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Sports Motifs in Interior Decoration

3 minutes
If you're passionate about sports, it's time to learn about how to use decorative resources related to sports and how you can use them in your home.
Sports Motifs in Interior Decoration
Last update: 14 November, 2020

One way to show your passion and interests is by creating a sports motifs theme in your interior decoration. It’s a great way to customize your home in a unique way.

Generally, we tend to decorate interiors using traditional designs or trying to copy ideas. However, if you want to really stand out, you can choose to incorporate some innovative elements. It’s time to follow some original ideas!

In the event that you’re a fan of a specific sport or player, you can create some interesting ideas to decorate the walls, cushions, or bedspreads.

Wall stickers of sports motifs

Some figure

A new, popular way to decorate the wall is with wall stickers. There are many different styles so it’s easy to find a design that suits the theme you’re going for.

These stickers can be monochromatic or polychromatic, although the latter isn’t as common. What do these stickers usually feature? There are lots that feature sports, such as surfing, basketball, hockey, or soccer. In fact, there are also some with players you might know, like Cristiano Ronaldo or Michael Jordan.

For example, if you’re decorating a work out room, you can also find stickers with weights or machinery or figures exercising. In addition to the decoration and theme, these types of stickers can help motivate anyone working out.

Wall stickers have become an interesting medium to cover a wall and offer specific content.

4 tips for working with sports motifs in decoration

Some figure

The living room is where we usually spend most of our time and also where have guests. The decoration in the living room should be a reference to your personal tastes.

  1. Sofa cushions are a great way to create a theme. Of course, you can get cushions with your team’s crest, a famous face, with a particular symbol (the NBA symbol or Olympic rings), or choose a cushion that looks like a ball.
  2. Photographic canvases are common. These often feature an image of someone playing sport, a famous person (soccer player or tennis player), or an anonymous silhouette.
  3. If you’re passionate about cycling, for example, you can create artwork with a bicycle or use it for an aesthetic look. You can hang it on the wall or display it as some part of the decoration.
  4. Any trophies you’ve won, plaques, medals, or other special souvenirs, such as team jerseys, are elements that you can put in a showcase or on a shelving unit.

Decorate with sports motifs in the bedroom

Some figure

In the bedroom, as it’s a more private space, you can use decorative techniques that you find interesting. There are so many possibilities. It’s all about creativity.

One example is a rug that simulates a small soccer field. There are also circular ones that look like basketballs or other types with prints of other elements.

You can also use a quilt with a sports motif, since it’s a surface that can convey any theme, whether realistic or a drawing. Today, there are so many options on the internet, even from high-quality brands.

Remember that you should include your identity in the theme of your bedroom.

Decoration of a home gym

Some figure

If you have a space that you intend to use for physical exercise, this is where you can use a sports motif. The goal is to create a pleasant environment that energizes you and transmits enthusiasm.

You can reflect your favorite sport through a painting, photograph, or poster. Also, you can put up inspirational phrases on the walls through either vinyl or paint.

There’s no doubt that this is a great way to create an environment that encourages you to do sport. As a result, it’s a good idea to take a closer look at what resources you like most, how to find them, and what you want to achieve.


One way to show your passion and interests is by creating a sports motifs theme in your interior decoration. It’s a great way to customize your home in a unique way.

Generally, we tend to decorate interiors using traditional designs or trying to copy ideas. However, if you want to really stand out, you can choose to incorporate some innovative elements. It’s time to follow some original ideas!

In the event that you’re a fan of a specific sport or player, you can create some interesting ideas to decorate the walls, cushions, or bedspreads.

Wall stickers of sports motifs

Some figure

A new, popular way to decorate the wall is with wall stickers. There are many different styles so it’s easy to find a design that suits the theme you’re going for.

These stickers can be monochromatic or polychromatic, although the latter isn’t as common. What do these stickers usually feature? There are lots that feature sports, such as surfing, basketball, hockey, or soccer. In fact, there are also some with players you might know, like Cristiano Ronaldo or Michael Jordan.

For example, if you’re decorating a work out room, you can also find stickers with weights or machinery or figures exercising. In addition to the decoration and theme, these types of stickers can help motivate anyone working out.

Wall stickers have become an interesting medium to cover a wall and offer specific content.

4 tips for working with sports motifs in decoration

Some figure

The living room is where we usually spend most of our time and also where have guests. The decoration in the living room should be a reference to your personal tastes.

  1. Sofa cushions are a great way to create a theme. Of course, you can get cushions with your team’s crest, a famous face, with a particular symbol (the NBA symbol or Olympic rings), or choose a cushion that looks like a ball.
  2. Photographic canvases are common. These often feature an image of someone playing sport, a famous person (soccer player or tennis player), or an anonymous silhouette.
  3. If you’re passionate about cycling, for example, you can create artwork with a bicycle or use it for an aesthetic look. You can hang it on the wall or display it as some part of the decoration.
  4. Any trophies you’ve won, plaques, medals, or other special souvenirs, such as team jerseys, are elements that you can put in a showcase or on a shelving unit.

Decorate with sports motifs in the bedroom

Some figure

In the bedroom, as it’s a more private space, you can use decorative techniques that you find interesting. There are so many possibilities. It’s all about creativity.

One example is a rug that simulates a small soccer field. There are also circular ones that look like basketballs or other types with prints of other elements.

You can also use a quilt with a sports motif, since it’s a surface that can convey any theme, whether realistic or a drawing. Today, there are so many options on the internet, even from high-quality brands.

Remember that you should include your identity in the theme of your bedroom.

Decoration of a home gym

Some figure

If you have a space that you intend to use for physical exercise, this is where you can use a sports motif. The goal is to create a pleasant environment that energizes you and transmits enthusiasm.

You can reflect your favorite sport through a painting, photograph, or poster. Also, you can put up inspirational phrases on the walls through either vinyl or paint.

There’s no doubt that this is a great way to create an environment that encourages you to do sport. As a result, it’s a good idea to take a closer look at what resources you like most, how to find them, and what you want to achieve.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Ventura, Anna: 1000 ideas prácticas en decoración del hogar, Universe Publishing, 2003.