Create a Children's Reading Corner for Your Child's Bedroom

If you’re decorating your child’s bedroom, why not create a children’s reading corner where they can enjoy the magic of literature? Remember that, as studies indicate, children can develop outstanding skills through reading. Among them, they strengthen the bonds between parents and children, increase imagination, attention span, and stimulate memory.
This little corner will become your child’s refuge, so it’s important that it’s organized and well lit so that your child doesn’t have to strain their eyes to read. It’s also especially important that you enjoy spending time there too. Read on to discover the tips that’ll help you to create the best space.
How to create a children’s reading corner

There are several aspects to take into account when creating a children’s reading corner. Comfort, organization, and natural light are essential for them to enjoy reading and learning.
Choose a comfortable place
Stand at the door of your child’s bedroom or in the room where you want to place the reading corner. With the bigger picture in full view, choose the corner that you think will be the most comfortable space to read. Also, think about the furniture you’ll use that’ll make sitting and reading more comfortable.
When it comes to children, they’re usually more comfortable sitting on the floor. So choose some good cushions, beanbags, and low chairs. If you have more than one child, this corner should have the necessary space so that everyone is comfortable.
Moreover, take into account that their friends may also enjoy reading when they visit or that the whole family may also want to use this space.
Maintaining order

Children need to learn how to be orderly and it’s better if they start to do this from a young age. To promote order in your children’s reading corner, you can install shelving with storage for your child’s belongings. This will also ensure that your children feel connected to their space.
Depending on the style you’ve chosen, you can use wooden or metal furniture. The important thing is that the decor connects with the childlike spirit of your little ones.
Let there be light
Children need to be able to read without effort or eye strain, so it’s important that the reading corner has natural lighting. Ideally, you should choose a corner near a window. In case your child likes to read at night, add some cute lamps that illuminate the precise place to read.
These lamps can be either on the ceiling or on a table. You can also put some led lights or waterfall lights to decorate the reading space.
Make an attractive children’s reading corner
Everything enters the eyes of children and nothing escapes them! Therefore, in addition to books, decorate this space with other items that they’ll enjoy. For example, place some puppets there too and encourage your child to act out the stories they’ve read.
Also, you can include some action figures related to their favorite books. Don’t forget the colors, as these are also important when it comes to attracting children’s attention. Paint the figures in vibrant colors, alongside combining white elements with brightly colored cushions and using textures and shapes.
Ask your children what they want to have in their reading corner

Since this space is for your children, ask them what they want to have there. Ask about their favorite colors, as well as their favorite characters. What’s more, you can install a board for your child to draw and write what they want there.
Create a unique children’s reading corner!
Build on these ideas and delight in creating a unique, personalized children’s reading corner. Make it a truly inviting space for your children to read. As your children grow, you can update the decor and add books with more age-appropriate themes.
The objective is that your home always has a space in which you can remove the routine through a good book. In fact, don’t forget to take photos of everyone reading, so that when your children are grown up, you can rekindle your most beautiful family memories.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Hernández, E. Beneficios de la lectura en los niños. Fundación Salud Infantil.