Black Faucets: A New Bathroom Decor Trend

If you’re looking for a bathroom that’s original and elegant, black faucets are a great element to keep in mind. In this article, we want to explain some of the different ways you can incorporate them into your bathroom. Take a look at the following three ideas, where we show you how to make black faucets the star feature of your bathroom decor.
1. All-black bathroom
This first idea features an all-black color pallet and straight, clean lines. As you can see in the image above, this creates a minimalist-style bathroom, in which functionality and simplicity are the predominant characteristics.
Because it is the same color as the rest of the elements in the room, the black faucet looks right at home here. Its size and elegantly curving shape transform it – and the sink as a whole – into a wonderful statement feature. To break with the all-black decor, the designer has also included a white marble countertop and a small decorative plant.
This is a great look if you’re thinking about redecorating. Use black to decorate your bathroom, and you can create a room that is original, elegant and beautiful.
However, we wouldn’t recommend using black decor in small, dark rooms with very little light. In this case, it’s best to combine your black faucet with lighter colors instead.
2. Bathroom decor: gray pallet

In this example, the designer has opted for a gray color pallet, featuring colors from black to white, and every shade of gray in between. The result is a wonderfully bright and modern look.
The black faucets feature a straight, simple design. Each one is made up of two components: the faucet, and the handle. While this particular bathroom is minimalist in style, these types of faucets would also look great with many other styles. For example, their straight lines would make them perfect for urban or industrial style decor.
Unlike the first design we looked at, the black faucet is given far greater prominence in this room. This is because all the surrounding elements are gray or white. This is a really simple but effective way to make your faucets stand out. At the same time, these black elements complement the gray color pallet beautifully.
3. Black faucets, white tub
This last idea is totally different from the first two we looked at. It is a clear example of how a black, metallic faucet can combine beautifully with other materials such as ceramic or wood. We absolutely love this look.
Black faucets can be combined with any material or color.
Here, the black faucet plays a particularly important decorative role. It creates contrast with the rest of the bathroom, turning it into a wonderful statement feature.

Like the other examples we’ve looked at, the designer of this bathroom has also decided to incorporate other black elements to generate a sense of harmony. These include a bathtub with a black exterior and a thick, black rug that fills the room with warmth.
The wooden cabinet is designed to break any sense of uniformity, preventing the predominantly black and white decor from becoming monotonous. This is a really interesting combination. Despite being of a totally different color and material, it works beautifully with the black faucets.
Black faucets
Though they might not be commonly used, black faucets are really fantastic elements which will bring a touch of originality and elegance to any room. As you have seen in this article, they combine perfectly with almost any color or material, making them super easy to incorporate into your bathroom. Be bold and use your black faucets to create a bathroom with a difference.
If you’re looking for a bathroom that’s original and elegant, black faucets are a great element to keep in mind. In this article, we want to explain some of the different ways you can incorporate them into your bathroom. Take a look at the following three ideas, where we show you how to make black faucets the star feature of your bathroom decor.
1. All-black bathroom
This first idea features an all-black color pallet and straight, clean lines. As you can see in the image above, this creates a minimalist-style bathroom, in which functionality and simplicity are the predominant characteristics.
Because it is the same color as the rest of the elements in the room, the black faucet looks right at home here. Its size and elegantly curving shape transform it – and the sink as a whole – into a wonderful statement feature. To break with the all-black decor, the designer has also included a white marble countertop and a small decorative plant.
This is a great look if you’re thinking about redecorating. Use black to decorate your bathroom, and you can create a room that is original, elegant and beautiful.
However, we wouldn’t recommend using black decor in small, dark rooms with very little light. In this case, it’s best to combine your black faucet with lighter colors instead.
2. Bathroom decor: gray pallet

In this example, the designer has opted for a gray color pallet, featuring colors from black to white, and every shade of gray in between. The result is a wonderfully bright and modern look.
The black faucets feature a straight, simple design. Each one is made up of two components: the faucet, and the handle. While this particular bathroom is minimalist in style, these types of faucets would also look great with many other styles. For example, their straight lines would make them perfect for urban or industrial style decor.
Unlike the first design we looked at, the black faucet is given far greater prominence in this room. This is because all the surrounding elements are gray or white. This is a really simple but effective way to make your faucets stand out. At the same time, these black elements complement the gray color pallet beautifully.
3. Black faucets, white tub
This last idea is totally different from the first two we looked at. It is a clear example of how a black, metallic faucet can combine beautifully with other materials such as ceramic or wood. We absolutely love this look.
Black faucets can be combined with any material or color.
Here, the black faucet plays a particularly important decorative role. It creates contrast with the rest of the bathroom, turning it into a wonderful statement feature.

Like the other examples we’ve looked at, the designer of this bathroom has also decided to incorporate other black elements to generate a sense of harmony. These include a bathtub with a black exterior and a thick, black rug that fills the room with warmth.
The wooden cabinet is designed to break any sense of uniformity, preventing the predominantly black and white decor from becoming monotonous. This is a really interesting combination. Despite being of a totally different color and material, it works beautifully with the black faucets.
Black faucets
Though they might not be commonly used, black faucets are really fantastic elements which will bring a touch of originality and elegance to any room. As you have seen in this article, they combine perfectly with almost any color or material, making them super easy to incorporate into your bathroom. Be bold and use your black faucets to create a bathroom with a difference.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Análisis. (2013). Grifos y duchas ahorradores.