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How to Make Sure You Don't Overdecorate Your Home

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If you want your home to feel comfortable and relaxing, you need to make sure not to overdecorate it.
How to Make Sure You Don't Overdecorate Your Home
Last update: 16 November, 2020

It’s so easy to let yourself get carried away with compulsive shopping and bring home all kinds of things you don’t need. But all that means is having more and more things, and creating more and more clutter. Today, we’re going to give you some tips on how not to overdecorate your home. Keep reading!

It’s always helpful to be able to be self-critical and analyze the current state of your house. What we mean is that it’s good for you to be objective and honest with yourself about whether a decoration has a real purpose. Consider if it’s useful and if it’s working towards a specific aesthetic in whatever room it’s in.

That being said, it can be hard to tell if you’re overdecorating and suffocating the furniture and accessories. We all have a tendency to fill a room up with things we like, but do you ever stop and think about what kind of atmosphere that’s creating in the room? It could actually end up creating a negative environment. 

How to make sure you don’t overdecorate your home

Some figure

You might not believe it, but you probably have an overdecorated space in your home. We’re not just talking about the times when you fill a room up with things and can hardly even walk through it, though. We’re also talking about how not everyone uses their decorations well, and people often create clashes in their overall scheme.

Walk around your house and look through each room. Almost every time, you’ll notice that there are things you can get rid of, or even furniture you can put in an entirely different spot or orientation.

If it feels like your home needs some room to breathe, it’s time to take responsibility and deal with the situation. Our suggestion is to get rid of anything that’s unnecessary, but above all, you just need to be patient. It’s best to take these kinds of things one step at a time.

It’s easy to let your home fall into disarray in this busy, fast-paced world.

Give your living room some air: how not to overdecorate your home

Some figure

The living room is usually the place you’ll try to put the most things. But we’ll bet that most of them are decorative and that few are functionalBut don’t worry, there are some simple ways to help you create a better visual feel. 

  • If you have bookcases full of objects and books, try separating them by sections. Use a couple of shelves for books, a couple for other things, and so on. This will create a much neater look. But remember the golden rule: make sure you don’t have too many accessories on the shelves. The point is to declutter, and not overdecorate. Keep it simple.
  • When it comes to furniture, you should try to only use things that have a specific function, like a couch, a TV stand, a bookcase, a coffee table, a chair or two…In other words, try not to take up the entire room with furniture. 
  • Find ways to give the space room to breathe. To put that more literally: make sure you can move around easily and make your way to any corner of the room without problems. Don’t make the mistake of putting things in places where they get in your way and make the room feel uncomfortable.
  • Your wall decor should be simple. The color itself will create its own visual impact, so if you want to hang things like paintings, prints, photos, or records, make sure to keep the selection small.

The bedroom dilemma

Some figure

Your bedroom can easily turn into a pit of disorder and chaos. What you should be doing is picking out the main pieces of furniture that will help you find balance, harmony, and sustainability in the decoration. But what most people tend to do is add more and more things like tables, dressers, etc…

The best way to avoid that problem is to use only things that have a functional purpose: the bed, a dresser, a nightstand, a rug, an accessory here and there for your walls, and a mirror, for example. This is a good way to not overdecorate your home.

In the end, the goal is to only pick out things that you truly need. This means getting rid of things that aren’t actually useful.

How to keep your bathroom decluttered

Some figure

This should be easier with the bathroom. Obviously, you’ll need it to have all the things you use in your hygiene routine. But you don’t need to have lots of decorations here. Bathrooms already have a clear aesthetic from the design of the toilet and sink, the color of the porcelain, and any other functional furniture.

The one thing to be careful of here is having everything in a random place. For example, you need to make sure you aren’t keeping non-bathroom items in there. Don’t turn it into a storage space.

It’s so easy to let yourself get carried away with compulsive shopping and bring home all kinds of things you don’t need. But all that means is having more and more things, and creating more and more clutter. Today, we’re going to give you some tips on how not to overdecorate your home. Keep reading!

It’s always helpful to be able to be self-critical and analyze the current state of your house. What we mean is that it’s good for you to be objective and honest with yourself about whether a decoration has a real purpose. Consider if it’s useful and if it’s working towards a specific aesthetic in whatever room it’s in.

That being said, it can be hard to tell if you’re overdecorating and suffocating the furniture and accessories. We all have a tendency to fill a room up with things we like, but do you ever stop and think about what kind of atmosphere that’s creating in the room? It could actually end up creating a negative environment. 

How to make sure you don’t overdecorate your home

Some figure

You might not believe it, but you probably have an overdecorated space in your home. We’re not just talking about the times when you fill a room up with things and can hardly even walk through it, though. We’re also talking about how not everyone uses their decorations well, and people often create clashes in their overall scheme.

Walk around your house and look through each room. Almost every time, you’ll notice that there are things you can get rid of, or even furniture you can put in an entirely different spot or orientation.

If it feels like your home needs some room to breathe, it’s time to take responsibility and deal with the situation. Our suggestion is to get rid of anything that’s unnecessary, but above all, you just need to be patient. It’s best to take these kinds of things one step at a time.

It’s easy to let your home fall into disarray in this busy, fast-paced world.

Give your living room some air: how not to overdecorate your home

Some figure

The living room is usually the place you’ll try to put the most things. But we’ll bet that most of them are decorative and that few are functionalBut don’t worry, there are some simple ways to help you create a better visual feel. 

  • If you have bookcases full of objects and books, try separating them by sections. Use a couple of shelves for books, a couple for other things, and so on. This will create a much neater look. But remember the golden rule: make sure you don’t have too many accessories on the shelves. The point is to declutter, and not overdecorate. Keep it simple.
  • When it comes to furniture, you should try to only use things that have a specific function, like a couch, a TV stand, a bookcase, a coffee table, a chair or two…In other words, try not to take up the entire room with furniture. 
  • Find ways to give the space room to breathe. To put that more literally: make sure you can move around easily and make your way to any corner of the room without problems. Don’t make the mistake of putting things in places where they get in your way and make the room feel uncomfortable.
  • Your wall decor should be simple. The color itself will create its own visual impact, so if you want to hang things like paintings, prints, photos, or records, make sure to keep the selection small.

The bedroom dilemma

Some figure

Your bedroom can easily turn into a pit of disorder and chaos. What you should be doing is picking out the main pieces of furniture that will help you find balance, harmony, and sustainability in the decoration. But what most people tend to do is add more and more things like tables, dressers, etc…

The best way to avoid that problem is to use only things that have a functional purpose: the bed, a dresser, a nightstand, a rug, an accessory here and there for your walls, and a mirror, for example. This is a good way to not overdecorate your home.

In the end, the goal is to only pick out things that you truly need. This means getting rid of things that aren’t actually useful.

How to keep your bathroom decluttered

Some figure

This should be easier with the bathroom. Obviously, you’ll need it to have all the things you use in your hygiene routine. But you don’t need to have lots of decorations here. Bathrooms already have a clear aesthetic from the design of the toilet and sink, the color of the porcelain, and any other functional furniture.

The one thing to be careful of here is having everything in a random place. For example, you need to make sure you aren’t keeping non-bathroom items in there. Don’t turn it into a storage space.