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The 7 Things at Home That Need Cleaning More Often

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We want you to stay safe and avoid germs, bacteria, and viruses. So we're going to look at the seven things in your home that need cleaning more often and explain how to do it.
The 7 Things at Home That Need Cleaning More Often
Last update: 02 February, 2022

More recently, and particularly when we consider the pandemic, we’ve all become far more aware of the importance of cleaning more often. This applies to both our personal lives and at work.

For this reason, we’re going to review the seven things in your home that need cleaning more often to maintain hygiene and avoid the proliferation of germs.

1. Intensify your general cleaning

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The World Health Organization (WHO) provides a series of recommendations to prevent viruses from spreading. Among them, they highlight the importance of, “Regularly cleaning surfaces with disinfectant”. Bleach diluted in water is the most recommended product and should be used in a proportion of 20 ml per liter of water.

In addition, experts advise making the mixture on the same day that we use it. In the first instance, you should clean all surfaces with a damp cloth to remove any remains of dust and, later, clean with the bleach mixture.

For delicate areas or places where it’s not possible to use this product, prepare a solution of 70 percent alcohol and 30 percent water. This is just as effective but is a more gentle product.

When we consider the things at home that we should clean more often, the logical approach is to pay special attention to the things we touch the most often. This includes doorknobs, light switches, handles, faucets, countertops, and the toilet.

2. Cleaning your work space

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With the rise in popularity of working from home and when it comes to cleaning, most of us have an office or study room that we’re all guilty of forgetting. Use disinfectant wipes or the gentle alcohol and water solution that we mentioned above so that you won’t damage your electronic devices.

Don’t forget to clean your computer, the keyboard, the chair, the desk, your folders, and the telephone…everything you’re in contact with must be disinfected.

3. Electronic devices and cleaning more often

One thing that accumulates the most dirt is your cell phone. To clean it, turn it off and unplug it from the mains electricity. Then, you can use the alcohol solution that we mentioned or, try a mixture made with distilled water and 50 percent white vinegar. It’s important to pay special attention to cleaning the slots.

You can repeat this process with your remote controls, such as the TV, video game controls, and any other electronic devices that you have at home.

4. The floors: clean them regularly

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It’s obvious but it’s easily forgotten. The floor is one of the areas where you must maintain hygiene on a daily basis, especially if you wear outdoor footwear indoors.

Use a vacuum cleaner to avoid creating more problems with dust. Afterward, thoroughly scrub every corner using a disinfectant product or bleach to ensure that all corners are impeccably clean.

5. Pay attention to your bedroom and bathroom linen

We recommend that you change your bedding frequently and wash it with hot water between use. The same for tablecloths, napkins, cushion covers and the sofa.

As for your bathroom, each member of your family should have their own hand and body towels. If this isn’t possible, it’s advisable to wash the towels on a regular basis.

6. Things that need cleaning more often: children’s toys

It’s impossible to prevent young children and babies from putting everything in their mouths. For this reason, we suggest cleaning fabric toys and stuffed animals thoroughly by putting them in the washing machine. You can put the plastic toys in the dishwasher.

7. Kitchen utensils

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As you clean, you should change the cleaning cloths you use and keep separate cloths for specific areas. By doing this, you’ll avoid spreading dirt and germs around the house. Don’t forget to wash them in hot water after each use!

Also, you can use kitchen paper and, of course, you should always wear gloves and wash them when you’re done.

If we all follow the recommendations of the WHO and other specialists, we can maintain a rigorous cleaning routine to keep germs, bacteria, and viruses at bay.