last update: 12 December, 2019

Moving in with that special someone is a really exciting moment in any relationship. If this is you, you’re probably already thinking about how you want to decorate your new home. However, living together as a couple isn’t always straightforward, especially if you start out with unrealistic expectations.

How you’re going to decorate your new home is often one of the first reasons couples argue. Ladies and gentlemen, let the battle begin.

The challenges of living together as a couple

Moving day.

When it comes to moving in with your partner, you need to understand that two people with very different tastes are about to be living under the same roof. Both of you will want to feel at home in your new house and surround yourselves with the things you like.

As much as you love each other, you probably don’t have the same tastes and interests. But whether this leads to constructive dialog or World War III, is totally up to you. Whatever happens, try to see decorating your new home as a fun and exciting challenge, and an opportunity to learn how to negotiate with one another.

Living together and creating your ideal home

Communication is a two-way street

Communication is key for any couple living together.

Communication is fundamental in any situation, especially if you’re going to live together as a couple. Both of you need to take an active role in decision-making. Even if one of you is generally more passive than the other, an equal partnership is essential if you want to avoid any negative consequences later on.

Make sure you tell your partner how you feel – don’t just expect them to know. Remember, you’re in the middle of a negotiation. It’s all about give and take.

Living together – how to decorate your home

Living together: how to decorate your home.

If you have the same style, great! But if you don’t, then you’ll need to find a way to compromise. This will take some thought and planning. If you’re not careful, it could quickly lead to stylistic chaos.

For example, don’t try to combine a vintage couch, your grandmother’s antique coffee table, and a Nordic-style dining room. If this sounds like you, and you and your partner can’t come to an agreement, it might be best for each of you to take charge of decorating a different room.

Communal space

Living together as a couple.

Don’t lose sight of what’s important: you need to create an environment that promotes communication, dialogue, and intimacy. So, if you’ve always dreamt of having a TV in your room, we may have some bad news for you – this is a sure way to kill the atmosphere.

Choosing elements such as a comfortable couch, scented candles, and soft, warm lighting will help you relax, and bring you closer together.

Personal space.

While it’s important to spend plenty of quality time together, it’s also important that you have your own space. Try to make sure you both have somewhere you can spend some time alone. Whether it be a whole room or just a quiet corner of the house, you should both have somewhere you can read, meditate, listen to music, or do whatever you want, without having to share it with your partner.

How to decorate your bedroom

Neutral bedroom decor.

If there’s one room that both of you need to like, it’s the bedroom. With a little discussion, we’re sure you can find a look that you both love. But if not, you could try to find a more neutral style, with soft colors and lots of personal decorative items. This will help both you and your partner feel at home in your bedroom.

If the arguments continue, hire an interior designer

Hire an interior decorator.

Sometimes, all you need is the help of an expert to help things go more smoothly. If you feel you’re reaching the point of no return, or you and your partner are getting into one argument after the other, why not hire an interior designer? They will be able to take both of your opinions and ideas into account and make them take shape in a way that both of you will love. If it will give both of you some peace of mind, it may be worth considering hiring a designer.

How to decorate when you live together – the basics

Soft, warm lighting.
  • Soft, warm lighting.
  • Relaxing colors – green, blue and earth tones are ideal.
  • Good ventilation – don’t let bad odors build up.
  • Don’t clutter your home – everyone needs their own living space.

Your new home is waiting for you. Don’t let squabbles over the decor ruin the excitement of living together with your partner for the first time.