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Open Spaces in Your Home with American Style Decor

3 minutes
Open space in your kitchen, living room, and dining room, has many advantages. This is an important characteristic of American style decor.
Open Spaces in Your Home with American Style Decor
Last update: 02 April, 2020

Today, the vast majority of the most famous TV series and movies worldwide have originated from the United States. Because of this, American style decor has become one of our favorite trends.

Due to the size of this country, you can find different decorative styles. However, when we think of American homes, we visualize lavish houses on the outskirts of urban cities.

In TV series such as Modern Family, Cinco Hermanos, and Dallas, we see recreational spaces with interior designs typical of the American world.

The American home is a faithful reflection of the American Dream.

Open spaces in American style decor

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The characteristic that best defines American style decor is open spaces full of light. This is a strong reflection of where society places its values – on well being and free time. Therefore, the home’s architecture will be deeply influenced by this way of life.

The American style seeks open space for leisure and recreation. The open concept encourages using as few walls as possible, and the idea is that all the main rooms are joined together. This way, the open space can be used as a kitchen, living room, and dining room.

By sacrificing the number of rooms in the home, a larger space is created for family entertainment and enjoyment. This allows us to talk to other people in the living room while we’re cooking in the kitchen.

Also, the open space transmits a greater feeling of space and better use of natural light, which flows without the walls blocking it.

The importance of the American kitchen

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The kitchen is one of the most prominent symbols of American style decor and is combined with the dining room or living room. When we integrate these spaces, we create a cozy, practical, and fun space.

Families congregate in the kitchen area. There’s no separation of living and dining room. All the rooms are part of the same area.

What other advantages does the American kitchen have?

  • Space-saving – An open space can have several purposes. For example, the kitchen usually comes equipped with a bar or island and its use is shared with the dining room by incorporating chairs or stools.
  • The entire family meets in the same room – This brings everyone together in the open space.
  • Brightness. Since there are no walls that separate the rooms, light circulates freely throughout the open space.

The American living room

The living room is one of the most important rooms in the home. We spend most of our free time there, whether we’re resting, eating, or watching TV.

It consists of several elements, but two stand out and provide uniqueness to the living room atmosphere – the sofa and the fireplace.

The sofa – the bigger, the better

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A large and comfortable sofa where you can sit down with your loved ones is an essential element in the American living room. Sports are very important in American culture, so it’s common to meet friends and family in the living room to enjoy sporting events at home.

Therefore, you need to have a sofa large enough to seat your guests. Thanks to the open space, American living rooms can house a large sofa without cluttering the room.

The fireplace in the American-style decor

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Another important element of the living room is the fireplace. It attracts attention. Therefore, its decoration is essential.

At first, the fireplace was an essential element of the American house. However, these days people tend not to heat their houses with fireplaces. But a fireplace will always be a decorative part of a room.

Today, the vast majority of the most famous TV series and movies worldwide have originated from the United States. Because of this, American style decor has become one of our favorite trends.

Due to the size of this country, you can find different decorative styles. However, when we think of American homes, we visualize lavish houses on the outskirts of urban cities.

In TV series such as Modern Family, Cinco Hermanos, and Dallas, we see recreational spaces with interior designs typical of the American world.

The American home is a faithful reflection of the American Dream.

Open spaces in American style decor

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The characteristic that best defines American style decor is open spaces full of light. This is a strong reflection of where society places its values – on well being and free time. Therefore, the home’s architecture will be deeply influenced by this way of life.

The American style seeks open space for leisure and recreation. The open concept encourages using as few walls as possible, and the idea is that all the main rooms are joined together. This way, the open space can be used as a kitchen, living room, and dining room.

By sacrificing the number of rooms in the home, a larger space is created for family entertainment and enjoyment. This allows us to talk to other people in the living room while we’re cooking in the kitchen.

Also, the open space transmits a greater feeling of space and better use of natural light, which flows without the walls blocking it.

The importance of the American kitchen

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The kitchen is one of the most prominent symbols of American style decor and is combined with the dining room or living room. When we integrate these spaces, we create a cozy, practical, and fun space.

Families congregate in the kitchen area. There’s no separation of living and dining room. All the rooms are part of the same area.

What other advantages does the American kitchen have?

  • Space-saving – An open space can have several purposes. For example, the kitchen usually comes equipped with a bar or island and its use is shared with the dining room by incorporating chairs or stools.
  • The entire family meets in the same room – This brings everyone together in the open space.
  • Brightness. Since there are no walls that separate the rooms, light circulates freely throughout the open space.

The American living room

The living room is one of the most important rooms in the home. We spend most of our free time there, whether we’re resting, eating, or watching TV.

It consists of several elements, but two stand out and provide uniqueness to the living room atmosphere – the sofa and the fireplace.

The sofa – the bigger, the better

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A large and comfortable sofa where you can sit down with your loved ones is an essential element in the American living room. Sports are very important in American culture, so it’s common to meet friends and family in the living room to enjoy sporting events at home.

Therefore, you need to have a sofa large enough to seat your guests. Thanks to the open space, American living rooms can house a large sofa without cluttering the room.

The fireplace in the American-style decor

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Another important element of the living room is the fireplace. It attracts attention. Therefore, its decoration is essential.

At first, the fireplace was an essential element of the American house. However, these days people tend not to heat their houses with fireplaces. But a fireplace will always be a decorative part of a room.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Lava Oliva, Rocío: Interiorismo, Vértice, 2008.