Murals for Home Decoration - Here Are Some Ideas!

Are you thinking of giving some of the rooms in your home a specific theme? We have just the thing for you – murals as home decoration. They’re a great way to create sensations. You’ll also be using a decor element that’s becoming more and more common in the interior design world.
In general, we decorate houses with the same old ornamental items. Think vases, photos, paintings, mirrors, plants, and things like that. But why not change things up a bit and use some more modern formulas? You’ll have a chance to change your aesthetic and break from the mold.
Using murals for your home decoration is a great way to do away with tradition and open yourself up to new horizons as you decorate your house to perfection. They also have the advantage of offering lots of different options. That means you can be completely original.
Murals for home decoration

There are lots of different possibilities here. It all depends on what theme you want in your bedroom. You’ll obviously need to take into account the overall style of the bedroom, too. You want there to be a good color scheme and aesthetic balance to the area.
Photos of major cities like New York are becoming popular. There’s also the option of having a print of a famous monument, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome. In this case, you’d be using photos or photorealistic drawings.
We also like the idea of using things like maps, forests, and abstract shapes and designs. There’s a certain neutrality to all of these. They’re all relatively basic themes that won’t directly draw people’s attention. Instead, they’ll act as a subtle background that goes perfectly with your decoration.
The mural shouldn’t feel out of place in the decor scheme.
The living room is a world of possibilities

The living room is probably the best part of the home to use murals as decoration. That being said, it can be harder to make the mural blend well into the room. This room tends to have a lot more furniture and decorative objects, and they all need to be in harmony.
- The specific mural you choose will ultimately depend on what you want to convey. If you want it to give off a sense of peace and relaxation, there are a few good thematic possibilities there: a forest, a waterfall, a cave, a garden, and things along those lines.
- Astronomy is also a great option and tends to be a good crowd-pleaser. For example, it could be an image of stars and planets. You could even have it on the ceiling as if it were extending past the wall.
- If you want the space to feel particularly warm, having something like a beach, a sunset, or just the sea can be a great way to evoke that feeling of pleasantness. It will transport you to those places.
- Underwater images are also a great option for the living room. You have to be careful though. Despite the vibrant colors from the animals, the dominance of blue can end up being too cold.
- Don’t forget that a neutral background with things like geometric, linear shapes can go well in any toom. That’s even truer if they’re in neutral colors.
Kids’ bedrooms

The main goal of the decoration in your kids’ bedrooms should be to give off a playful aesthetic. In other words, what you want your murals to do is to feel warm and welcoming, and to have some kind of theme that kids would like.
One good example is cartoon-style illustrations. These will make the space happy, colorful, and full of positive emotions. There are also lots of different murals with Disney characters and characters from kids’ TV shows.
If you want something less specific, natural or space-related themes are also a great option. They can spark curiosity, no matter how simple or symbolic they may be.
What about the bathroom?

As for the bathroom, you should stick to themes related to water. That could be anything from a seaside, a river, a cliff, to a dewy natural landscape. For the most part, these things come in realistic styles. Color-wise, you want blue and green to be your main resources.
There’s also the possibility of using murals with neutral designs. These will basically just help create a feeling of hygiene and cleanliness.
In the end, what you want out of the murals you use in home decoration is for them to give off a sense of peace and relaxation. Find the ones that work for you!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Ventura, Anna: 1000 ideas prácticas de decoración del hogar, Universe Publishing, 2003.