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5 Ways to Add Pop Art to your Designs

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Pop art offers many design possibilities. It's very different from traditional styles and offers alternative and interesting results.
5 Ways to Add Pop Art to your Designs
Last update: 17 August, 2020
Tired of using the same decorative styles? It’s time to change and trying something different. Before you begin, it’s important to understand the many possibilities in interior design. In this article, we’ll discuss 5 different ways to apply pop art to your designs.
Discovering new things will give you more confidence and this will help you enjoy your home more. There’s no doubt that interior design can influence our feelings.
Some figure

The color disparity in the pop art style

The pop art style uses diverse color palettes and compositions.
Designs usually only use three or four colors or shades in one place and balance each other out. Yet, this style dismisses this idea and works with colors without following any rules. It’s about using a lot of vibrant colors to make a place pop!
Couches, walls, chairs, tables, lamps, and any other piece of furniture are used in any color scheme to try and trigger an emotional response. You can match green, orange, purple or yellow, in one room.

It’s not about being totally anarchical, but having more artistic freedom.

The use of pop art in the 90s

When picking decorative elements, take these three tips into account. These will help you give your home that pop!
  1. Vinyl records. You can use them to decorate a wall.
  2. Cassette tapes. If you look in your drawers or closet, you may find a few old cassette tapes. Use them to create a ceiling or table light.
  3. A computer keyboard. Technology fits this decorative style. Use old keyboards on your walls or use the keys to create a photo frame.

The possibilities are endless, just use your imagination.

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Pop art style works

Consider the idea of using artwork that represents this decorative style. A clear example of this is Roy Lichtenstein’s and Andy Warhol’s works. Use large artwork to decorate the inner walls of your home and stick vinyl on the walls to create a comic book aesthetic, with bright colors.

The Swan chair

This chair is a true statement of pop art. Its curved lines and plasticity transmit a sensation of dynamism and timelessness.
The Swan chair breaks with tradition and enhances pop art decorations. It becomes the star of any space it’s in and stands out thanks to its shape and vibrant colors.
Some figure

Vintage music equipment

Vintage music players from the 60s, 70s, and 80s give an interesting vintage vibe. You may have an old player lying around your home. If it doesn’t work, turn it into part of your pop art style decor. This will give your decoration an alternative feel. Decorate the living room more dynamically by using a vintage music player. But, don’t make it the centerpiece, let it complement the rest of your decoration.
Enjoy the pop art revival!


Tired of using the same decorative styles? It’s time to change and trying something different. Before you begin, it’s important to understand the many possibilities in interior design. In this article, we’ll discuss 5 different ways to apply pop art to your designs.
Discovering new things will give you more confidence and this will help you enjoy your home more. There’s no doubt that interior design can influence our feelings.
Some figure

The color disparity in the pop art style

The pop art style uses diverse color palettes and compositions.
Designs usually only use three or four colors or shades in one place and balance each other out. Yet, this style dismisses this idea and works with colors without following any rules. It’s about using a lot of vibrant colors to make a place pop!
Couches, walls, chairs, tables, lamps, and any other piece of furniture are used in any color scheme to try and trigger an emotional response. You can match green, orange, purple or yellow, in one room.

It’s not about being totally anarchical, but having more artistic freedom.

The use of pop art in the 90s

When picking decorative elements, take these three tips into account. These will help you give your home that pop!
  1. Vinyl records. You can use them to decorate a wall.
  2. Cassette tapes. If you look in your drawers or closet, you may find a few old cassette tapes. Use them to create a ceiling or table light.
  3. A computer keyboard. Technology fits this decorative style. Use old keyboards on your walls or use the keys to create a photo frame.

The possibilities are endless, just use your imagination.

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Pop art style works

Consider the idea of using artwork that represents this decorative style. A clear example of this is Roy Lichtenstein’s and Andy Warhol’s works. Use large artwork to decorate the inner walls of your home and stick vinyl on the walls to create a comic book aesthetic, with bright colors.

The Swan chair

This chair is a true statement of pop art. Its curved lines and plasticity transmit a sensation of dynamism and timelessness.
The Swan chair breaks with tradition and enhances pop art decorations. It becomes the star of any space it’s in and stands out thanks to its shape and vibrant colors.
Some figure

Vintage music equipment

Vintage music players from the 60s, 70s, and 80s give an interesting vintage vibe. You may have an old player lying around your home. If it doesn’t work, turn it into part of your pop art style decor. This will give your decoration an alternative feel. Decorate the living room more dynamically by using a vintage music player. But, don’t make it the centerpiece, let it complement the rest of your decoration.
Enjoy the pop art revival!


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Rodríguez Baliña, Rosario: Confección de accesorios para decoración, IC Editorial, 2019.