Tips for Lighting Your Kitchen

Follow these tips for lighting your kitchen properly, so that this room will become more enjoyable for you to use. Lighting is a very important aspect when you consider that you no longer limit yourself to using this area for preparing food. It’s here where you spend time with your family and friends and where you create new and delicious dishes.
In fact, with the new concept of the kitchen office, some people even carry out academic and work activities in this room. Therefore, good lighting is essential, otherwise, no matter how adequately furnished they are, kitchens won’t be completely functional.
You should also consider that it’s in this room where you handle dangerous items such as knives and fire burners. So, it’s really important that you have a good range of vision. Keep reading to discover our tips for lighting your kitchen efficiently.
Lighting your kitchen: choose the ideal lighting for you

The first of our tips to illuminate your kitchen has to do with the choice of the light source. Next, we’ll delve into the available options:
- Natural light: it’s ideal to have good ventilation and natural lighting in your kitchen. These are two issues that are solved by installing one or several windows.
- General lighting: this evenly illuminates your entire kitchen and can be achieved through lamps or luminaires installed in different areas.
- Spotlights: use these in specific areas to enhance your general lighting. You can place them under cabinets and illuminate areas such as your hob, sink, and bar, or island.
Bright light
Bright light is special and works well in almost every room of the home. However, in the kitchen you should limit its use. Place a bright light on the dining table or use it in a decorative lamp. As a work light, use white light because it illuminates important tasks and helps to avoid straining your eyes.
White or cold light allows you to observe colors better and will keep you alert. This ensures it’s easier to stay safe when you handle kitchen utensils such as knives.
Go beyond spotlights

Another tip that you can follow to illuminate your kitchen and give it a different decorative touch has to do with the use of the unconventional. Below, we’ll share some ideas with you.
- Recessed lights: these adapt to any type of kitchen regardless of its decorative style, although they fit perfectly in modern rooms.
- Wall lights or track lights: ideal for when your ceiling doesn’t allow for recessed luminaires. In this style there are a wide variety of designs and colors, so choose the style that best suits your kitchen.
- Hanging lamps: these add a touch of elegance and unique personality. They’re usually used on dining tables, bars, or islands because the idea is to show them off.
- Wall sconces: very useful when there are no cabinets in the kitchen to hold your work lighting. These are mounted on the wall; they’re small, elegant and very stylish.
- Lights in the baseboards: take advantage of the spaces in the floor or ceiling to install LED lights and add elegance to your kitchen.
- Hood with light: the hood extractor is ideal to prevent kitchen odors from being distributed throughout the house, but it also offers the opportunity to add a work light and create a better range of vision when preparing food.
- LED lights in drawers: maybe it seems extreme? However, it’s wonderful to have light between the drawers and always find what you’re looking for.
Tips for lighting your kitchen: opt for low energy bulbs
Studies have established that LED lights or low energy consumption bulbs create an approximate saving of 75 percent in relation to halogen and fluorescent systems. Therefore, among the tips for lighting your kitchen that stands out the most is this type of technology.
In addition to reducing energy consumption and billing costs, these types of bulbs have a fairly long useful life, although in principle they’re more expensive to buy than traditional ones.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Sabogal, M. Análisis de costo/beneficio en la implementación de sistemas de iluminación LED en la construcción de vivienda multifamiliar de estrato 4 en la ciudad de Bogotá. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. 2015.