5 Pretty, Functional Shoe Organizer Ideas

Shoe organizer ideas are always welcome since they have a double purpose. They’re functional and practical, but also a way to make your space look great.
A lot of people don’t use a shoe organizer, instead they just store their shoes in the boxes they come in. However, that’s not necessarily the best way to keep things tidy and your shoes in good condition.
Plus, you’re missing out on the style that a nice shoe organizer can give your home. They come in all shapes and sizes – there’s something out there for everybody.
Today we’ll give you 5 pretty, functional shoe organizer ideas to consider.
The traditional shoe organizer
Traditional shoe organizers are usually made of wood and consist of two or more drawers where you store your shoes. This type is ideal if your space has a classic vibe. Generally, they go in the bedroom, but if they fit in the mudroom or entryway, then they can go there too.
To give your shoe organizer a personal touch, try swapping the handles for something more your style.

Shoes on display!
Another shoe organizer idea we’d like to suggest is the bench type with compartments. This is perfect for your mudroom or entrance since it’s a handy place to sit to put on or take off your shoes.
The only thing about this type of organizer is that you’ll have to keep things clean. After all, your shoes are on display, so it will look better if kept tidy. It will also work well in the bedroom, especially if you have a walk-in closet.
Another similar shoe organizer is made of shelves. The main difference is that this kind isn’t low and in the shape of a bench, but rather high — like a bookcase.
Ideally, the shelves are staggered or not all the same distance from each other. This means you’ll be able to fit boots and shoes of all sizes on it. Another good thing is that they’re multifunctional; you can use the compartments for other items, like purses.
Like the bench shoe organizer, shelves are nice if you want to be able to see all of your shoes at once. They’re also great for walk-in closets.

Modular shoe organizers
Many people don’t have much space to put a shoe organizer — or it’s an odd-shaped area that they have available. The solution? Modular shoe organizers.
They’re great for small spaces since you can arrange them in a way that works for you. For example, you could arrange them in steps (also providing a surface area to place decorative elements on, like picture frames). Or they can fit in an awkward corner.

Shoe organizers with mirrors
Another handy element you can find on some shoe organizers is a mirror. Kill two birds with one stone; you get a large space to keep your shoes and you also get a mirror on the door. An excellent place to put one of these is by the front door, so you can take one last glance at yourself before you leave home.

Fun shoe organizers
Lastly, we have shoe organizers with fun, stylish images on the doors. For example, you might like one with city scenes on it, such as from Paris or London, or text (like “Keep calm and put your shoes on.”) Children’s shoe organizers often fall under this category.

These 5 shoe organizer ideas prove that furniture can be both functional and quite stylish. One last tip: make sure to keep them clean and fresh. If your shoes are in an enclosed space, there’s nowhere for any bad odors to go. We suggest putting fragrance bags inside them — lavender and citrus are two great options.
Shoe organizer ideas are always welcome since they have a double purpose. They’re functional and practical, but also a way to make your space look great.
A lot of people don’t use a shoe organizer, instead they just store their shoes in the boxes they come in. However, that’s not necessarily the best way to keep things tidy and your shoes in good condition.
Plus, you’re missing out on the style that a nice shoe organizer can give your home. They come in all shapes and sizes – there’s something out there for everybody.
Today we’ll give you 5 pretty, functional shoe organizer ideas to consider.
The traditional shoe organizer
Traditional shoe organizers are usually made of wood and consist of two or more drawers where you store your shoes. This type is ideal if your space has a classic vibe. Generally, they go in the bedroom, but if they fit in the mudroom or entryway, then they can go there too.
To give your shoe organizer a personal touch, try swapping the handles for something more your style.

Shoes on display!
Another shoe organizer idea we’d like to suggest is the bench type with compartments. This is perfect for your mudroom or entrance since it’s a handy place to sit to put on or take off your shoes.
The only thing about this type of organizer is that you’ll have to keep things clean. After all, your shoes are on display, so it will look better if kept tidy. It will also work well in the bedroom, especially if you have a walk-in closet.
Another similar shoe organizer is made of shelves. The main difference is that this kind isn’t low and in the shape of a bench, but rather high — like a bookcase.
Ideally, the shelves are staggered or not all the same distance from each other. This means you’ll be able to fit boots and shoes of all sizes on it. Another good thing is that they’re multifunctional; you can use the compartments for other items, like purses.
Like the bench shoe organizer, shelves are nice if you want to be able to see all of your shoes at once. They’re also great for walk-in closets.

Modular shoe organizers
Many people don’t have much space to put a shoe organizer — or it’s an odd-shaped area that they have available. The solution? Modular shoe organizers.
They’re great for small spaces since you can arrange them in a way that works for you. For example, you could arrange them in steps (also providing a surface area to place decorative elements on, like picture frames). Or they can fit in an awkward corner.

Shoe organizers with mirrors
Another handy element you can find on some shoe organizers is a mirror. Kill two birds with one stone; you get a large space to keep your shoes and you also get a mirror on the door. An excellent place to put one of these is by the front door, so you can take one last glance at yourself before you leave home.

Fun shoe organizers
Lastly, we have shoe organizers with fun, stylish images on the doors. For example, you might like one with city scenes on it, such as from Paris or London, or text (like “Keep calm and put your shoes on.”) Children’s shoe organizers often fall under this category.

These 5 shoe organizer ideas prove that furniture can be both functional and quite stylish. One last tip: make sure to keep them clean and fresh. If your shoes are in an enclosed space, there’s nowhere for any bad odors to go. We suggest putting fragrance bags inside them — lavender and citrus are two great options.