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Flowers for Party Decor

3 minutes
Decorating a party with flowers is a great idea regardless of the time of year or where the celebration is taking place. Set up floral arrangements all around and make them a part of a wedding, birthday party or any celebration.
Flowers for Party Decor
Last update: 28 January, 2021

Regardless of when you get married or when your birthday is, you can always decorate your big day with flowers. However, you should know which kind is right for which season and how to fit them into their surrounding decor (gift bags, fabrics, cake, etc.).

In our post today, we have some great ideas to share with you about decorating your wedding or any other important social event.

Flowers for party decor

Think that flowers can only grace spring or summer celebrations? Think again – there are flowers for every season and they all make beautiful decor.

You don’t have to throw a huge party in a reception hall. Transform your backyard or deck and invite some friends and family to celebrate something special… And decorate with flowers!

1. Flowers in birdcages

Some figure

Floral arrangements in birdcages are the latest party and garden decor trend. While the idea seems a bit strange, but they actually look stunning and can make great use of something we already have at home.

Today, many home decor stores actually sell beautiful decor birdcages in all sizes as well. You can fill them with flowers, candles or other decor elements.

2. Flowers in glass vases

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Glass vases and natural flowers are a classic combination for party decor. They look beautiful as table centerpieces. Fill them with water, sand, soil, stones… Just make sure that your flowers have the conditions they need to stay fresh until the end of your event.

As for the vases, you have endless decor options. Decorate them with ribbon, string, glitter… Reuse empty jars that are just sitting around at home for 100% recycled party decor.

3. Floral garlands

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If you plan on throwing a daytime party on a farm or rural site, setting up flowers alongside the surrounding nature will look incredible.

Prepare floral garlands by tying them together side-by-side. Then hang them up wherever you please – around a window, on stairs, on a table, around chairs, and from trees.

4. Flower baskets

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Flowers are the perfect way to decorate an outdoor party. You can use baskets in different sizes and paint them white or leave them as they are.

Fill them with fresh or dried flowers and place them on your main table, the dessert table, at the entrance on the floor, the photo area or even in the bathroom.

Or if you’re not into baskets, try metal buckets. Metal buckets are very trendy and make an appearance at many special events. They’ll look gorgeous with white marigolds or peonies.

5. Scatter flowers on the floor

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If you have to decorate a wedding and want to have the ceremony outside, try scattering petals in the aisle. You can also use them to mark out special areas like the dance floor or dining area, etc.

6. Wall decor

Some figure

Yes, wall decor. You can put flowers anywhere you want in your decor. Covering aluminum or wooden structures (like pergolas) for a party or photo zone is a popular idea.

You can even stick flowers, individual or bouquets, on different areas of your living room wall. They also look great around windows or ceiling corners. Let your imagination run wild!

If you want to use flowers to decorate a party, take the time to think about your favorite types or how to match the style of your party (and surrounding decor). Roses are the most popular option in addition to lavender, hydrangeas, peonies and jasmine.

Regardless of when you get married or when your birthday is, you can always decorate your big day with flowers. However, you should know which kind is right for which season and how to fit them into their surrounding decor (gift bags, fabrics, cake, etc.).

In our post today, we have some great ideas to share with you about decorating your wedding or any other important social event.

Flowers for party decor

Think that flowers can only grace spring or summer celebrations? Think again – there are flowers for every season and they all make beautiful decor.

You don’t have to throw a huge party in a reception hall. Transform your backyard or deck and invite some friends and family to celebrate something special… And decorate with flowers!

1. Flowers in birdcages

Some figure

Floral arrangements in birdcages are the latest party and garden decor trend. While the idea seems a bit strange, but they actually look stunning and can make great use of something we already have at home.

Today, many home decor stores actually sell beautiful decor birdcages in all sizes as well. You can fill them with flowers, candles or other decor elements.

2. Flowers in glass vases

Some figure

Glass vases and natural flowers are a classic combination for party decor. They look beautiful as table centerpieces. Fill them with water, sand, soil, stones… Just make sure that your flowers have the conditions they need to stay fresh until the end of your event.

As for the vases, you have endless decor options. Decorate them with ribbon, string, glitter… Reuse empty jars that are just sitting around at home for 100% recycled party decor.

3. Floral garlands

Some figure

If you plan on throwing a daytime party on a farm or rural site, setting up flowers alongside the surrounding nature will look incredible.

Prepare floral garlands by tying them together side-by-side. Then hang them up wherever you please – around a window, on stairs, on a table, around chairs, and from trees.

4. Flower baskets

Some figure

Flowers are the perfect way to decorate an outdoor party. You can use baskets in different sizes and paint them white or leave them as they are.

Fill them with fresh or dried flowers and place them on your main table, the dessert table, at the entrance on the floor, the photo area or even in the bathroom.

Or if you’re not into baskets, try metal buckets. Metal buckets are very trendy and make an appearance at many special events. They’ll look gorgeous with white marigolds or peonies.

5. Scatter flowers on the floor

Some figure

If you have to decorate a wedding and want to have the ceremony outside, try scattering petals in the aisle. You can also use them to mark out special areas like the dance floor or dining area, etc.

6. Wall decor

Some figure

Yes, wall decor. You can put flowers anywhere you want in your decor. Covering aluminum or wooden structures (like pergolas) for a party or photo zone is a popular idea.

You can even stick flowers, individual or bouquets, on different areas of your living room wall. They also look great around windows or ceiling corners. Let your imagination run wild!

If you want to use flowers to decorate a party, take the time to think about your favorite types or how to match the style of your party (and surrounding decor). Roses are the most popular option in addition to lavender, hydrangeas, peonies and jasmine.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Parody, B. (2010). La biotecnología y las plantas ornamentales. ArgenBio.