Tech Themed Decor - How To Include It In Your Home

Do you think it’s possible to design a home decor that reflects the very identity of today’s tech world? The time has come where tech-themed home decor is a thing. Below we’ll learn how to use different resources to create this genre in interior design.
There are several commercial premises such as hostels, nightclubs, and restaurants that are reusing tech items to decorate walls, lamps, shelves, etc. It provides an interesting addition to their decor.
Of course, computer technology is something that’s found throughout the world, down to its most remote corners. Computers in all shapes and sizes have come to be a part of most homes and there are of course many professionals who work in the computing field. Bearing that in mind, it’s not that strange that tech-themed decor is becoming more popular.
Make your home into a place that you identify with

If you identify with the world of tech, the time may have come for you to choose decor for your home that will reflect your personality and dedication. Your home should reflect your interests, and technology offers many possibilities for this.
Generally, tech-themed decor is linked to modern decor styles, such as the contemporaneous style, the minimalist or futuristic styles. However, it does clash somewhat with certain other decor styles, such as classic or rustic decor.
It’s not a question of randomly splashing tech about the whole house. You could just choose certain rooms where you want to make it a feature. Make sure you avoid over decorating; you don’t want to saturate your home with tech-themed decor.
Computer tech is the faithful reflection of the modern world we live in.
5 tech-themed resources to use in home decor

When choosing which resources to use to decorate your home, what do you need to know? One thing to think about is what things can provide you with practical materials that you can use. Here are a few suggestions of tech items that can be interesting features in decor:
- The keyboard is one of the most legendary or representative tech items you’ll find. After using one for many years, you may even have an old one floating around the house. Instead of throwing it out, why not recycle it? You could put up one or even several old keyboards on the wall, giving a certain retro look to the room.
- Imagine a low coffee table in your living room that looks like a giant floppy disk. What would this add to your decor? Two things: a vintage feel and a memento for adults of a certain age. Check it out in the photo – the floppy disk is larger than life so it will be useful as a coffee table. You can find them in specialty shops.
- Individual keys from a keyboard can offer many decorative possibilities. On the one hand, the number keys could be used to make a unique clock, while the letters could be useful for decorating a wall, as a photo frame or as fridge magnets.
- Cushions can also be included in your tech-themed decor. For example, you can find cushion covers with the Windows logo or the Apple brand. Some covers have some other tech-related imagery.
- Computer tower motherboards are also becoming popular in tech-themed decor. You could use one to make a lamp for instance. These can be transparent and allow light to pass through them, making a unique and original decor item.
Where can you get tech-themed items for decor?

It’s probably happened to everyone. You had one of those big old desktop computers and it just got too old, so you bought a laptop. What could you do with it? One aspect of decorating is recycling everything that you can give a practical second life to your home decor.
The keyboard, the mouse, the monitor or even inside bits of the tower can be useful decor items. Just use your imagination. Reusing items instead of throwing them out also helps the environment.
Of course, there are also many and varied vintage and online shops that sell all kinds of decor items. These normally come prepared and ready for some specific area of the house.
Tech themed vinyls of all kinds for your decor

Wall vinyls are another decorative resource you have at your disposal. You can find many different designs with a tech-themed decor. They also go great in many different areas of the house and can add to an attractive, tech-themed and fun decor.
You could get a vinyl that has the phrase ‘loading…’, a retro computer vinyl or one that represents any kind of tech symbol, simply and directly. You can find many different shops on the internet that have this type of decor resource available.
Do you think it’s possible to design a home decor that reflects the very identity of today’s tech world? The time has come where tech-themed home decor is a thing. Below we’ll learn how to use different resources to create this genre in interior design.
There are several commercial premises such as hostels, nightclubs, and restaurants that are reusing tech items to decorate walls, lamps, shelves, etc. It provides an interesting addition to their decor.
Of course, computer technology is something that’s found throughout the world, down to its most remote corners. Computers in all shapes and sizes have come to be a part of most homes and there are of course many professionals who work in the computing field. Bearing that in mind, it’s not that strange that tech-themed decor is becoming more popular.
Make your home into a place that you identify with

If you identify with the world of tech, the time may have come for you to choose decor for your home that will reflect your personality and dedication. Your home should reflect your interests, and technology offers many possibilities for this.
Generally, tech-themed decor is linked to modern decor styles, such as the contemporaneous style, the minimalist or futuristic styles. However, it does clash somewhat with certain other decor styles, such as classic or rustic decor.
It’s not a question of randomly splashing tech about the whole house. You could just choose certain rooms where you want to make it a feature. Make sure you avoid over decorating; you don’t want to saturate your home with tech-themed decor.
Computer tech is the faithful reflection of the modern world we live in.
5 tech-themed resources to use in home decor

When choosing which resources to use to decorate your home, what do you need to know? One thing to think about is what things can provide you with practical materials that you can use. Here are a few suggestions of tech items that can be interesting features in decor:
- The keyboard is one of the most legendary or representative tech items you’ll find. After using one for many years, you may even have an old one floating around the house. Instead of throwing it out, why not recycle it? You could put up one or even several old keyboards on the wall, giving a certain retro look to the room.
- Imagine a low coffee table in your living room that looks like a giant floppy disk. What would this add to your decor? Two things: a vintage feel and a memento for adults of a certain age. Check it out in the photo – the floppy disk is larger than life so it will be useful as a coffee table. You can find them in specialty shops.
- Individual keys from a keyboard can offer many decorative possibilities. On the one hand, the number keys could be used to make a unique clock, while the letters could be useful for decorating a wall, as a photo frame or as fridge magnets.
- Cushions can also be included in your tech-themed decor. For example, you can find cushion covers with the Windows logo or the Apple brand. Some covers have some other tech-related imagery.
- Computer tower motherboards are also becoming popular in tech-themed decor. You could use one to make a lamp for instance. These can be transparent and allow light to pass through them, making a unique and original decor item.
Where can you get tech-themed items for decor?

It’s probably happened to everyone. You had one of those big old desktop computers and it just got too old, so you bought a laptop. What could you do with it? One aspect of decorating is recycling everything that you can give a practical second life to your home decor.
The keyboard, the mouse, the monitor or even inside bits of the tower can be useful decor items. Just use your imagination. Reusing items instead of throwing them out also helps the environment.
Of course, there are also many and varied vintage and online shops that sell all kinds of decor items. These normally come prepared and ready for some specific area of the house.
Tech themed vinyls of all kinds for your decor

Wall vinyls are another decorative resource you have at your disposal. You can find many different designs with a tech-themed decor. They also go great in many different areas of the house and can add to an attractive, tech-themed and fun decor.
You could get a vinyl that has the phrase ‘loading…’, a retro computer vinyl or one that represents any kind of tech symbol, simply and directly. You can find many different shops on the internet that have this type of decor resource available.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Ventura, Anna: 1000 ideas prácticas en decoración del hogar, Universe Publishing, 2003.