Tiger Sculptures for the Home

When it comes to customizing your home interiors, we often resort to decoration for a personal and different touch. In this sense, it’s important to emphasize the relevance that works of art have, and that’s why we’re going to look at some types of tiger sculptures for the home.
At some point in your life, you must have entered a souvenir store or a bazaar where you can buy cheap products that are very showy and obnoxious. It’s in these kinds of places that you can find truly unique, exotic, and different pieces.
It’s not a question of buying anything for the sake of it; in fact, you should not what catches your attention or is significant. Instead of repeating the same patterns, why don’t you take a step further and try to innovate with other kinds of items?

A tiger bust
Animal sculptures are nice, as long as they have an interesting design. The tiger can offer different meanings. On the one hand, it’s associated with the strength and energy of the spirit; on the other hand, it’s associated with intelligence and personal drive.
If you want to apply these concepts at home, a very subtle way to do it would be through a bust. The tiger would be represented only from the neck up, with the tiger’s head being prominent. In a way, this looks very similar to traditional busts that display people.
You can achieve a certain degree of finesse, contributing greatly to a unique decoration style in your home. With elements like these, your home becomes full of vitality, and animal symbols remind us of virtues such as pride, vigor, or strength.
A tiger sculpture can look good on a shelf in the living room or dining room.
Full-body tiger sculptures on a stand
Another trend that has a long history is a full-body sculpture. The most common are those standing on a pedestal, a wooden trunk, or a stone.
- They’re usually made from a wide variety of materials: bronze, gold, wood, clay, plastic, etc. Those in metal are more attractive; this is basically due to the boldness of the material.
- The most common style for this kind of sculpture is a natural-looking tiger which is either stretching or moving and with its mouth open to express its internal strength. Besides being spectacular, these sculptures are even bolder if they are of a 3D shape.
- Depending on where it’s located, it will attract people’s attention to a larger or lesser degree. If it’s relegated to a less prominent location or is hidden somewhere high it won’t be effective; on the other hand, it can be a feature if it’s placed on a central table or on a piece of furniture that occupies the main position.
- Polychrome – or using many colors in the sculpture design is an effect that doesn’t attract too much attention. In fact, the plain appearance of the material may seem serious, unless you want to achieve more realism, for which original colors would be needed.
- As far as size is concerned, there are several, from small sculptures that look like collector’s pieces to larger ones that occupy a considerable amount of space.
Types of tiger sculptures for the home

If you want to bring a certain exoticism and wildness to the garden, you can resort to tigers as a means of expression. There are full-body tigers that are pretty much the natural size of a real tiger. These are particularly eye-catching pieces which no doubt will strike a chord in your home.
This is a way to energize your home environment. Tigers bring a certain symbolism to an environment and enrich the garden by simulating a real tiger, looking as if it were part of the area and is right there with you.
Tigers made of glass – a combination of strength and fragility
One aspect to consider is the strength that this figure transmits. However, there’s a way to soften this feeling of intense expressiveness that the animal represents. With glass, you get a look that is more delicate and, in turn, just as expressive.
Among tiger sculptures, this would be the least common. It can be an ostentatious whim that is within the reach of very few; however, it fits very well in classic and elitist styles.
In short, tiger sculptures are a good contribution to homes that want to add personality.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- AA. VV.: Espais interiors. Casa i art: des del siegle XVIII al XXI, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2007.
- Gilliat, Mary: Curso de interiorismo, Blume, 2005.