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The Main Characteristics of the Kinfolk Style

3 minutes
The kinfolk style is related to rustic spaces, and it offers an original and contemporary look.
The Main Characteristics of the Kinfolk Style
Last update: 11 February, 2021

The kinfolk style is related to rustic spaces, and it offers an original and contemporary look.

Deciding how to decorate your house can be difficult, but nowadays there are many interesting decor trends. That’s why you should know about the main characteristics of the kinfolk style.

People tend to use typical resources when it comes to decoration because they don’t want to make mistakes. This can be a safe choice if you don’t know what decor techniques you should use.

If you’re looking for a unique and eye-catching aesthetic, there are many options in the decor world. You have to keep it simple and choose designs that match the style of your home. Here what matters is to create a pleasant and comfortable space.

The main characteristics of the kinfolk style

Some figure

An important characteristic of this style is wood. You can use this material for dining room tables, chairs, doors, armchairs, etc.

The main goal is to achieve a natural look. That’s why concepts like pureness and simplicity are important. However, you need to consider the characteristic resources of this style.

You can use wood for the floor or the walls. This can be an interesting option for the interior design of your home.

Your house will have a basic, simple, and elegant aesthetic.

Decorative items for the kinfolk style

You can create a dynamic space through the rustic vibes this style offers. It’s essential to give a sense of sensitivity and neutrality to your house. That’s why choosing the right colors and the perfect resources are key. These are some of the characteristic items of this style:

  • Wicker seats are a good option for the living room or bedroom. This is an innovative and original way of decoration.
  • Wool or esparto carpets are also a good choice since they give a rustic vibe to your space. This offers an informal touch without losing elegance and harmony.
  • You can use wooden boxes as shelves and place them on the wall or the floor. There you can put pots, plants, air fresheners, magazines, books, etc. These shelves are functional and give a pleasant and warm look to your home.
  • Room dividers are also a great idea. With them, you can create different spaces based on your needs. Sliding dividers are a favorite.
  • Pictorial frames and photos are the perfect items to create a personal atmosphere. The main goal is to give a unique and artistic touch to your house.

A traditional kitchen

Some figure

One of the characteristics of the kinfolk style is the traditional look that offers. It’s based on compositions that were very important in the first half of the 20th century, and that still gives a special touch.

There are different ways of using stones and hydraulic ceramic, which is why it’s used to cover the walls. Kitchens can turn into a comfortable space and have a rustic and modern style.

Getting that rustic vibe is simple, all you need to do is to add furniture with antique design patterns. Granite or wood countertops are also a good option for this kind of aesthetic.

Take a look at the past.

Plants are a must

The natural look is very important for this style. You should add some plants to bring a sense of hope to your house.

Wood and white colors are key. That’s why adding a green touch would be a perfect match. This is a good way to purify the air of your home. Plants are essential for their scent and the chromatic perspective they offer.

Now you know everything about the kinfolk style, which is becoming one of the favorites for interior design. Are you into this decor trend?








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  • Gilliatt, Mary: El libro de la decoración, Círculo de lectores, 1987.