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Decorating Your Home Using Newspapers

3 minutes
Besides reading newspapers to catch up on the latest current events, you can use them to decorate your home and give it an original look.
Decorating Your Home Using Newspapers
Last update: 06 March, 2021

We read newspapers as a source of information to find out about current events. Once we’ve read them, we tend to throw them away. However, we’re making a huge mistake. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on decorating your home using newspapers.

In today’s world, we’re able to recycle most objects by throwing them into recycling bins. Then we take them to the nearest recycling center or place the bins at the end of our road for pickup. But maybe we should consider using those objects to our benefit instead of recycling them.

Newspapers are made from groundwood pulp, otherwise known as cellulose. This is cheaper than the paper used in magazines and books. That doesn’t mean we should throw them away immediately after reading them though.

Covering the walls with newspaper

Some figure

The walls of your home are blank canvases ready to be decorated. There are several different ways to achieve the desired aesthetic using old newspapers.

When you’ve bought and read a newspaper, don’t throw it away. Open up the pages and smooth them out. Toss out the torn and wrinkled parts of the newspaper.

Basically, decorating the walls with newspaper is easy, and you achieve a totally original aesthetic. Stick the pages together with plastic wrap, as it’s the best option for consistent paper adhesion. Place a plank on the wall to avoid damaging it and stick the paper to it.

Using newspaper on other decorative objects

Some figure

You can use newspapers to breathe new life into any decorative object without spending a dime. Below are a few examples:

  • Pencil holders: shaped like a cylinder or cube that can be covered with newspaper. Cut out the appropriate dimensions and glue the paper to the surface with plastic wrap, so that everything is completely smooth.
  • Vases: although the newspaper won’t give the vase much color, its aesthetic with the newspaper is attractive.
  • Lampshades: this process is identical to the previous two objects. However, you must make sure the newspaper doesn’t come into contact with the bulb or plug because they’re highly flammable.
  • Table frames: a table will look original because covering it with newspaper gives it flair.

Customize an old piece of furniture

Some figure

If you have an outdated piece of furniture that you want to keep, consider decorating it using newspaper to achieve a dynamic and completely different appearance.

First, clean off the furniture and sand it if it’s made of wood. You should get a smooth surface with little to no impurities.

So after you do that, what’s next? Apply white glue to the furniture, then lay the newspaper on the surface and apply more glue. Finally, use a vinyl sealer to create a protective layer against moisture.

Give your home a new aesthetic appearance by using old newspapers. It’s a great way to collaborate with the environment.

Recommendations to avoid problems

Newspaper is a fragile material. Humidity is one of the major problems. If you cover your walls with newspaper, do so in an area where there’s no contact with water.

Also, newspaper tears easily. For this reason, if you use it to decorate furniture, replace the newspaper as frequently as possible.

If you want to give your home a dose of originality, decorating it with newspapers is the way to go.

We read newspapers as a source of information to find out about current events. Once we’ve read them, we tend to throw them away. However, we’re making a huge mistake. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on decorating your home using newspapers.

In today’s world, we’re able to recycle most objects by throwing them into recycling bins. Then we take them to the nearest recycling center or place the bins at the end of our road for pickup. But maybe we should consider using those objects to our benefit instead of recycling them.

Newspapers are made from groundwood pulp, otherwise known as cellulose. This is cheaper than the paper used in magazines and books. That doesn’t mean we should throw them away immediately after reading them though.

Covering the walls with newspaper

Some figure

The walls of your home are blank canvases ready to be decorated. There are several different ways to achieve the desired aesthetic using old newspapers.

When you’ve bought and read a newspaper, don’t throw it away. Open up the pages and smooth them out. Toss out the torn and wrinkled parts of the newspaper.

Basically, decorating the walls with newspaper is easy, and you achieve a totally original aesthetic. Stick the pages together with plastic wrap, as it’s the best option for consistent paper adhesion. Place a plank on the wall to avoid damaging it and stick the paper to it.

Using newspaper on other decorative objects

Some figure

You can use newspapers to breathe new life into any decorative object without spending a dime. Below are a few examples:

  • Pencil holders: shaped like a cylinder or cube that can be covered with newspaper. Cut out the appropriate dimensions and glue the paper to the surface with plastic wrap, so that everything is completely smooth.
  • Vases: although the newspaper won’t give the vase much color, its aesthetic with the newspaper is attractive.
  • Lampshades: this process is identical to the previous two objects. However, you must make sure the newspaper doesn’t come into contact with the bulb or plug because they’re highly flammable.
  • Table frames: a table will look original because covering it with newspaper gives it flair.

Customize an old piece of furniture

Some figure

If you have an outdated piece of furniture that you want to keep, consider decorating it using newspaper to achieve a dynamic and completely different appearance.

First, clean off the furniture and sand it if it’s made of wood. You should get a smooth surface with little to no impurities.

So after you do that, what’s next? Apply white glue to the furniture, then lay the newspaper on the surface and apply more glue. Finally, use a vinyl sealer to create a protective layer against moisture.

Give your home a new aesthetic appearance by using old newspapers. It’s a great way to collaborate with the environment.

Recommendations to avoid problems

Newspaper is a fragile material. Humidity is one of the major problems. If you cover your walls with newspaper, do so in an area where there’s no contact with water.

Also, newspaper tears easily. For this reason, if you use it to decorate furniture, replace the newspaper as frequently as possible.

If you want to give your home a dose of originality, decorating it with newspapers is the way to go.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • De la Varga, Sonia: Reciclaje creativo, Gustamonton, 2016.