5 Ways to Organize an L-Shaped Living Room

An L-shaped living room can be a big challenge, as much to organize the furniture as well as decorating and making the best use of the space. But don’t let that discourage you. You can make the most of your living room and enjoy it too.
In this article, you’ll find some suggestions to make the design of your living room functional and fit in with your tastes in decor.
Suggestions for organizing an L-shaped living room
If you have an L-shaped living room you don’t need to feel apprehensive about decorating it in the least. It’s a room with a lot of potential! And you’ll also have the advantage of being able to combine the dining and living areas in the same room, if you can organize it well. Note the following suggestions:
1. Pay attention to the lighting
This is extremely important, since any deficiencies in natural light can be responsible for a poor design. It won’t matter how well you decorate, if the room is in semi darkness it won’t look its best.

If you have a living room with big picture windows, make the most of them. How? Use light and semi transparent curtains that let light in all day. The room will seem much bigger.
What if you don’t have big picture windows, or if the living room doesn’t get much sun during the day? In that case, you will need to look for a way of using artificial light to make up for the lack of natural light. That doesn’t mean you have to put lamps everywhere. You should, however, place some lamps in strategic locations, such as on the dining table or beside the sofa.
2. Choose an L-shaped sofa
With an L-shaped living room, you should think of everything in L shapes. That includes buying a sofa in this shape as well. It will adapt perfectly to the feel of the room. Also, these sofas are very comfortable and will allow you to have the space to entertain many guests at a time or even lie down full length to watch TV in the evening.
3. Everything in its place
To stick to the goal of having everything L-shaped, you should think about this letter to determine in which part of the living room you place your dining table and the sofa. This will depend on your likes and activities.
For example, if you have a big family that eat dinner together every night, or if you like to invite friends over every weekend to enjoy your gastronomic delights, we recommend you place the dining table in the largest part of the living room.

What if the main feature of your living room is the sofa? For example if you’re a movie buff or if you prefer to chill out and read a book at night, etc. In that case, you should place the sofa in the large part of the L and leave the dining table for the smaller part.
You can differentiate between the two sections of the room in specific ways. Try using different tiles on the floor, a rug where the sofa is, the walls painted another color, etc.
4. The same decor throughout?
Rooms that have a specific theme are becoming more and more the fashion. For example, a bedroom with Japanese style decor, Mediterranean decor in the kitchen, a minimalist style in the living room and a modern theme for the office.
In an L-shaped living room, make sure you think before decorating. For example, think about the fact that although there are already differences between the two parts of the room, they are also somewhat united since there isn’t a wall dividing the two parts.
For that reason, it would be a good idea to decorate each part using the same color palette, or sticking to the same decor theme throughout.
5. Separate the two zones
What if you don’t want your L-shaped living room to be open? Or if you want to separate the sofa area from the dining room part? You always have the possibility of adding some kind of physical division. This doesn’t mean you have to construct a wall. There are other alternatives that exist so that each part of the L is separate.

For example, some people choose to put up a partition made of frosted glass, and others go for a timber folding screen (or an oriental style screen). You could even opt for decorative wooden cubes that form a pyramid shape. These can be useful both for decorating and for separating the two parts of the room at the same time.
There is also the option of putting up a bookshelf or some other piece of furniture to divide the spaces. You should, however, always take into account the direction of natural light, according to where the windows are.
As you’ve seen, there are many different ways to organize and decorate an L-shaped living room. It’s just a matter of imagining how each part of the room will function according to your daily activities.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Alvarez Bayona, T., Barrau, B., Edición, E., Ganslandt, R., Hofmann Vieweg, H., Eduardo, M., … Luz, L. (2014). ILUMINACIÓN NATURAL La luz, confort, métrica y diseño. Laboratorio de Condiciones de Trabajo.