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The Most Popular Colors For Kitchen Counters

4 minutes
There are so many different types of kitchen counter on the market at the moment. While some are bright and eye-catching, others are more understated, and tend to go unnoticed.
The Most Popular Colors For Kitchen Counters
Last update: 15 September, 2020

Our interiors are made up of a combination of resources that help to give them a certain sense of elegance and serve to spark our interest. When it comes to choosing your kitchen counters, it’s important to pay particular attention to the colors, and the different aesthetic characteristics they have to offer.

Certain components are essential for any home. This is especially true of elements that take on both a functional and decorative role. Such items are often highly practical and unique to each home. And it’s precisely these qualities that make them so important.

Kitchens can be decorated in all kinds of different ways. The trick, however, is to learn how to combine the various appliances, cabinets, and counters to create the perfect overall look. Counters, in particular, take on an especially important role in kitchens.

Types of kitchen counter

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The type of material you choose for your counters will influence the range of colors available. On the one hand, you can find laminate countertops made from waterproof chipboard. This is a strong, hard-wearing material, that’s often embossed to give it the texture and appearance of real wood.

Alternatively, you can also find stone countertops. These can withstand the test of time and are highly resistant to damage, as well as everyday wear and tear. Granite and quartz are some of the most popular options, along with porcelain, which comes in a range of different colors.

But it’s not just the wide variety of colors on offer that sets these countertops apart from the rest. They also come in a range of different finishes. Uniformity is one of their most prominent characteristics.

Its important to choose the countertops that best suit your kitchen as a whole.

Kitchen counters – colors

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As we’ve already mentioned, kitchen counters exist in a wide range of different colors. As a result, it’s not uncommon to have doubts about which option will work best in your home. Let’s take a look at four examples:

1. Neutral colors are some of the most popular choices when it comes to decorating modern kitchens, with dark gray being the most common option. This understated tone tends to work well with the environment as a whole and doesn’t create any aesthetic tension. Gray granite is the most sought-after material for countertops.

2. Looking for a more eye-catching color for your kitchen? Well, you’re in luck! Countertops with rust or reddish tones are gaining more and more popularity on the commercial market. Essentially, these counters are made from normal granite, which has been dyed to give it a striking red color.

3. Whether you go for beige or dark brown, wood is a really interesting option when it comes to kitchen counters. In this case, it’s really important to try to create a sense of harmony between your countertops and the rest of the furniture, to create dialogue. Wood works well with white and is ideal for rustic style kitchens.

4. If you’re looking for a more innovative option for your kitchen, you can find a range of blue, green, turquoise, and even purple countertops on the market. If you do decide to use any of these colors, it’s important to combine them with a white or neutral background.

The world of counters opens up a wide array of incredible styles and ideas. Kitchens can be an amazing room in which to create bright, vibrant decor and bring something special to the look and feel of your home.

White counters – an unusual trend

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Believe it or not, white countertops aren’t all that common. But why is this? One of the main reasons is that stains tend to show up more easily on white surfaces, and can make kitchens look and feel dirtier than they are. However, this is more of a psychological issue.

White countertops have something that colored counters usually lack – the ability to convey a sense of freshness, purity, and cleanliness. What’s more, they work well with a variety of other colors, whether dark, neutral, or more vibrant tones.

Of course, white also comes in a variety of different shades, from radiant whites that make the room feel brighter, to off-whites and yellowish tones. You can also find white stone counters.

White interiors never disappoint.

Black kitchen counters – power and gravity

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If you want your kitchen to take on a more serious and somber air, there’s one color you can use to help create a stronger, more powerful look – black.

However, black interiors aren’t suitable for kitchens that receive very little in the way of natural light, as it will make it harder for you to see, and use your workspace safely. It’s a also good idea to try to create a sense of contrast between black counters and the rest of your color palette, to help create an elegant and stylish look.

Our interiors are made up of a combination of resources that help to give them a certain sense of elegance and serve to spark our interest. When it comes to choosing your kitchen counters, it’s important to pay particular attention to the colors, and the different aesthetic characteristics they have to offer.

Certain components are essential for any home. This is especially true of elements that take on both a functional and decorative role. Such items are often highly practical and unique to each home. And it’s precisely these qualities that make them so important.

Kitchens can be decorated in all kinds of different ways. The trick, however, is to learn how to combine the various appliances, cabinets, and counters to create the perfect overall look. Counters, in particular, take on an especially important role in kitchens.

Types of kitchen counter

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The type of material you choose for your counters will influence the range of colors available. On the one hand, you can find laminate countertops made from waterproof chipboard. This is a strong, hard-wearing material, that’s often embossed to give it the texture and appearance of real wood.

Alternatively, you can also find stone countertops. These can withstand the test of time and are highly resistant to damage, as well as everyday wear and tear. Granite and quartz are some of the most popular options, along with porcelain, which comes in a range of different colors.

But it’s not just the wide variety of colors on offer that sets these countertops apart from the rest. They also come in a range of different finishes. Uniformity is one of their most prominent characteristics.

Its important to choose the countertops that best suit your kitchen as a whole.

Kitchen counters – colors

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As we’ve already mentioned, kitchen counters exist in a wide range of different colors. As a result, it’s not uncommon to have doubts about which option will work best in your home. Let’s take a look at four examples:

1. Neutral colors are some of the most popular choices when it comes to decorating modern kitchens, with dark gray being the most common option. This understated tone tends to work well with the environment as a whole and doesn’t create any aesthetic tension. Gray granite is the most sought-after material for countertops.

2. Looking for a more eye-catching color for your kitchen? Well, you’re in luck! Countertops with rust or reddish tones are gaining more and more popularity on the commercial market. Essentially, these counters are made from normal granite, which has been dyed to give it a striking red color.

3. Whether you go for beige or dark brown, wood is a really interesting option when it comes to kitchen counters. In this case, it’s really important to try to create a sense of harmony between your countertops and the rest of the furniture, to create dialogue. Wood works well with white and is ideal for rustic style kitchens.

4. If you’re looking for a more innovative option for your kitchen, you can find a range of blue, green, turquoise, and even purple countertops on the market. If you do decide to use any of these colors, it’s important to combine them with a white or neutral background.

The world of counters opens up a wide array of incredible styles and ideas. Kitchens can be an amazing room in which to create bright, vibrant decor and bring something special to the look and feel of your home.

White counters – an unusual trend

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Believe it or not, white countertops aren’t all that common. But why is this? One of the main reasons is that stains tend to show up more easily on white surfaces, and can make kitchens look and feel dirtier than they are. However, this is more of a psychological issue.

White countertops have something that colored counters usually lack – the ability to convey a sense of freshness, purity, and cleanliness. What’s more, they work well with a variety of other colors, whether dark, neutral, or more vibrant tones.

Of course, white also comes in a variety of different shades, from radiant whites that make the room feel brighter, to off-whites and yellowish tones. You can also find white stone counters.

White interiors never disappoint.

Black kitchen counters – power and gravity

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If you want your kitchen to take on a more serious and somber air, there’s one color you can use to help create a stronger, more powerful look – black.

However, black interiors aren’t suitable for kitchens that receive very little in the way of natural light, as it will make it harder for you to see, and use your workspace safely. It’s a also good idea to try to create a sense of contrast between black counters and the rest of your color palette, to help create an elegant and stylish look.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Ventura, Anna: 1000 ideas prácticas en decoración del hogar, Universe Publishing, 2003.