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Minimalist Television has Arrived

3 minutes
Minimalist television has an increasing presence in homes. Its appearance denotes modernity and simplicity, two concepts that are currently fashionable in decoration.
Minimalist Television has Arrived
Last update: 06 July, 2021

Modernity can be applied through an updated decoration, in which the chosen furniture and objects try to offer a contemporary image. All this can be complemented through other technological resources. Therefore, it should be noted that minimalist television has arrived.

We all want to have the latest fashion, to feel that we’re not out of date. We usually apply this idea both to the clothes we wear and to different social practices. Therefore, it’s important to have a home with a fresh look.

Today, there are devices that clearly demonstrate the new trends that are making their way. They’re becoming more and more technical and have a quality that’s difficult to beat. In addition, they have designs that favor the aesthetics of the interiors.

The minimalist style is becoming increasingly fashionable

Some figure

If we have to target a style that’s currently more fashionable, minimalism has positioned itself in the first place. In the world of decoration, it’s acquired an unrivaled relevance and is considered a unique opportunity to show off sophistication and a cosmopolitan character.

It’s configured as an optimal design for modern city apartments, especially because it reflects the idea of progress. Simplicity comes to the fore and, in reality, there’s a harmony in the whole that is truly curious.

The straight line is simple and easy to work with. It fits very well anywhere, since it transmits serenity, stability and order. For this reason, minimalism also makes sense in electronic devices.

What is minimalist television?

To be clear about the qualities of this type of television, we must start from the following premise: technology is not at odds with decoration but is consolidated as a component of the house. Therefore, we’re going to learn about some of its characteristics:

  • As we contemplate the device with the naked eye, the simplicity it transmits comes to mind. As we’ve pointed out before, straight lines dominate completely, they form right angles that are pleasing to the eye.
  • On the other hand, we’re talking about a plasma TV, where the width of the screen is reduced to a few centimeters. In this way, it doesn’t take up much space and, therefore, it can be hung on the wall, or fastened to the floor by legs or bases.
  • The screen has a considerable size. The quality of the image is usually very good since it’s the big brands that work with this type of format for sale to the public. In fact, they’re becoming increasingly present in homes.
  • It’s worth taking a relevant role in the living room. Taking into account that, generally, we give other resources that prominence, in this case we find a completely modern design.

Complement the TV with furniture

Some figure

One issue that should be addressed is the decoration that surrounds the minimalist television. It’s useless if you’re in an unwelcoming environment or it has nothing to do with your style. The most important thing is that there is complementarity.

By this, we’re referring to the fact that the furniture around it must keep similar parameters. Thus, the sideboard that we place just below must have a similar approach in order to achieve that general cohesion.

In this way, a minimalist content is achieved that’s attractive and colorful. It produces a stable and horizontal effect that can be completed with paintings or floating shelves placed along the rest of the wall.

What can minimalist television convey on a decorative level?

Once we understand what its characteristics are, it’s time to find out what it can convey. Of course, modernity and avant-garde, in addition to a more up-to-date image that shows our personality is in fashion.

Lately, personality is becoming one of the most recurring resources for home interiors. It’s worth noting that society also prefers elements that don’t clash and aren’t extravagant.

Modernity can be applied through an updated decoration, in which the chosen furniture and objects try to offer a contemporary image. All this can be complemented through other technological resources. Therefore, it should be noted that minimalist television has arrived.

We all want to have the latest fashion, to feel that we’re not out of date. We usually apply this idea both to the clothes we wear and to different social practices. Therefore, it’s important to have a home with a fresh look.

Today, there are devices that clearly demonstrate the new trends that are making their way. They’re becoming more and more technical and have a quality that’s difficult to beat. In addition, they have designs that favor the aesthetics of the interiors.

The minimalist style is becoming increasingly fashionable

Some figure

If we have to target a style that’s currently more fashionable, minimalism has positioned itself in the first place. In the world of decoration, it’s acquired an unrivaled relevance and is considered a unique opportunity to show off sophistication and a cosmopolitan character.

It’s configured as an optimal design for modern city apartments, especially because it reflects the idea of progress. Simplicity comes to the fore and, in reality, there’s a harmony in the whole that is truly curious.

The straight line is simple and easy to work with. It fits very well anywhere, since it transmits serenity, stability and order. For this reason, minimalism also makes sense in electronic devices.

What is minimalist television?

To be clear about the qualities of this type of television, we must start from the following premise: technology is not at odds with decoration but is consolidated as a component of the house. Therefore, we’re going to learn about some of its characteristics:

  • As we contemplate the device with the naked eye, the simplicity it transmits comes to mind. As we’ve pointed out before, straight lines dominate completely, they form right angles that are pleasing to the eye.
  • On the other hand, we’re talking about a plasma TV, where the width of the screen is reduced to a few centimeters. In this way, it doesn’t take up much space and, therefore, it can be hung on the wall, or fastened to the floor by legs or bases.
  • The screen has a considerable size. The quality of the image is usually very good since it’s the big brands that work with this type of format for sale to the public. In fact, they’re becoming increasingly present in homes.
  • It’s worth taking a relevant role in the living room. Taking into account that, generally, we give other resources that prominence, in this case we find a completely modern design.

Complement the TV with furniture

Some figure

One issue that should be addressed is the decoration that surrounds the minimalist television. It’s useless if you’re in an unwelcoming environment or it has nothing to do with your style. The most important thing is that there is complementarity.

By this, we’re referring to the fact that the furniture around it must keep similar parameters. Thus, the sideboard that we place just below must have a similar approach in order to achieve that general cohesion.

In this way, a minimalist content is achieved that’s attractive and colorful. It produces a stable and horizontal effect that can be completed with paintings or floating shelves placed along the rest of the wall.

What can minimalist television convey on a decorative level?

Once we understand what its characteristics are, it’s time to find out what it can convey. Of course, modernity and avant-garde, in addition to a more up-to-date image that shows our personality is in fashion.

Lately, personality is becoming one of the most recurring resources for home interiors. It’s worth noting that society also prefers elements that don’t clash and aren’t extravagant.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • De Haro Lebrija, Fernando; Fuentes, Omar: Espacios con estilo, AM Editores, 2012.