3 Tips for Choosing a Decor Style for your Home

Not sure what decor style to use for your home? In this article you can find 3 simple steps so that choosing is easier.
3 Tips for Choosing a Decor Style for your Home

Last update: 09 January, 2019

Choosing a decor style for your home isn’t always an easy job. If you’ve bought a new apartment or house or if you’ve decided to redecorate, finding a style that you like and that you’ll be happy with can be complicated.

Your home is your very own personal space. You should remember that before everything else, your house should be a place where you can relax and feel at home.

Feeling at home isn´t just about a house being comfortable. It also has to do with being a place where you can feel happy, complete. Home should be where you can identify with the style that speaks of your background and experiences.

In today’s article, you will find out how to go about choosing a decor style for your home in 3 simple steps.

1. Information

A decor style can be difficult to choose when you’re not exactly sure what it is, what it consists of and what the main characteristics or features are.

That’s why your first step in choosing a decor style for your home that you will identify with, is that you should educate yourself.

Fortunately, we live in a digital world. Apart from the obvious source of interior design magazines, you can also read information about different decor styles in blogs or online magazines.

When choosing the decor style for your home, try creating a mood board with designs and colors you like

Houses that appear in decor magazines or blogs can appear perfect, but sometimes the ideas shown there aren’t very practical or realistic. We suggest that you highlight, save or cut out everything you like and create your own mood board.

This will help you to see what things match up with your style and find a pattern of what you like. For example, look out for things such as materials, shapes, etc. In the end, you’ll find out which decor style you identify with the most.

2. Make a list for choosing the decor style of your home

Another of the things that will help you to know which decor style to choose for your house is making a list with different items that you’d like to have.

Create your list with items you particularly like at the top of the list. In that way, you’ll be establishing priorities and you’ll know which things you can’t leave out in your home.

Choosing a decor style for your home isn't always easy. Start with making lists of colors and items you want to include

You could make as many lists as you like. For example:

  • Lists of materials: what materials would you like as a feature in the decor of your house? Timber, metal, concrete, marble, etc?
  • Lists of shapes: what shapes do you want to feature in your home? Straight lines, curves, simple or geometric shapes, etc?
  • Colors you like

When you have all your lists ready, imagine all the different items, materials, shapes and colors integrated into your house and think about how it will make you feel.

If you think various items will make you feel comfortable, cozy and happy, keep to the thread your lists are indicating – you now have the decor style for your house!

3. If you can’t decide on just one, combine them!

Two are better than one. So, if you can’t decide on just one decor style for your home, choose two that you like best and combine them.

This combination will add a unique style to your house, one with a lot of personality. There won’t be any other homes with the same style as yours.

Having said that, we recommend that you choose two styles with items and materials that will go harmoniously together when matched up.

Create your own theme and personalized decor when choosing the decor style for your home

For example, a rustic style would go very well with a vintage decor or even with an industrial theme. The industrial and modern styles can also be combined with excellent effects.

There is a very fine line between harmony and discordance or incompatibility. You should take care that your home, no matter what decor styles it has, should be harmonious.

Don’t be afraid to mix and match combinations of different decor styles. Remember that your house is where you should be happy. If it makes you happy, take whatever you like and combine various decor styles together.

At the end of the day, there isn’t anything set in stone about decor styles. Each person has their own preferences.


Choosing a decor style for your home will be easier if you follow these few simple steps or suggestions above.

One last suggestion. First and foremost you should choose a decor style that you identify with. After all, when all is said and done, the style of your home should express your personality or lifestyle by means of the different features and items that harmonize the rooms.

It doesn’t matter if the style you decide to go with isn’t “fashionable”. Why? Because when that style isn’t trending anymore, you’ll still be happy in your house and with the story that it can tell about you and your family.