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Colored Ceramic For The Floor

3 minutes
You can define the aesthetics of a home through different aspects, such as shapes, sizes, space, and colors. One way of doing this is through ceramic floors.
Colored Ceramic For The Floor
Last update: 04 September, 2020

You can use colors in your home in different ways. Usually, we focus on the walls, furniture, and decoration, but there is another interesting option – colored ceramic for floors.

The materials we usually use for the floor are wood and ceramic. Both contribute aesthetically to interiors by creating a relationship with the rest of the resources and harmony for the whole look.

You can be innovative about which shades you use. This helps define the environment. However, it’s interesting to use bold colors on the floor and use it to support the decoration of the room.

Why use colored ceramic?

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In a home, you have the opportunity to use resources that help enhance the look. If you just repeat the patterns of the past, then you won’t progress at all. The idea is to use new concepts to make the space more dynamic.

Ceramic is a resource that is durable over time and can have a very interesting look. There’s no doubt that it’s great to use, not only because of its durability but also because of the endless possibilities it offers.

Also, you can find so many different varieties and patterns, such as hydraulic tiles. Therefore, if your home has a specific style, you can reinforce the chromatic harmony and create a true aesthetic.

If you’re unsure about what type of flooring to use, consider the wide variety of ceramic options.

4 types of colored ceramic

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Nowadays, you can find so many types and textures of ceramic, whether plain colors or designs. However, before making a choice, you should take a look at 4 types that are becoming more popular in interior design:

  1. Tiles known as “stoneware” are receiving a lot of attention. You can find this in lots of different shades, but people typically opt for earth tones. This material provides a warm, rustic touch to a room, which is great for patios, kitchens, and bathrooms.
  2. It’s also possible to choose ceramic that has the appearance of wood. It tricks the eye and creates a realistic wood effect. A grayish neutral tone is popular, but we also love the variety of beiges.
  3. For the most daring, there are ceramics with intense colors, such as red, yellow, or turquoise. This type of floor takes on a unique role and influences the atmosphere of the room and type of decoration you’ll use.
  4. Another option is porcelain ceramic with a marble look. This has a glazed appearance and is appropriate for more luxurious or classic rooms. You can choose from various colors, such as tan, green, blue, or darker colors.

What are the benefits of colored ceramic?

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You’ll reach a new degree of innovation when you create a different and unique look. However, it’s easy to make a mistake. For example, if you choose the wrong type of flooring, you can create a clash.

One of the advantages of colored ceramic is that it’s one more resource for decorating. It definitely will stand out and, together with the rest of the decorative elements, contributes to creating a sophisticated, welcoming atmosphere.

However, one of the biggest drawbacks is that it can take over the room. There’s no doubt that it will significantly influence your room and if you don’t coordinate your resources well, you’ll create a feeling of tension and discomfort.

You need to carefully choose the floor color choice.

Purchasing and acquiring the product

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On the internet, there are a wide variety of websites for companies dedicated to ceramics. So you can browse and get in touch with a company from your own home.

Likewise, it’s also a good idea to go to a store and check out what the material is like, it’s qualities, and see the color close up. It’s not the same to see the color on a screen as it is to see it directly in natural light.

In short, before proceeding with the purchase, you need to know about the characteristics of the floor, what it’ll bring to the room, and, above all, what visual image it will add to the room.


You can use colors in your home in different ways. Usually, we focus on the walls, furniture, and decoration, but there is another interesting option – colored ceramic for floors.

The materials we usually use for the floor are wood and ceramic. Both contribute aesthetically to interiors by creating a relationship with the rest of the resources and harmony for the whole look.

You can be innovative about which shades you use. This helps define the environment. However, it’s interesting to use bold colors on the floor and use it to support the decoration of the room.

Why use colored ceramic?

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In a home, you have the opportunity to use resources that help enhance the look. If you just repeat the patterns of the past, then you won’t progress at all. The idea is to use new concepts to make the space more dynamic.

Ceramic is a resource that is durable over time and can have a very interesting look. There’s no doubt that it’s great to use, not only because of its durability but also because of the endless possibilities it offers.

Also, you can find so many different varieties and patterns, such as hydraulic tiles. Therefore, if your home has a specific style, you can reinforce the chromatic harmony and create a true aesthetic.

If you’re unsure about what type of flooring to use, consider the wide variety of ceramic options.

4 types of colored ceramic

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Nowadays, you can find so many types and textures of ceramic, whether plain colors or designs. However, before making a choice, you should take a look at 4 types that are becoming more popular in interior design:

  1. Tiles known as “stoneware” are receiving a lot of attention. You can find this in lots of different shades, but people typically opt for earth tones. This material provides a warm, rustic touch to a room, which is great for patios, kitchens, and bathrooms.
  2. It’s also possible to choose ceramic that has the appearance of wood. It tricks the eye and creates a realistic wood effect. A grayish neutral tone is popular, but we also love the variety of beiges.
  3. For the most daring, there are ceramics with intense colors, such as red, yellow, or turquoise. This type of floor takes on a unique role and influences the atmosphere of the room and type of decoration you’ll use.
  4. Another option is porcelain ceramic with a marble look. This has a glazed appearance and is appropriate for more luxurious or classic rooms. You can choose from various colors, such as tan, green, blue, or darker colors.

What are the benefits of colored ceramic?

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You’ll reach a new degree of innovation when you create a different and unique look. However, it’s easy to make a mistake. For example, if you choose the wrong type of flooring, you can create a clash.

One of the advantages of colored ceramic is that it’s one more resource for decorating. It definitely will stand out and, together with the rest of the decorative elements, contributes to creating a sophisticated, welcoming atmosphere.

However, one of the biggest drawbacks is that it can take over the room. There’s no doubt that it will significantly influence your room and if you don’t coordinate your resources well, you’ll create a feeling of tension and discomfort.

You need to carefully choose the floor color choice.

Purchasing and acquiring the product

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On the internet, there are a wide variety of websites for companies dedicated to ceramics. So you can browse and get in touch with a company from your own home.

Likewise, it’s also a good idea to go to a store and check out what the material is like, it’s qualities, and see the color close up. It’s not the same to see the color on a screen as it is to see it directly in natural light.

In short, before proceeding with the purchase, you need to know about the characteristics of the floor, what it’ll bring to the room, and, above all, what visual image it will add to the room.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Gilliatt, Mary: El libro de la decoración, Círculo de lectores, 1987.