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Using Lemon Yellow in Home Decor

4 minutes
Lemon yellow is a striking and unique color. It's completely different from the colors we usually use. Find out how to exploit this tone to its full potential in your home decor.
Using Lemon Yellow in Home Decor
Last update: 20 December, 2021

When it comes to choosing colors for our home interiors, we usually decide on neutral ones or ones that offer warmth and temperance. This idea isn’t a bad one, however, why not add a little more originality? We’re going to learn about the formulas for using lemon yellow in home decor.

Nowadays, radiant and intense shades aren’t very common. It’s difficult to find a space where this type of aesthetic can be used well. Keep in mind that these shades stand out on their own and attract the eye in a more direct and forceful way.

We’re all guilty of following conservative decor procedures that create less risk, but deep down can be boring in the long run. Therefore, it’s time to make a change and find other ways to modify the appearance of our homes.

What does the lemon yellow color transmit to us?

Some figure

This color is among the vibrant and strident warms. Let’s be clear, if we use this as the main color in our decor, it’s not always pleasant. In fact, it can become overwhelming and draw too much attention. As a result, we should use this color sparingly or for an objective purpose.

In interior design, we shouldn’t use lemon yellow in a conventional way. Rather, we should use it only in certain elements in order to generate greater dynamism and arouse a certain curiosity. By doing this, it doesn’t go unnoticed, but it enjoys a level of prominence.

The sensations that it transmits are energy, liveliness, luminosity, strength, and a sharp character. It’s considered to be the antithesis of earthy and dark, whether it’s cold or warm. So what can you do with lemon yellow inside your home? Without a doubt, it’ll enhance the chromatic expression of your spaces.

Formulas to work it indoors

The arrangement of this color should be carefully studied. Randomness can’t be practiced or abused in a room, as it can over-saturate and alter our emotions. Let’s see some formulas to be able to work it successfully:

  1. Its appearance must be precise, punctual, and concrete. It can’t be placed just anywhere. The place it occupies must have a meaning and a certain relevance. The idea that it becomes the predominant color should be discarded.
  2. In a neutral tone sofa, we can incorporate a lemon yellow cushion. This is a way of contrasting and differentiating the parts of the whole room. It’ll draw attention and assume a clear differentiation when compared to other elements.
  3. It’s possible that curtains in your bedroom or kitchen can act as suitable support. It may seem paradoxical, but lemon yellow curtains can help us to generate more light and set the scene in a cordial and cheerful way.
  4. A seat, a stool, a pouf, or any type of auxiliary support can also be a good option. This helps us to counteract the rest of our resources with contrast minus a clash.

Using lemon yellow on the walls

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Is there any chance that we can paint our walls entirely in lemon yellow? Yes, but be very careful not to overuse it. Of course, it can be painted on walls, but it helps if the rest of your furniture is neutral or dark.

Lemon yellow combines very well with white–if it’s interspersed on the walls. This promotes warmth and luminosity without achieving an effect that’s too strident. Of course, as has been pointed out before, it’s important that the rest of the room is furnished in neutral or dark tones to ensure that it comes together correctly.

One recommendation is to use black furniture, doors, or any other element that can add some seriousness to the strength of lemon yellow. As such, a very peculiar alternative and casual style is achieved.

Lemon yellow and its contribution in bathrooms and kitchens

Although it may not seem like it, lemon yellow is a color that has enormous possibilities in the bathroom and kitchen. It’s a way to provide a youthful, daring and radiant atmosphere. Although, it’s so important that it’s combined with neutrals and whites to achieve a peaceful feeling.

The capacity for expression that lemon yellow has in any space is very interesting, as it’s attractive and visually powerful. When we use this tone, we experience a sensation that can influence our emotions.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Bauer, Franz: Color y decoración en el hogar, Gustavo Gili, 1963.