The Most Popular Retro Furniture

If you want to give a special touch to your home, retro furniture is the perfect choice for its originality.
Who said that old decor is outdated? Nowadays the vintage trend is very popular. People choose old designs because they offer different perspectives in terms of decoration. This is why we’ll show you the most popular retro furniture.
Living in the XXI century doesn’t mean that you only have to follow the current trends. You can choose furniture made years ago without losing comfort and style. This means that an old design can become something modern.
You don’t have to discard your ancestors’ furniture since it offers an attractive and elegant atmosphere for your house. Going back to old ideas offers a subtle and personal touch to the different areas of your home.
What is retro furniture?

A good definition for this kind of furniture is – it’s a resource that offers aesthetic perspectives of ideas that were used in the past and that transmit old-fashioned vibes.
It’s like updating its artistic condition. This means that this type of furniture, which was considered outdated is now back in fashion.
However, you must take into account that aesthetic trends go in cycles and they return with different objectives.
In the fashion world, the same happens. People wear clothing that seems outdated, but that offers an original look. So, similar concepts apply when it comes to interior design.
Retro returns.
The most popular retro furniture

Some designs are very successful nowadays. This can be for their versatility and the importance they have indoors. Let’s look at some of the most relevant furniture:
- TV furniture is very popular. It’s usually horizontal, has drawers, cupboards, or shelves where you can put different things. It’s not very high, but in terms of width, it occupies a significant space.
- Dressers are not very common in the bedroom these days, but they give a unique style, especially those that offer an old and worn-out image.
- Restored furniture like closets, tables, or chairs is a good choice. You must remember that its purpose is to offer a traditional image and be functional at the same time.
- Glass cabinets aren’t very common these days either, since people aren’t interested in displaying plates, glasses, and other utensils. However, you can use them for something different like decorative items, trophies, photos, etc.
- When it comes to the pop vibe from the 60s or the 70s, this kind of furniture can give an original and vintage look to your bedroom, kitchen, or living room. It’s basic and simple with plastic and curved lines, and most importantly, useful.
Sofas and armchairs – going back to the basics

When it comes to seats you must consider an important aspect – the return of simple and basic designs. At the time of buying this kind of furniture, you usually choose based on the color rather than the shape.
There should be striking and vibrant tones, as well as a softness of the lines. This is a different way to decorate reusing old designs.
This is an alternative to choosing the typical sofas and armchairs available in stores. If you’re looking for an original design, you definitely have to choose retro furniture.
Half of the 20th century has been a source of inspiration
The most popular retro furniture occupies a special place in the home. Despite being simple, it’s functional. This was its purpose for half of the 20th century.
Interior designers of this time tried to apply functional concepts that create give calm and excitement at the same time. The middle classes preferred this kind of furniture and they usually put it in the living room.
In conclusion, bringing back retro furniture helps create a breath of fresh air.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Wilson, Judith: La casa vintage: tesoros con estilo para un hogar muy chic y actual, Océano Ámbar, 2009.