8 Tips for Cleaning and Keeping Your Artificial Flowers Beautiful
Anyone who chooses artificial flowers over natural ones because they’re easier to care for should know that they’ll still need a good clean every so often.
In our post today, we want to show you our tips for keeping your artificial flowers beautiful regardless of their material. They’ll look lovely and fool your guests into believing that they’re real.
Tips for cleaning artificial flowers
The strongest argument for artificial flowers is the fact that they don’t require the normal care that their natural counterparts do. But that doesn’t mean you can skip their maintenance entirely.
Without proper care, your flowers will just collect dust, which might provoke allergies and other respiratory problems. Aside from the dust, a good clean is absolutely necessary to keep them looking beautiful and real. Here are some tips:
1. Feather dusters
Feather dusters might not be the most efficient way to clean, but they help you clean fast. You can use them to remove dust that collects on the surface. Dusting your artificial flowers once a week can prevent allergens and other harmful particles from building up. Try remembering to dust with the windows open or use something to protect your nose and mouth.
2. Microfiber rag
The rag that you use to wipe your furniture can work to remove the dust from your artificial flowers. You don’t need to wet it prior to wiping unless your flowers are very dirty. Some people also use special cleaning products to prevent particles from sticking on to their flowers.
3. Hairdryer
Hairdryers that have a cold air feature are a great way to reduce the humidity in your hair. But they’re also great for removing dust in the tricky areas of artificial flowers, like between the petals. Don’t use the maximum power and also take care not to put the nozzle too close to the flowers to prevent any damage.
4. Compressed air-spray
You can find compressed air-sprays at stores and they’re fantastic at removing dust. They act similarly to hairdryers but they offer more precision. Do you have a flowerpot or vase on your work desk and blast your keyboard with a compressed air-spray every once in a while? If so, make sure to use it to clean the stems, petals, and leaves of your flower, too.
5. Coarse salt
Using coarse salt is an interesting way to clean individual artificial flowers. Clean by using a tablespoon of coarse salt and a plastic bag that’s sealable. Add the salt to the bag and then the flower. Seal the bag and gently shake it so that the salt goes everywhere. The salt will remove the most stubborn patches of dust and grime.
6. Vinegar and water
This home remedy is perfect for cleaning plastic flowers. Mix one part vinegar with two parts water together and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. At a short distance, spray the flowers and leave it for two minutes. Next, dry with a rag. Use the same mixture and process to clean windows or mirrors.
7. Cotton balls and rubbing alcohol
There’s nothing like cleaning with a disinfectant. Rubbing alcohol is a great option. However, this method will require you to clean each petal and leaf separately. But the good news is that it’ll remove dust and keep your flowers looking great for days.
8. Water and laundry detergent
If you haven’t cleaned your flowers in a while, they’ll need a good clean. Fill up your sink with warm water and add a little laundry detergent. then, dunk your plants in the sink and make sure that they’re completely emerged. Then, wash them off with water and dry them before putting them in place again.
Keep your artificial flowers lovely by simply wiping them with a damp rag. You won’t need any special cleaning product. More often than not, you’ll only need to clean the dust, which comes off easily with water. But make sure to wipe gently to maintain their shape and colors. By taking care of your artificial flowers, you’ll fill your home with beauty.
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Sala, T.-M. (2002). Naturalezas Artificiales. El lenguaje de las flores y de las cosas mudas. Materia 2, Naturaleses.