Textured Tiles for Kitchens: Decoration and Originality

So, your home needs something new – a fresh face. Why not change your kitchen walls and give them something really special? Textured tiles could be the change that your kitchen needs.
These tiles draw more attention than your typical, smooth tile does. They can actually change the entire look of your kitchen.
The kitchen is a perfect place to use tiles. So, a great way to add a special touch of decor to your kitchen is by adding some texture to your tiles.
What are textured tiles?
These tiles are in a fun material, giving walls an innovative, alternative and different look. You don’t find many kitchens that use textured tiles.

We often see textured tiles in cafes and restaurants; they make walls an important design aspect as well, making them a part of the room’s overall decor.
– Bring a different concept to the table and make your kitchen original –
Textured tiles use relief (pictures, lines, geometric patterns…) on their surface. Their color combination decorates and embellishes spaces.
Modern character
We’re used to smooth, monotone tiles with no kind of decorative detail. They’re quite common in home decor (bathrooms and kitchens).
In light of their commonness, why not give a modern feel to your kitchen? Look for a new character for your kitchen by creating a personal style. Which designs could help you do that?
- Chiaroscuro: the relief creates light and shadow effects. As a result, shapes have clear dynamism.
- Movement: this is a result of the optic effect; we see a light movement on the wall.
- Aesthetic combination: the combination of color and texture makes the kitchen into a truly beautiful space.
- Contrast: the sensations that we witness come from light and color.
Kitchen tile models
There are all kinds of decorative tiles. Depending on your home, you could opt for one style or another. Remember, keep harmony in balance by matching your tiles with your furniture.
- Boxed: small, overlapping box pattern. This design creates steady horizontal lines and stability.
- Geometrical: you can find different sorts: squares, rectangles, pentagons and hexagons are the most common patterns.
- Straight or curved lines: they could be wavy like waves or they could just be overlapping without a specific pattern.
- Diamond: diamond pattern are great for symmetric ribbing.
- Pictures: floral, star, rectangular, irregular, etc. designs. There are all kinds of images available for tiles.

What is the best color for kitchens? Which ones match best with tiles? Which color works best with textures? There are some neutral colors that are the perfect answer; they don’t create any kind of tension in the room’s balance. What colors are they?
- Gray
- Dark blue
- Light browns
- White
However, you could use others, even intenser ones. At the end of the day, your kitchen should be beautiful and full of personality. Which color combinations work well with kitchens?
- Red and white
- Orange and white
- Green, yellow and white
- Light blue
There’s no denying that kitchens get dirty quick; we’re talking about smoke, grease, smells… so it’s not a bad idea to have walls that are easy to clean. It’s the same story with the bathroom.
Textured kitchen tiles, just like their smooth counterparts, are easy to clean. Their relief pattern doesn’t interfere at all in the cleaning process and they don’t build up residue either.
-Hygiene is the foundation of our home-
Buying textured tiles for your kitchen
There are several companies that sell these kinds of tiles. Spain happens to be a big tile producer and market place on both a national and international level.

Though these companies are located throughout the country, most of them are in Madrid and Castellon. The latter offers the most options in terms of textured tiles.
In any case, there are other ways to get your hands on these pieces: the internet can provide you with a variety of companies and images of their tiles and designs.
Decorate your kitchen the best you can by using innovating textured tile designs that show off your taste. You can also make your kitchen into a beautiful space because kitchens aren’t second to decor.