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Check Out These Decorative Items Made with Jute

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Why not decorate with jute?
Check Out These Decorative Items Made with Jute
Last update: 12 September, 2020

Jute is a common substance in interior design. It transmits elegance and demonstrates the desire that we have for minute details.

In our homes, we try to innovate and use decorative items. In one way or another, they give a distinguished effect. For example, jute decorative pieces are very interesting.

This material is strong and possesses a unique aesthetic appeal. You can find it on small objects as well as in furniture. However, in most cases, its function is to complement.

When you want your home to have a new image, you can achieve this through elements that capture attention. Of course, colors are the main attraction in a room. But it’s also effective to include textures for interior design.

What is jute?

Some figure


Jute is a very fibrous herbaceous plant that belongs to the Malvaceae family of plants. Its scientific name is Corchorus Capsularis and it tends to grow in exotic places with a warm climate.

Where do the fibers come from? They are directly extracted from the tallow of the plant and are 4 yards long. Of course, they require treatment and are processed to achieve the appropriate qualities for interior design use. Another attribute – the color is white with yellow tones.

People consider jute ideal for all types of decor and it can be woven. The texture is rough and quite strong. Jute can last over time without any problem and is resistant to humidity and water.

                  A unique material that offers natural qualities

4 resources from jute

Some figure


To learn more about some items made with this material, we’re going to examine those that can be placed in a living room. There’s no doubt that they offer a distinctive appearance. Let’s look at 4 that are truly eye-catching:

  1. Sofa pillows are a nice touch since they can be plain or printed with geometric designs. Also, they produce a very interesting aesthetic effect and are appropriate for dark and neutral-toned sofas.
  2. Puffs are a great option. They stand out for their artisanal appearance. This means that they look like they have been made from a more ancestral technique and can be round or square.
  3. Hassocks or Ottomans are objects that you see more and more in living rooms. They are functional pieces that can stand out if they are made of jute. Also, they complement the rest of the furniture very well.
  4. Jute carpets are ideal protection for dark wooden floors or white ceramic floors. You can find them in a rectangular shape or a combination of polygons.

Jute resources to use on the table

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image: amazon.es

One very interesting idea for jute is at the dinner table. An example can be candles wrapped in small pieces of mesh. This can be complemented with bows and other items that draw attention to the candle.

Another possibility is placemats for the table, which can be circular or rectangular. They are easy to wash if they get food on them and they are elegant. At the same time, they can show an informality if desired. So they can be very appropriate for restaurants.

Jute creates a traditional style that works well under the bread or the plates. It’s a way to create originality and show innovation.

                   Jute offers a very different image from what we usually find.

Jute for weddings

Some figure


Jute can be great to contain wedding favors. Combined with a ribbon and a little personal detail like in the picture above, it can be really effective.

In the same way, you can decorate the table and chairs with table cloths or bows that enhance the room. This is an original and distinguished approach.

In conclusion, the possibilities are many. It’s a question of having the creativity to work with this material and create a unique look.



Jute is a common substance in interior design. It transmits elegance and demonstrates the desire that we have for minute details.

In our homes, we try to innovate and use decorative items. In one way or another, they give a distinguished effect. For example, jute decorative pieces are very interesting.

This material is strong and possesses a unique aesthetic appeal. You can find it on small objects as well as in furniture. However, in most cases, its function is to complement.

When you want your home to have a new image, you can achieve this through elements that capture attention. Of course, colors are the main attraction in a room. But it’s also effective to include textures for interior design.

What is jute?

Some figure


Jute is a very fibrous herbaceous plant that belongs to the Malvaceae family of plants. Its scientific name is Corchorus Capsularis and it tends to grow in exotic places with a warm climate.

Where do the fibers come from? They are directly extracted from the tallow of the plant and are 4 yards long. Of course, they require treatment and are processed to achieve the appropriate qualities for interior design use. Another attribute – the color is white with yellow tones.

People consider jute ideal for all types of decor and it can be woven. The texture is rough and quite strong. Jute can last over time without any problem and is resistant to humidity and water.

                  A unique material that offers natural qualities

4 resources from jute

Some figure


To learn more about some items made with this material, we’re going to examine those that can be placed in a living room. There’s no doubt that they offer a distinctive appearance. Let’s look at 4 that are truly eye-catching:

  1. Sofa pillows are a nice touch since they can be plain or printed with geometric designs. Also, they produce a very interesting aesthetic effect and are appropriate for dark and neutral-toned sofas.
  2. Puffs are a great option. They stand out for their artisanal appearance. This means that they look like they have been made from a more ancestral technique and can be round or square.
  3. Hassocks or Ottomans are objects that you see more and more in living rooms. They are functional pieces that can stand out if they are made of jute. Also, they complement the rest of the furniture very well.
  4. Jute carpets are ideal protection for dark wooden floors or white ceramic floors. You can find them in a rectangular shape or a combination of polygons.

Jute resources to use on the table

Some figure

image: amazon.es

One very interesting idea for jute is at the dinner table. An example can be candles wrapped in small pieces of mesh. This can be complemented with bows and other items that draw attention to the candle.

Another possibility is placemats for the table, which can be circular or rectangular. They are easy to wash if they get food on them and they are elegant. At the same time, they can show an informality if desired. So they can be very appropriate for restaurants.

Jute creates a traditional style that works well under the bread or the plates. It’s a way to create originality and show innovation.

                   Jute offers a very different image from what we usually find.

Jute for weddings

Some figure


Jute can be great to contain wedding favors. Combined with a ribbon and a little personal detail like in the picture above, it can be really effective.

In the same way, you can decorate the table and chairs with table cloths or bows that enhance the room. This is an original and distinguished approach.

In conclusion, the possibilities are many. It’s a question of having the creativity to work with this material and create a unique look.



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  • Iglesias, Mara: Decoración fácil y económica, Buenos Aires, Lea, 2013.