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Tropical Plants to Transform Your Spaces

4 minutes
Dare to transform your spaces with natural decorative elements? Consider using tropical plants. Some of them even have health properties.
Tropical Plants to Transform Your Spaces
Last update: 24 August, 2021

Nature and wilderness themes are currently very fashionable choices for decor. So we want to explain more about the tropical plants with which you can transform your spaces and emulate this style. It’s the wide leaves of tropical plants that’ll give that special touch you’re looking for, where the intense green colors in different shades are the protagonists.

Tropical plants have some specific characteristics, as they originate from hot and humid areas, with the summer months being their time to shine. Some have flowers that enchant, while others only have leaves with eye-catching tones and designs.

Keep reading because we’ll explain what tropical plants you need to transform your indoor and outdoor spaces. Without a doubt, you’re going to love them!

Tropical plants to transform your interiors

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With the arrival of summer, it’s necessary to get in tune and add decorative elements to your home that reiterate that one of the most longed-for times of the year has arrived. If this is your case, consider the following tropical plants and transform your interiors.

  • Alocasia: a tropical plant that makes a difference and transforms interior spaces in an incredible way. It’s native to the tropical climates of Asia and Australia, although it’s cultivated throughout the world. It has a medium height with wide leaves, which is why it’s also known as Elephant’s Ear.
  • Dracena: of this plant there are more or less 40 different species. The best known is the fine-leaved dracena which is shaped like a palm tree and adapts very well to interior spaces. It goes very well in bathrooms or in an empty corner of the living room. It has a plus, and that is that it purifies the air and cleans it of pollutants.
  • Kentia: this is one of the most popular palm trees when it comes to interior decoration. It has long, thin and arched leaves that make it look very elegant. The ideal is to have it in a large area where its leaves can grow and spread.
  • Dieffenbachia or diefembaquia: a plant native to Central America that has different varieties. They’re characterized by being evergreen and have large, oval and lanceolate leaves. Its color is intense green with a mottled pattern of a lighter shade, depending on the species and variety.

These four tropical plants are ideal for transforming indoor spaces. They each have something in common and that is that they’re easy to care for. They need space and water to grow and beautify your home.

Transform your exterior spaces too!

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Now, it’s also possible to give that wild touch to your outdoor spaces. We’ll tell you the precise tropical plants that you can use for these areas:

  • Hibiscus: this is an ideal plant to transform spaces because it has very showy flowers, bell-shaped and with five petals. They’re of varied colors according to the species but are predominantly red. They’re used for both decorative and medicinal purposes.
  • Bird of paradise: its scientific name is strelitzia reginae and it is thanks to the shape of the flower that it’s known as Bird of Paradise. The flower contrasts very well with the wide leaves it has.
  • Ciques: also known as cycas revoluta or the Church Palm, it’s native to southern Japan. It’s ideal to grow at home in warm and tropical areas, since it doesn’t resist the cold. It stands out for having a kind of crown of dark green leaves, as well as a thick, hairy trunk that can branch several times.
  • Areca: native to Madagascar, this belongs to the palm family. It’s very popular because, in addition to beautifying and transforming spaces, it has a high rate of perspiration, which allows it to eliminate toxins from the air.
  • Iraca: a tropical plant that’s also known as Jipijapa or Toquilla. It has wide green fan-shaped leaves. Although many recognize it as a palm, it’s not–it’s a herbaceous plant. It’s popular because in countries such as Colombia it’s used to make handicrafts.

Dare to transform your spaces with these tropical plants?

The size of these tropical plants may make you doubt if it’s a good idea to use them. But that’s what the wild style is all about–totally transforming spaces.

If your home is small, try some of the medium-sized plants and place them strategically. The idea is that you don’t deny yourself the opportunity to naturally revive your home.

Nature and wilderness themes are currently very fashionable choices for decor. So we want to explain more about the tropical plants with which you can transform your spaces and emulate this style. It’s the wide leaves of tropical plants that’ll give that special touch you’re looking for, where the intense green colors in different shades are the protagonists.

