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The Best Colors for Courtyards

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Turn your courtyard into a beautiful space with the right colors. Take the time to think about the best combinations and ranges for your space.
The Best Colors for Courtyards
Last update: 28 January, 2021

If you have a courtyard, keep in mind that dark, light, warm and cool colors will all work differently in this special place. The differences between them are truly mind-boggling. So, follow our lead and we’ll show you the best ones for your courtyard.

Now that the weather is getting nicer, you’ll start using your courtyard more on a daily basis: dinners, parties, leisure, games, etc. So make sure your decor is up to date and, most importantly, that the overall setting looks great. You’ll need to rely on different features to pull together a beautiful courtyard decor.

But besides decor, other factors can impact your courtyard setting as well. First off, you have spatial factors, in which the traits of your very setting influence the overall ambiance. In addition, your courtyard might receive a lot of sunlight or shade.

The color white: basic and common

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All over the world, white is one of the most popular colors for courtyards. White is especially common in areas with hotter climates. For example, Andalusian courtyards and North African homes often feature this color.

But why is it so popular? White reflects the sun’s rays and so stops walls and floors absorbing heat. Courtyards, being outdoor areas, can better withstand climatic conditions if they have white walls.

As for the visual appeal, white is the perfect backdrop for surrounding decor pieces. You’re free to use warm tones on top of white regardless of if you choose to use pots, cabinets, pictures, flowers, etc.

White transmits purity. It’s bright and hygienic.

The best colors for a Mediterranean-style courtyard

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If you want to give your courtyard an alternative, bohemian decor, you should try a Mediterranean decor style. To pull it off, look for certain colors that can help define the Mediterranean feel.

  • Earthy colors such as brown, burnt orange or copper, can work wonderfully in Mediterranean decor. You don’t need to paint all of your surfaces these colors. Instead, you can also use other tones to create contrast and give your walls a fresh look.
  • Another idea is turning to warm, neutral colors. For example, a dull beige or even a brighter color like salmon pink will work great.
  • Use stones to match your colors with success. Both slate or pebbles will make perfect choices for this decor style.
  • And don’t forget about wood. Wood will give your setting a subtle, warm air for a harmonious decor. Use it on for your floors or walls.

How can you fit blue into courtyards?

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While it’s true that blue isn’t the most popular color for courtyards, it can fit in perfectly on borders or wall details. But again, it’s not a common choice for entire walls.

However, you can use it on a single wall or around the edges. Try not to overwhelm your walls with blue. It should work more as a supporting color. If you want to try using blue successfully, remember to contrast it with other colors like green.

Ultramarine blue might very well be too strong for a courtyard and be off-putting. But other tones, like sky blue, can be ideal for transmitting peace and purity. Turquoise is also another idea and has been appearing in more and more courtyards.

Blue is a refreshing color that’s perfect for summer.

The best colors for your courtyard: avoid clashes

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Not surprisingly, colors that clash your courtyard setting an create visual tension. Thus, make sure you eliminate any risk of an imbalanced color scheme.

Using colors like pink, purple or yellow might make the setting too lively or intense so you should avoid them entirely. While they can work as occasional details, you should keep it simple.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Alemás, Laura: Bajoclave. Notas sobre el espacio doméstico, Buenos Aires, Nobuko, 2006.