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Gain Space with Mezzanine Floors: 5 Tips

3 minutes
Making a mezzanine floor guarantees a new, interesting space for your home. But it could also be an intimate space, just for you. Read over our tips before getting started.
Gain Space with Mezzanine Floors: 5 Tips
Last update: 20 July, 2019

Homes these days aren’t too roomy. We’ve embraced minimalist decor ideas not only because they look amazing, but because we don’t have space for too much furniture. A great way to gain some room at home is by creating a new space. But how? Create a mezzanine floor and make it your special space for sleeping, studying or meditating.

We’ll explain everything in our post today.

Mezzanine floors

Mezzanine floors go in between two floors and you can use them to make the most of your space, especially if you live in a small apartment.

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First things first, you need a ceiling that’s high enough. By creating a mezzanine floor, you’ll be able to enjoy the lower and upper area as two different spaces. If you need an extra room, a private space to work or study, or if you just want a place to store your things, a mezzanine floor could be a great solution.

How you plan to use the space will determine what kind of features it’ll require. Using it to store away books won’t be the same as sleeping or working there. If you do plan on using it as an active space, make sure you install insulation and try to keep it near natural light sources such as a window or a skylight if possible.

You can use a fixed or mobile staircase to connect the two areas. Use whichever better suits your home design and space. And lastly, it should go without saying that your mezzanine floor should be stable and sturdy to walk over and place furniture on.

Tips for creating a mezzanine floor

If you’re intrigued by the idea– whether it might be to make a playroom, reading corner or guest room– here are some tips to consider before getting started:

1. Always take height into consideration

As we mentioned before, high ceilings are a must for mezzanine floors. Your ceilings should be at least 4.5 m high. Making sure that your ceilings are high enough will keep you from bumping your head.

If you just plan on using the space for a bed, 1.5 m tall ceilings will work just fine.

2. Comfortable stairs or ladders

Stairs and ladders come in plenty of designs and varieties. Aside from their convenience, you should also consider their safety and quality as well. If the model you choose leans a bit, place it right against the wall to keep your bottom floor tidy and uncluttered.

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You can use the space underneath your new floor for a bookshelf, TV table, desk, couch or whatever you want. The main thing is making the most out of your space!

3. Natural light

Natural light might not be an option for you because it’ll imply an extra cost in your budget. But if you can afford it, we recommend installing a window along with your mezzanine floor. Consider a small skylight for ventilating and letting in natural light.

4. Light colors

Feel free to leave your wooden floors or ceilings as they are. But we recommend painting your walls white or in another light color. A light color will create more visual space and reduce the feeling of being closed-in.

5. Buy custom-ordered furniture

A mezzanine floor is a small space. As a consequence, you can’t just fit in any piece of furniture… you might not even be able to carry it up the stairs! Instead, consider options that you can carry in pieces and assemble later.

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Most importantly, avoid accumulating furniture and keep the space free so it’s easy to move around. You wouldn’t want to put too much weight on your mezzanine floor either.

Lastly, remember that you’ll have to get used to being so close to your ceiling in the first few days. You might even have to duck a little in the corners if you have a sloping ceiling.

But constructing a mezzanine floor in your home will create a haven – just what you need for a little alone time, peace or your hobbies. Making one is simple but you should hire a professional to minimize future problems.