Tropical plants have some specific characteristics, as they originate from hot and humid areas, with the summer months being their time to shine. Some have flowers that enchant, while others only have leaves with eye-catching tones and designs.

Keep reading because we’ll explain what tropical plants you need to transform your indoor and outdoor spaces. Without a doubt, you’re going to love them!

Tropical plants to transform your interiors

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With the arrival of summer, it’s necessary to get in tune and add decorative elements to your home that reiterate that one of the most longed-for times of the year has arrived. If this is your case, consider the following tropical plants and transform your interiors.

  • Alocasia: a tropical plant that makes a difference and transforms interior spaces in an incredible way. It’s native to the tropical climates of Asia and Australia, although it’s cultivated throughout the world. It has a medium height with wide leaves, which is why it’s also known as Elephant’s Ear.
  • Dracena: of this plant there are more or less 40 different species. The best known is the fine-leaved dracena which is shaped like a palm tree and adapts very well to interior spaces. It goes very well in bathrooms or in an empty corner of the living room. It has a plus, and that is that it purifies the air and cleans it of pollutants.
  • Kentia: this is one of the most popular palm trees when it comes to interior decoration. It has long, thin and arched leaves that make it look very elegant. The ideal is to have it in a large area where its leaves can grow and spread.
  • Dieffenbachia or diefembaquia: a plant native to Central America that has different varieties. They’re characterized by being evergreen and have large, oval and lanceolate leaves. Its color is intense green with a mottled pattern of a lighter shade, depending on the species and variety.

These four tropical plants are ideal for transforming indoor spaces. They each have something in common and that is that they’re easy to care for. They need space and water to grow and beautify your home.

Transform your exterior spaces too!

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Now, it’s also possible to give that wild touch to your outdoor spaces. We’ll tell you the precise tropical plants that you can use for these areas:

  • Hibiscus: this is an ideal plant to transform spaces because it has very showy flowers, bell-shaped and with five petals. They’re of varied colors according to the species but are predominantly red. They’re used for both decorative and medicinal purposes.
  • Bird of paradise: its scientific name is strelitzia reginae and it is thanks to the shape of the flower that it’s known as Bird of Paradise. The flower contrasts very well with the wide leaves it has.
  • Ciques: also known as cycas revoluta or the Church Palm, it’s native to southern Japan. It’s ideal to grow at home in warm and tropical areas, since it doesn’t resist the cold. It stands out for having a kind of crown of dark green leaves, as well as a thick, hairy trunk that can branch several times.
  • Areca: native to Madagascar, this belongs to the palm family. It’s very popular because, in addition to beautifying and transforming spaces, it has a high rate of perspiration, which allows it to eliminate toxins from the air.
  • Iraca: a tropical plant that’s also known as Jipijapa or Toquilla. It has wide green fan-shaped leaves. Although many recognize it as a palm, it’s not–it’s a herbaceous plant. It’s popular because in countries such as Colombia it’s used to make handicrafts.

Dare to transform your spaces with these tropical plants?

The size of these tropical plants may make you doubt if it’s a good idea to use them. But that’s what the wild style is all about–totally transforming spaces.

If your home is small, try some of the medium-sized plants and place them strategically. The idea is that you don’t deny yourself the opportunity to naturally revive your home.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Benítez, B., Soto, F. Revisión bibliográfica, el cultivo de palma areca (Dypsis lutescens, H. Wendel). Cultivos Tropicales, 2010, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 62-69.
  • Sumaya Martínez, Ma. Teresa, & Medina Carrillo, Raquel E., & Machuca Sánchez, Ma. Luisa, & Jiménez Ruiz, Edgar, & Balois Morales, Rosendo, & Sánchez Herrera, Leticia Mónica (2014). POTENCIAL DE LA JAMAICA (HIBISCUS SABDARIFFA L.) EN LA ELABORACIÓN DE ALIMENTOS FUNCIONALES CON ACTIVIDAD ANTIOXIDANTE. Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios, 35( ),1082-1088.[fecha de Consulta 9 de Agosto de 2021]. ISSN: 1405-9282. Disponible en: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=14131676017