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Textilene Chairs: Comfort and Durability

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One way to offer a different aesthetic in interior and outdoor decoration is through Textilene chairs, which offer comfort and durability.
Textilene Chairs: Comfort and Durability
Last update: 14 September, 2023

Our chairs at home usually consist of different types, from soft sofas to armchairs and stools. As there’s a wide variety, we can’t forget the new designs that are making their way onto the market, such as Textilene chairs.

Normally, we’re accustomed to using common and conventional types. We don’t complicate our lives in the choice of the product, try not to take risks, and, therefore, apply simple and basic treatments.

Today, technology also works in favor of the world of interior design, aiming to innovate in the search for new procedures to renew the external image of the home and provide, at the same time, the greatest number of benefits.

What is Textilene?

Some figure
Image: amazon.es

Surely, on more than one occasion, and whether you knew it or not, you’ve sat on Textiline chairs; however, you may lack knowledge about their nature, origin, and production. It’s worth knowing a little more about this material and what it can provide us.

Textiline is made up of a PVC-coated vinyl mesh. At first sight, it falls under the category of a synthetic material but, at the same time, it doesn’t belong to that category. It’s considered a purely industrial product that offers resistance, durability, and resistance.

The texture is quite nice. It’s soft and smooth and offers comfort once we sit down. It can work as a seat cover or on its own, stretched over and fastened to the structure of the chair. In this way, a certain comfort is achieved while showing a neat and modern image.

An innovative product for today’s furniture.

Features and functions

Textilene chairs offer functional and aesthetic possibilities. They contribute at a decorative level and have a place in different spaces of the house, hence the multipurpose category of the product. Let’s see some of their fundamental characteristics:

  • As previously stated, Textilene is a resistant material that lasts for a long time. It could be said that this is one of its greatest virtues. For this reason, many catering businesses place this type of chair outdoors.
  • It withstands the inclement weather very well. It doesn’t matter if it rains, snows, or if the sun shines. In fact, it doesn’t suffer from heat or humidity. Therefore, we can have this type of furniture outdoors and not worry about whether it can be damaged.
  • It’s resistant to mold, in such a way that we can relax in this matter. However, if there’s excessive exposure to water and, in turn, there’s neglect and lack of care, it can reach the point of developing these organisms.
  • From an aesthetic point of view, it should be noted that its appearance is formal and distinguished. There’s a clear difference with respect to wooden or fabric seats. It’s important to consider that it has its own identity and is situated in a much more modern category.

Easy and simple cleaning

Some figure
Image: amazon.es

One factor to consider is cleanliness. We’ve all had the experience of getting stains on our furniture during a meal or a celebration. These situations are probably unavoidable, so it’s important to have furniture that’s appropriate and easy to clean.

In this case, Textilene chairs don’t produce any type of problem. Damp rags, string brushes, or paper can be passed over the top. In this regard, the material won’t absorb liquids.

For better hygiene, it’s preferable to use natural soap or hydrogen peroxide. Simply rubbing it gently over the stain will be enough to remove it. Then, to facilitate drying, you have two possibilities: Use a dry cloth or let it dry in the sun.

With these chairs, everything is simple.

Choice of colors

Finally, we mustn’t forget that these chairs are found in a wide variety of colors. You’ll find multiple variants on the market, including drawings and prints. Just the same, the most common are solid prints and neutral tones.

In short, this is a material that guarantees durability and resistance while providing comfort. Textilene chairs contribute positively to decoration and to the internal discourse of the house and guarantee maximum comfort.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Ventura, Anna: 1000 ideas prácticas en decoración del hogar, Universe Publishing, 2003.