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Characteristics and Advantages of Modular Homes

4 minutes
Construction of modular homes has more and more supporters. Here we'll tell you about their unique characteristics and advantages.
Characteristics and Advantages of Modular Homes
Last update: 07 February, 2020

Modular homes are a growing trend in the construction industry. If you want to learn more about these types of structures, here we’ll show you the characteristics and advantages of modular homes in comparison with traditional types of home construction.

Characteristics of modular homes

Below, we’ll show you a list of characteristics that all modular homes have.

1. Origin

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Modular homes have this name because they are constructed in modules, or sections. These modules are built in a factory and then are transported to the building site of the home, and lifted into place.

The modules can either be almost complete rooms, or complete sections such as walls and roofs. The sections or rooms are made to fit together to create the form of the house. These come with systems such as the plumbing and electrical systems already installed.

This is their most important characteristic, and is the main difference between modular homes and a traditional house. In a traditional house construction, the house is built up piece by piece on the same land where the house will stay.

2. Construction process

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When the construction takes place in a factory, the construction process is quicker and more precise. The weather and different seasons aren’t a factor in the construction of these houses, while this can greatly affect traditional construction methods.

Also, the time that a modular house takes until completion is generally shorter than a traditional home. In between 3 to 6 months you’ll have your new home ready.

3. More control

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As we mentioned above, modular home construction takes place in a factory. This means that the materials and construction methods have to pass more stringent quality controls. This makes this type of house stronger and more durable than a traditional home.

4. Custom house design

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You can design and build the house to your liking. However, the house design will depend somewhat on the type of land you have to build it on. Why do we say that?

On very steep blocks of land, this type of house may not always be suitable. Modular houses need either flat land or other preparations to the site before you can start construction and install the modules.

You should get a professional to assess your piece of land to help you get to know the construction possibilities.

Advantages of modular homes

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Now that you know a little more about modular homes and their main characteristics, we’ll let you know about the advantages they offer.

  • The construction of this type of home is designed for the best energy efficiency possible.
  • Generally, the time of construction is much less than on a traditional dwelling.
  • You have the possibility of choosing the size and design of the whole house. They are completely customizable houses.
  • Modular houses reduce the environmental impact since the construction doesn’t take place in the open air. This reduces air and water pollution. The same applies to noise pollution.
  • The construction workers can work in better conditions, since inside the factory they won’t be exposed to changes in the weather as with a traditional construction on a block of land.
  • Construction materials aren’t wasted, which translates to a reduction in the cost.
  • You’ll have the possibility of enlarging the house with ease when you want to, an aspect that is somewhat difficult in more traditional houses.
  • The quality of the build, as we mentioned above, goes through stricter controls, which means the materials and construction will be of better quality.

What should you know before starting construction on modular homes?

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The first thing that you should know is that you have to do some things the same way as with a traditional dwelling. You should enlist the help of an architect, who will be responsible for the project. If you want to include your opinions and wishes on the project, this is the moment for it. Work together with the architect.

These houses also need building permits and licences the same as any other construction, although the construction methods are different. You’ll have to go through these processes before starting construction.

You’ll need to apply for the relevant licenses and construction permits at the City Council. Throughout the application processes, and together with your architect, you’ll be able to develop and perfect the design of the house.

Also during this time, you’ll need to organize a survey of the block of land. You’ll need to have a certain amount of finance organized already at this stage. The building regulations that apply to modular homes aren’t any different from what traditional dwellings must comply with.

So now you know about the most important characteristics and advantages of modular homes. What do you think? Will this type of construction be on the cards for your next home?