Curtains to Match Blue Walls

When you have blue walls at home, it’s common to wonder about choosing the right color curtains. It’s always an option to choose your favorite color, but it’s better to choose one that combines with your blue walls. This will ensure you’ll create a pleasant atmosphere for everyone at home.
The color blue is a beautiful color that comes in almost infinite shades. It’s popular in many homes because, as color psychology explains, blue is associated with sky and water. It also reflects clarity, freshness, and transparency. It also transmits calm and tranquility, making it essential to combine it with other colors that contribute to this continuation.
Therefore, it’s particularly important that you consider every aspect when choosing the color of your curtains. It’s even necessary to exercise caution over the tones of each of the elements that you have in your blue space. This applies to any room with blue walls such as your living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, study, or bedrooms.
Curtain colors to match your blue walls
By having the walls of your home painted blue, it’s really important that the colors of your curtains combine to maintain a balanced, calm and serene environment. We know that finding those shades can be a bit complex, but in this article, we’ll suggest some ideas to help you make the right decision.
White is the quintessential neutral color and it goes perfectly with blue walls. This type of combination suits the whole home in general, which provides a cozy and relaxing atmosphere at the same time. The advantage of this color is that it can be used with blue tones in the ranges of light and dark.
Also, white is a color that never goes out of style and will always look elegant. If you like modern spaces, it’s advisable to use a dark blue tone, as any white you add will make it contrast in an incredible way. In the same way, these tones together generate an aspect of greater cleanliness and organization to your entire home.
Earth tones to match blue walls

If you like traditional color combinations, yet at the same time you like to be different, use earth tones in your curtains to match your blue walls.
It’s a classic option, but one of the best when you want your home to look warmer and more welcoming. The most used tones are beige or light brown, almost reaching cream.
These shades will ensure that your color scheme is always balanced. Everything will depend on the exact tone of the blue and earth colors. Although they’re the ones that have the greatest combination capacity, since they’ll match perfectly with all the elements of classic decor.
The combination of orange and blue is a great challenge, making it ideal for those who like to take a risk. Together, both colors together will make your home shine and vibrate, especially when you consider that they’re very vivid tones.
Orange curtains are a great option to match light blue walls, especially if your home has good sources of natural light. You’ll obtain a balanced space by mixing a warm and a cold tone, while still providing tranquility.
The color blue

Although it sounds a bit repetitive, blue walls can be combined with blue curtains. If you make this choice, it’s important not to use the same shades.
Ideally, use a lighter shade of blue if your walls are dark and vice versa. Using curtains in dark tones when the walls are also dark, creates a gloomy atmosphere.
To make a greater contrast with your decor, opt for decorative objects such as paintings, mirrors , and vases in which the color white predominates. You’ll achieve a more serene and balanced space.
Yellow to match blue walls
Yellow is a color that provides similar qualities to orange, due to its proximity to the color wheel. For this reason, it adapts very well to almost any shade of blue that you may have on your walls. This color is often used in children’s bedrooms because it’s a striking, vibrant color that symbolizes happiness.
To add greater contrasts, you can use yellow patterned curtains. Following the recommendations for a child’s room, other options include cartoons, animals, or characters.
What curtain colors did you like the most?
Choose the color combination for your blue walls that you liked the most. Consider the tones of the decorative objects that you have in your spaces so that the level of contrast and harmony is greater. Enjoy your blue room!
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- Federación de enseñanza. (2008). ASPECTOS PSICOLÓGICOS DEL COLOR. Revista digital para profesionales de la enseñanza.