Reasons to Get Rid of Everything That's no Longer Useful
Our homes shouldn’t become large storage rooms where we accumulate things. It’s important that we’re organized and that we correctly manage everything that no longer has a function. This is why we’re going to explain the reasons why you should get rid of everything that’s no longer useful.
Over the years, we collect and store all kinds of items. The mere fact of saving things with a future perspective isn’t something that’s always fulfilled. Very rarely do we usually recover what we’ve preserved and put it to use again.
Generally, we just experience an accumulation of resources that saturate our homes. For this reason, we need to know which elements we should keep, which are no longer useful, and how we should react.
Reorganize closets and sort clothing that no longer has a use
One of the problems that we all usually face is excess clothing in our closets. If we take a look at all the garments we own, it’s likely that we don’t wear most of them and they’ve been relegated to the background.
The first thing we must do is rethink if we’re really going to use them again or if we can do without them. Either way, don’t throw them away, donate them to a charity.
By sorting out our closets, we’ll oxygenate the space and avoid it being saturated with clothes. With the passage of time, we’ll probably acquire more things, but at least we’ll have enough space to achieve a rational order.
Electronic devices that are no longer useful
Today, our homes are buzzing with different electronic devices that are present in each room. One way or another, cables and gadgets are present too. Although, some of these may not work or are outdated.
- With the arrival of laptops, desktop computers have become secondary or simply outdated. Instead of letting them collect dust, it’s better to get rid of them by selling them in a store or taking them to a recycling center.
- Our kitchen cabinets tend to accumulate unused appliances such as mixers, juicers, and toasters. If these devices aren’t used, it’s better to get rid of them because they take up a lot of space and they’re likely to be replaced with more modern versions.
- When we upgrade our cellphones, we’re all in the habit of holding onto the previous one, even when, in reality, we have no use for it. If you can relate to this, don’t fill your drawers with these types of outdated devices.
- Whenever an appliance causes us a problem, we may try to fix it, but if this isn’t possible, we replace it. It’s at this moment when we have to give the old appliance to the store. By doing this, they can recycle it for us or use it for parts, meaning that we can gain space.
- Landline phones have lost meaning in most homes. Nowadays, it’s cellphones that are the protagonists. Therefore, recycle them or return them to the utility provider.
Oxygenate the environment and facilitate habitability
It’s essential that the rooms in our homes are oxygenated and airy. To do this, get rid of anything that’s no longer useful or prevents you from roaming comfortably around your home.
By doing this, life is so much easier. Rooms that aren’t overloaded with unused and defunct items favor the feelings of freedom and spaciousness.
Well-being and restlessness: eliminate what’s no longer useful
The feeling of well-being is reached when we feel complete comfort. But how can we reach this? We need to understand our homes and if we feel comfortable in them or if we feel a certain restlessness.
Decor affects our emotions. Depending on how the home is organized, this reflects how we feel. Therefore, it’s important to get rid of everything that we don’t use and the things that are taking up space.
Accumulating objects can generate stress and personal discomfort. If we detect that our homes have too many things that don’t provide a function, it’s better to intervene immediately and find a way to create more well-being at home.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Kondo, Marie: La magia del orden, Aguilar, 2001.