How to Choose Indoor Plants Correctly

Plants are a fundamental resource for the decor of your home. They contribute a feeling of nature to the atmosphere. However, sometimes we don’t have enough information to make our plants a success. Do we really know how to choose indoor plants correctly?
It’s probably happened to all of us that a pot plant we had indoors wilted or even died. Why does this happen? You have to take into account different factors, particularly whether they can adapt to temperature changes.
Inside heating and temperature changes affect plants. It’s vital to educate yourself and ask for advice at local nurseries before jumping the gun and buying the first plants you see.
In this article, we will look at some important things to consider when it comes to looking after your plants and for when you want to choose indoor plants for your home.
It’s very important that the area where you keep your plants has natural light. There doesn’t necessarily have to be a window right next to the plants. But it does at least need to be illuminated with indirect light entering the area.
It’s fitting to point out that the more natural light there is, the better the quality of life of the plants. It’s true that some plants can be sufficiently nourished with artificial light. However, without a doubt, plants that have some sunshine will be much happier.
As a word of advice, when the time comes to choose your plants, the Fittonia or Peperomia are species that grow very well inside. They have a lot of stamina and adjust perfectly to their environment indoors.
What can happen with regards to temperature? Any garden undertaking requires effort and care, but the temperature is a factor you should look at so your plants will last indoors.

For the most part, indoor plants require warmer temperatures such as those found in a tropical environment. So, when you go to choose indoor plants for your home, you should ask what temperature will suit them.
Usually, indoor plants will have a good quality of life if you keep the house at a temperature of between 18°C and 24°C. It’s important that there aren’t drastic temperature changes in the atmosphere in the room where your plants are. It needs to be constant.
If a room is cold, we recommend you don’t keep any plants in it. With time the plants can wither and die. If you would like a plant that can adapt to the cold, the Pothos plant will survive in lower temperatures.
In view of the above, as well as the temperature, the light should also be controlled. Good conditions will guarantee you success in growing your indoor plants.
The space you have available
The available space should be studied if you wish to have plants that add to the atmosphere of your home. Without a doubt, these will add to the harmony and coziness of the room.
If you have a room with a lot of furniture, it’s important to use small plants that don’t take up too much space. In essence, what’s really interesting to use are plants that can revitalize the overall decor but that won’t grow too big.
In contrast, what if you have a large room with empty spaces and not much furniture? The placement of bigger plants, even plants that grow taller than a person, can add to the ambiance of the room and go with the furnishings.
An example of a plant which is neither too big nor too small is the African violet. It gives color, smell, and subtlety, and doesn’t grow excessively or require pruning.

Suitable types of plants you can adapt to the design of your home
Normally we like to have a cozy and peaceful environment in our homes. Having nature in the home contributes to these two concepts. Therefore, it’s vital that, when choosing what plants to incorporate in a room, they are able to adapt to the design of your home.
For a rustic style, you could match different types of plants that have a soft texture: for example ferns, geraniums, a Benjamina fig, etc.
However, for a city apartment where the design is modern with straight lines or minimalist cacti and succulents suit the style perfectly and decorate with subtlety.
On the other hand, if you want to choose indoor plants that will stand out, there are other varieties that are leafy plants. They add color, splendor and draw the eye.
Within these varieties, you can find some that live perfectly happily indoors. For example, Fittonia albivenis, Tradescantia zebrina, and what’s commonly known as the prayer plant.
Some options to help you choose indoor plants
Ivy is a plant species that purifies the air. Due to its growth capacity, it can offer interesting patterns and winding fronds to give an elegant and dynamic effect; in fact, it can remind you of the artistic style of modernism.
Another type of plant that’s easy to maintain is the Philodendron. It doesn’t need much water, is long living and purifies the air like ivy.

A common plant in homes is the spider plant. Like the previous suggestions, it’s an easy maintenance plant, purifies the air and doesn’t require daily watering. It has an aesthetic elegance that’s pleasing to the eye.
Some other plants that are easy to maintain are bonsai, cactus, and elephant’s foot. The care they require is minimal and can suit any type of home design.
Decorate your home with colors and bring nature to every corner of the house. Plants produce a healthy, clean, fresh and natural atmosphere; but don’t forget that the information an expert can give you can be of great help.
A love of gardening is a seed that once sown never dies.
-Gestrude Jekyll-