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Esparto Grass Rugs: Variety and Trends

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Bring freshness and warmth into your home with traditional Mediterranean decor, esparto grass rugs.
Esparto Grass Rugs: Variety and Trends
Last update: 03 August, 2019

Rugs are a wonderful resource for adding warmth to any setting. You can find them in a wide variety of materials as well. But esparto grass sets itself apart from the rest. In our post today, we want to show you the best esparto rugs: varieties and trends.

Their charm simply has no equal. Their warm tones and firm shapes make them an exotic decor resource that can fit any decor style. The duality that their features boast makes them the perfect match for any room in your home.

Esparto rugs have become incredibly popular in recent years. We suspect that their ability to match with different settings and decor styles, be them rustic or modern, are winning people over. That incredible versatility is all thanks to the perfect balance between artisan craft and design.

What is esparto grass?

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Esparto grass products fall within the realm of traditional artisan craft in certain Mediterranean areas. To be specific, these areas stretch from southern Spain to northern Africa. While esparto grass has conquered the world of interior design, its origin remains a complete mystery for many.

Esparto grass can actually refer to various types of wild plants and their fibers as well. People have used these plants for centuries because they provide quality, sturdy natural fibers that can be used to make all sorts of products: baskets, shoes, and rugs.

Today, the esparto tradition is well alive thanks to the artisans that continue using it to create delightful products. Esparto grass products are created and produced entirely their labor.

Esparto grass rugs, the key to success

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The fact that artisans have to craft these rugs makes each product a unique and precious decor element. These rugs have certain qualities that make them a hot commodity.

  • People started to treasure esparto grass rugs again a few years ago thanks to the lead of interior designers and artists like Marín Azúa. These initial trendsetters popularized the benefits of the material and, more specifically, of these rugs.
  • One of the best features that these rugs boast is their insulation. Unlike synthetic materials, esparto grass doesn’t give off heat, which makes it perfect for both hot and cold climates. Additionally, it’s extremely durable and is eco-friendly.
  • But esparto rugs have a pure beauty. Their simplicity makes them the perfect decor for any setting be it Mediterranean, raw or even minimalist.
  • Regardless of the setting, these rugs will help you highlight any area of your home, converting it to the focal point of an entire room. Esparto grass rugs work great in bedrooms, home entrances, and living rooms.

Decorating with esparto grass rugs

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Thanks to their versatility, you can use these rugs to decorate your home in many different ways. Here are some ideas.

  • One of the hottest esparto rug trends these days is using them to cover entire floors.
  • You can cover the entire floor on a room with these rugs as if you were creating a new flooring. And this idea has a great advantage: you can match it with different textures by using other rugs in different materials right on top of the esparto rugs.
  • Circle esparto grass rugs are perfect for anyone who loves a boho-chic decor style. The artisan feel of these rugs matches perfectly with the vintage, lighthearted character.
  • Another idea that’s becoming very popular is using these rugs as a headboard. Esparto grass offers an amazing creative quality, so much that products become real works of art themselves. Everyone will stop to look.

Rugs are a wonderful resource for adding warmth to any setting. You can find them in a wide variety of materials as well. But esparto grass sets itself apart from the rest. In our post today, we want to show you the best esparto rugs: varieties and trends.

Their charm simply has no equal. Their warm tones and firm shapes make them an exotic decor resource that can fit any decor style. The duality that their features boast makes them the perfect match for any room in your home.

Esparto rugs have become incredibly popular in recent years. We suspect that their ability to match with different settings and decor styles, be them rustic or modern, are winning people over. That incredible versatility is all thanks to the perfect balance between artisan craft and design.

What is esparto grass?

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Esparto grass products fall within the realm of traditional artisan craft in certain Mediterranean areas. To be specific, these areas stretch from southern Spain to northern Africa. While esparto grass has conquered the world of interior design, its origin remains a complete mystery for many.

Esparto grass can actually refer to various types of wild plants and their fibers as well. People have used these plants for centuries because they provide quality, sturdy natural fibers that can be used to make all sorts of products: baskets, shoes, and rugs.

Today, the esparto tradition is well alive thanks to the artisans that continue using it to create delightful products. Esparto grass products are created and produced entirely their labor.

Esparto grass rugs, the key to success

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The fact that artisans have to craft these rugs makes each product a unique and precious decor element. These rugs have certain qualities that make them a hot commodity.

  • People started to treasure esparto grass rugs again a few years ago thanks to the lead of interior designers and artists like Marín Azúa. These initial trendsetters popularized the benefits of the material and, more specifically, of these rugs.
  • One of the best features that these rugs boast is their insulation. Unlike synthetic materials, esparto grass doesn’t give off heat, which makes it perfect for both hot and cold climates. Additionally, it’s extremely durable and is eco-friendly.
  • But esparto rugs have a pure beauty. Their simplicity makes them the perfect decor for any setting be it Mediterranean, raw or even minimalist.
  • Regardless of the setting, these rugs will help you highlight any area of your home, converting it to the focal point of an entire room. Esparto grass rugs work great in bedrooms, home entrances, and living rooms.

Decorating with esparto grass rugs

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Thanks to their versatility, you can use these rugs to decorate your home in many different ways. Here are some ideas.

  • One of the hottest esparto rug trends these days is using them to cover entire floors.
  • You can cover the entire floor on a room with these rugs as if you were creating a new flooring. And this idea has a great advantage: you can match it with different textures by using other rugs in different materials right on top of the esparto rugs.
  • Circle esparto grass rugs are perfect for anyone who loves a boho-chic decor style. The artisan feel of these rugs matches perfectly with the vintage, lighthearted character.
  • Another idea that’s becoming very popular is using these rugs as a headboard. Esparto grass offers an amazing creative quality, so much that products become real works of art themselves. Everyone will stop to look.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Iglesias, Mara: Decoración fácil y económica, Buenos Aires, Lea, 2013.