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Tired of Your Home Decor? Make Some Radical Changes

3 minutes
Change can be synonymous with improvement. That means it's time to look for alternatives to your home decor, namely those that add life to the interior of your home and give it a new look.
Tired of Your Home Decor? Make Some Radical Changes
Last update: 31 March, 2020

Sometimes you may feel that the colors or decorations in your home are no longer pleasing to your eye. Therefore, you should ask yourself if you’re tired of your home decor. If you are you can make some radical changes that breathe new life into the interior of your home.

You can reflect your personality in your decor. The way your home is decorated can trigger emotions.

Generally,  as people, we respect drastic changes in life, although we may not always like them. We make changes in our wardrobe, lifestyle, diet, work schedules, etc. to improve our mood. However, we tend to underestimate the power of ​​having a beautifully decorated home to come back to, one that gives us pride and joy.


Tired of Your Home Decor? Rearrange the Furniture

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One of the long-term mistakes we make is keeping the furniture arranged the same. We recommend moving your furniture around from time to time. For example, rearrange your sofa, bookshelf, central table, etc. so that it’s more pleasing to your eye.

In your bedroom, you should change the position of your nightstand, wardrobe, or even your bed. In your living room, you can rearrange the TV and sofa. This provides the basis for determining how you organize the rest of your furniture.

Re-positioning your furniture can be a symbol of personal progress. It helps you rejuvenate your life from time to time as your home takes on a different persona.

Creating a new image for your home is an easy task.

New colors for the interior of your home

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One of the most radical changes you can make to your home involves changing the colors of your rooms. Here are a few suggestions for doing this:

  1. Our homes have predominately neutral colors. Why not change that and use bolder colors? Colors that are vibrant and intense yet peaceful. There is a range of colors that fit this category, but we should only choose colors that we like.
  2. In the bedroom, paint your walls the color that best fits your personality. After all, the bedroom is a private space that pretty much defines who you are as a person.
  3. If all of the rooms in your house are painted the same color, change the trend. Seek an alternative that revitalizes the interior aesthetics. Paint the walls of your room with different colors to achieve this objective.
  4. If you’re tired of seeing the same colors, turn to more vivid and original colors, such as pistachio green, orange, salmon, turquoise, etc. The goal is to break the stereotypes that keep your home looking basic as opposed to lively.

Tired of home decoration, a new look

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If you’re tired of your home decor, changing the style is within your reach. This way, you can achieve a new look and break away from the conservative feel to which you’re usually anchored. You should always change the decorations to achieve a new purpose.

You can explore a new aesthetic if your home doesn’t have a defined style, or perhaps you’re tired of what you already have. To do so, you can follow two steps:

  1. Only change the decoration, both the furniture and the accessories
  2. Or make a drastic change to the entire home, including painting the walls and adding rugs.

We often don’t do the work that it takes to make these changes for two reasons – the dirt and debris it creates and the disorder it causes. However, the result is worth it.

Change floors, walls, and ceilings

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If you’re determined to make a drastic change with your home decor, you must start with the walls and end with the floors. Maybe this is the perfect time to install parquet, to bring more warmth to your home and give it an earthy touch.

As far as the walls and ceilings are concerned, you can paint them to better protect the home and contribute to the overall decoration. You could also try other forms of refurbishment, such as exposed beams.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Iglesias, Mara: Decoración fácil y económica: secretos para renovar tu casa con poco dinero, Buenos Aire, Lea, 2013.