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The Ideal Bathroom for a Rural House

4 minutes
The ideal bathroom for a rural house must contain materials, utensils, and rustic elements typical of small towns and the country. Learn more.
The Ideal Bathroom for a Rural House
Last update: 01 August, 2023

Is it possible to reflect the atmosphere of small towns and the country within the decoration of the home? You just have to check what the characteristics that make up its essence are and how to capture it in your home; However, this time, we’ll focus on how to create the ideal bathroom for a rural house.

More and more people prefer to disconnect from the big cities and take some time of peace and tranquility in a small town. It’s proven that contact with nature allows us to rest and oxygenate the mind.

A rural house must be well equipped and have a décor that offers a different character from what’s generally known. For this reason, we must use those resources that are most representative of the rural area and apply them in order to introduce clients to a different space.

Walls and ceiling: A combination of stone and wood

Some figure

To offer a more rustic and country look in the bathroom, it’s crucial to use stone as the main constructive resource. The walls can be made with lime and stone or by using masonry in such a way that a wall is configured in which an organized compositional scheme isn’t kept.

The beams must be visible, revealing the natural color of the wood. This can be varnished or given a coat of black or dark tan paint. The goal is for the roof to be similar to the roofs that barns, corrals, or houses in small towns usually have.

However, the stone doesn’t have to completely dominate on the walls. There’s also the possibility that one half of the wall is made of stone and the other half has a plaster finish, which allows us to apply paint to the surface. Of course, it’s important that it be warm tones.

Rustic bathrooms must be in tune with the space that surrounds them.

5 keys to having the ideal bathroom for a rural house

Some figure

The style that we must reflect in this bathroom is rustic. As has been mentioned so far, the village environment, work tools, farm implements, and household utensils, among other objects, can serve to configure this style.

Below, we’re going to analyze 5 fundamental keys to carry out the decoration of the bathroom of a rural house:

  1. Wooden furniture: Both the sink cabinet and the shelf itself that we have next to the wall should be made of wood. This material is natural and is in tune with the environment that surrounds your rural house.
  2. An original mirror: The frame of this can be made of wood or metal, even wrought iron. If a worn or rusty touch is applied to it, an old-fashioned aesthetic effect is achieved.

    Some figure
    Image: pinterest.es
  3. The toilet: This may have the standard format but, if you want to add a naturalistic touch, you can choose an ecological toilet to avoid excessive water use. As for the sink, those made of stone look very good.
  4. A wooden floor: This is perfect for this space; however, you must make sure that it’s resistant to water, as we’re talking about a place where there will no doubt be humidity. Therefore, a very resistant type of wood is necessary.
  5. Plants: It’s always good for the color green to have a certain presence, and there’s nothing better than using a plant as the main way to refresh the environment and give it a natural touch.

Types of lighting in the bathroom of a rural house

Some figure
Image: Pinterest.es

To further enhance the elements that make up the bathroom décor and offer a more natural character, it’s a good idea to have a window that allows access to natural light. This way, the interior is connected with the exterior, allowing you to see see the landscape.

At the same time, it’s worth noting the importance of having electric lighting. A couple of small lamps can be placed next to the sink mirror and, on the ceiling, you can install recessed spotlights to direct light to the floor.

The main objective is to generate a warm environment, avoiding any type of white light that causes greater stress. You have to remember that a rural house is a place for rest and disconnection.

Main image: pinterest.es

Is it possible to reflect the atmosphere of small towns and the country within the decoration of the home? You just have to check what the characteristics that make up its essence are and how to capture it in your home; However, this time, we’ll focus on how to create the ideal bathroom for a rural house.

More and more people prefer to disconnect from the big cities and take some time of peace and tranquility in a small town. It’s proven that contact with nature allows us to rest and oxygenate the mind.

A rural house must be well equipped and have a décor that offers a different character from what’s generally known. For this reason, we must use those resources that are most representative of the rural area and apply them in order to introduce clients to a different space.

Walls and ceiling: A combination of stone and wood

Some figure

To offer a more rustic and country look in the bathroom, it’s crucial to use stone as the main constructive resource. The walls can be made with lime and stone or by using masonry in such a way that a wall is configured in which an organized compositional scheme isn’t kept.

The beams must be visible, revealing the natural color of the wood. This can be varnished or given a coat of black or dark tan paint. The goal is for the roof to be similar to the roofs that barns, corrals, or houses in small towns usually have.

However, the stone doesn’t have to completely dominate on the walls. There’s also the possibility that one half of the wall is made of stone and the other half has a plaster finish, which allows us to apply paint to the surface. Of course, it’s important that it be warm tones.

Rustic bathrooms must be in tune with the space that surrounds them.

5 keys to having the ideal bathroom for a rural house

Some figure

The style that we must reflect in this bathroom is rustic. As has been mentioned so far, the village environment, work tools, farm implements, and household utensils, among other objects, can serve to configure this style.

Below, we’re going to analyze 5 fundamental keys to carry out the decoration of the bathroom of a rural house:

  1. Wooden furniture: Both the sink cabinet and the shelf itself that we have next to the wall should be made of wood. This material is natural and is in tune with the environment that surrounds your rural house.
  2. An original mirror: The frame of this can be made of wood or metal, even wrought iron. If a worn or rusty touch is applied to it, an old-fashioned aesthetic effect is achieved.

    Some figure
    Image: pinterest.es
  3. The toilet: This may have the standard format but, if you want to add a naturalistic touch, you can choose an ecological toilet to avoid excessive water use. As for the sink, those made of stone look very good.
  4. A wooden floor: This is perfect for this space; however, you must make sure that it’s resistant to water, as we’re talking about a place where there will no doubt be humidity. Therefore, a very resistant type of wood is necessary.
  5. Plants: It’s always good for the color green to have a certain presence, and there’s nothing better than using a plant as the main way to refresh the environment and give it a natural touch.

Types of lighting in the bathroom of a rural house

Some figure
Image: Pinterest.es

To further enhance the elements that make up the bathroom décor and offer a more natural character, it’s a good idea to have a window that allows access to natural light. This way, the interior is connected with the exterior, allowing you to see see the landscape.

At the same time, it’s worth noting the importance of having electric lighting. A couple of small lamps can be placed next to the sink mirror and, on the ceiling, you can install recessed spotlights to direct light to the floor.

The main objective is to generate a warm environment, avoiding any type of white light that causes greater stress. You have to remember that a rural house is a place for rest and disconnection.

Main image: pinterest.es

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Miller, Judith: El estilo rural: desde interiores elegantes y sencillos hasta casas rústicas, Blume, 2007.