How Order Influences Our Emotional Well-Being

The field of neuroarchitecture uses neuroscience to understand how the spaces we spend time in, whether houses or offices, can affect our brains. Today, designers seek to create interiors that promote emotional well-being and can even optimize memory and learning.
Creating spaces that increase your emotional well-being
According to this new discipline, you can use interior decor to create an environment that fosters emotional well-being, serenity, creativity, and better brain function.
The impact of natural light

Natural light triggers chemical processes in our brains that influence our mood. If your house tends to be dark and gloomy, try looking for different ways to increase the amount of light. Natural light is always best, but if that’s not an option, the right artificial lighting can make a world of difference. Give it a try, and see how quickly it can improve your emotional well-being.
Using nature to boost emotional well-being

Studies have shown that rooms decorated with natural plants and flowers can help us relax while boosting concentration and learning. There are even plants that are thought to remove toxins and pollutants from the air and help fight some types of allergies. Pothos, spathiphyllum, palm, sansevieria, and fig are some of the best options.
Not only do they look beautiful, but plants can instantly change the style and feel of your home. They form a fundamental part of the art of Feng Shui and are said to alter the energy in a room.
Ceiling height

High ceilings will not only make your home feel more spacious but can help your creative juices flow. That said, low ceilings aren’t necessarily a bad thing. They are said to encourage self-reflection and help bring peace of mind.
You can use this knowledge to optimize your home, creating spaces that promote one thing or another, depending on your personal needs.
Organic shapes

To our brains, sharp edges and corners are synonymous with aggression, while round, organic shapes evoke a sense of relaxation and serenity.
According to some studies, sharp edges can activate the amygdala. This is the region of the brain responsible for reacting to emotional triggers in the environment and detecting potential sources of danger. Curves, on the other hand, seem to have a calming effect.
With this in mind, we recommend using round or oval tables wherever possible. Fortunately for us, round furniture was one of the biggest trends of 2019.
Tidy home, tidy mind

People often say that your home is a reflection of your state of mind. If your house is in disarray, it’s almost impossible for you to feel relaxed and happy on the inside. What’s more, you’ll find yourself faced with a mountain of obstacles every time you try to carry out the most basic tasks.
Keeping your home clean and tidy can help give you peace of mind. It’s also important to make sure it’s beautifully decorated, and that everything works in harmony. Believe it or not, this can cause the brain to release both serotonin and oxytocin, the hormones responsible for love and happiness.
Furthermore, having a tidy, organized home can help you feel more alert, and allow you to concentrate more easily. Plus, you don’t need to waste time looking for things and can instead devote all your energies to the important things in life. Something as simple as designating a safe place to keep your keys can save you so much time and stress.
Creating new neural pathways

A home that’s rich in visual stimuli promotes the generation of new connections in the brain. Having photos or paintings on the walls that evoke cherished memories can help keep your mind young and active.
Your color palette can also have a huge impact. Warm colors like yellow, orange and red promote creativity, while cool colors such as blue or lilac improve concentration.
A room dedicated to emotional well-being

Whether you work from home or you simply want a relaxing corner where you can read or sew, it’s important to create a space that aids concentration. It’s best to choose somewhere quiet and spacious with plenty of light (again, natural light is best).
Don’t forget to surround yourself with things that make you feel good. Choose objects which evoke pleasant memories and help you to connect with a higher state of emotional well-being.
The decor, organization, cleanliness, and colors in our homes influence our mood and the production of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. As such, creating the right environment can radically increase your emotional well-being.