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8 of The Best Floors for Your Bathroom

4 minutes
Among the best floors for your bathroom are those with anti-slip and anti-humidity characteristics. In addition, the ones we've suggested in this article, are resistant and will go with your decor.
8 of The Best Floors for Your Bathroom
Last update: 20 September, 2021

When you’re renovating your bathroom, you have to consider the best floor for this area. Taking into account that it’s a humid space and that it should be easy to keep clean. Therefore, the material that you choose must be resistant to water and non-slip, as well as being beautiful and in accordance with your decor. If this task feels overwhelming, keep reading as we present eight of the best floors for your bathroom.

The characteristics of the bathroom can cause bacteria and fungi to accumulate. Believe it or not, the bathroom floor  can facilitate cleaning, since the joins are a favorite place for these microorganisms to thrive. So the less joins you have, the better.

Eight of the best floors for your bathroom

We’re going to explain eight of the best floors for your bathroom–which are each very different. Knowing the options you have will help you to make the right decision, depending on your bathroom.

1. Hydraulic tiles

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Hydraulic tiles are quite resistant to the conditions and the environment of the bathroom. They’re also known as hydraulic mosaic tiles and their manufacture began in the 19th century.

Today the industry offers imitations of this type of floor for your bathroom. However, although the price is lower, be mindful that the result isn’t always the same. If you’re looking to renovate your bathroom in a vintage style, this is an excellent option.

2. Microcement floors: best floors for your bathroom

Microcement is one of the most modern and on-trend materials, which fits very well with bathroom floors and other bathroom finishes. It stands out because it’s resistant, non-slip and hygienic and it doesn’t have any joints–facilitating its cleaning.

In addition, this type of flooring is waterproof, which is obviously very important in the bathroom.

3. Vinyl flooring

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Also known as PVC flooring, its great advantage is that it imitates finishes such as wood, hydraulic tiles or cement. This is a floor that, being plastic, repels water very well.

This floor is easy to install and doesn’t require any major changes. For example, you can simply place it on top of your current flooring. To avoid leakages, you’ll need to ensure that the joints are properly sealed.

4. Ceramic tiles: best floors for your bathroom

Ceramic or stoneware are a type of tile that’s suitable for the bathroom. It’s easy to clean and long-lasting. You can find tiles in various finishes, multiple colors and even with textures.

It has two main disadvantages to consider. The first is that strong blows can easily damage it. The second, is that due to its size, the floor will have lots of joins. Although, if this is your preference when comparing quality and price, just ensure you avoid forceful blows and use the appropriate cleaning products.

5. Tiles

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Tiles are the most popular option for bathroom floors. They’re durable, anti-humidity and offer a wide variety of colors, patterns, textures and sizes. Prices vary depending on which one you choose. There are even tiles available in stainless steel.

6. Porcelain floors: best floors for your bathroom

Porcelain floors are non-slip, so these are ideal for a bathroom. It’s also very resistant and is available in multiple finishes such as wood, marble, stone and granite, among others.

7. Wooden floors

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The wooden floor (also known as parquet) offers a beautiful, warm and welcoming finish. Still, it’s quite a delicate material to install in the bathroom.

It doesn’t get along well with humidity. So you’ll need to ensure that the wooden floor you choose is made from treated wood and resists humidity. Such is the case of the type of wood that’s used in spaces such as a sauna.

8. Marble or granite

We finalize this list of the eight best floors for your bathroom with marble or granite. These materials are very popular in bathrooms because they’re elegant and beautiful.

They’re durable, resistant and anti-humidity. You can find these materials in different colors. The biggest problem is that they have a high price–compared to others.

Of the eight best floors for your bathroom, which one did you like the most?

This list of the best floors for your bathroom consists of eight options that are the most popular, suitable and resistant.

Choose the one that fits the characteristics of your bathroom, both in size and decorative style. Of course, it should also fit your budget too!

When you’re renovating your bathroom, you have to consider the best floor for this area. Taking into account that it’s a humid space and that it should be easy to keep clean. Therefore, the material that you choose must be resistant to water and non-slip, as well as being beautiful and in accordance with your decor. If this task feels overwhelming, keep reading as we present eight of the best floors for your bathroom.

The characteristics of the bathroom can cause bacteria and fungi to accumulate. Believe it or not, the bathroom floor  can facilitate cleaning, since the joins are a favorite place for these microorganisms to thrive. So the less joins you have, the better.

Eight of the best floors for your bathroom

We’re going to explain eight of the best floors for your bathroom–which are each very different. Knowing the options you have will help you to make the right decision, depending on your bathroom.

1. Hydraulic tiles

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Hydraulic tiles are quite resistant to the conditions and the environment of the bathroom. They’re also known as hydraulic mosaic tiles and their manufacture began in the 19th century.

Today the industry offers imitations of this type of floor for your bathroom. However, although the price is lower, be mindful that the result isn’t always the same. If you’re looking to renovate your bathroom in a vintage style, this is an excellent option.

2. Microcement floors: best floors for your bathroom

Microcement is one of the most modern and on-trend materials, which fits very well with bathroom floors and other bathroom finishes. It stands out because it’s resistant, non-slip and hygienic and it doesn’t have any joints–facilitating its cleaning.

In addition, this type of flooring is waterproof, which is obviously very important in the bathroom.

3. Vinyl flooring

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Also known as PVC flooring, its great advantage is that it imitates finishes such as wood, hydraulic tiles or cement. This is a floor that, being plastic, repels water very well.

This floor is easy to install and doesn’t require any major changes. For example, you can simply place it on top of your current flooring. To avoid leakages, you’ll need to ensure that the joints are properly sealed.

4. Ceramic tiles: best floors for your bathroom

Ceramic or stoneware are a type of tile that’s suitable for the bathroom. It’s easy to clean and long-lasting. You can find tiles in various finishes, multiple colors and even with textures.

It has two main disadvantages to consider. The first is that strong blows can easily damage it. The second, is that due to its size, the floor will have lots of joins. Although, if this is your preference when comparing quality and price, just ensure you avoid forceful blows and use the appropriate cleaning products.

5. Tiles

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Tiles are the most popular option for bathroom floors. They’re durable, anti-humidity and offer a wide variety of colors, patterns, textures and sizes. Prices vary depending on which one you choose. There are even tiles available in stainless steel.

6. Porcelain floors: best floors for your bathroom

Porcelain floors are non-slip, so these are ideal for a bathroom. It’s also very resistant and is available in multiple finishes such as wood, marble, stone and granite, among others.

7. Wooden floors

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The wooden floor (also known as parquet) offers a beautiful, warm and welcoming finish. Still, it’s quite a delicate material to install in the bathroom.

It doesn’t get along well with humidity. So you’ll need to ensure that the wooden floor you choose is made from treated wood and resists humidity. Such is the case of the type of wood that’s used in spaces such as a sauna.

8. Marble or granite

We finalize this list of the eight best floors for your bathroom with marble or granite. These materials are very popular in bathrooms because they’re elegant and beautiful.

They’re durable, resistant and anti-humidity. You can find these materials in different colors. The biggest problem is that they have a high price–compared to others.

Of the eight best floors for your bathroom, which one did you like the most?

This list of the best floors for your bathroom consists of eight options that are the most popular, suitable and resistant.

Choose the one that fits the characteristics of your bathroom, both in size and decorative style. Of course, it should also fit your budget too!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Hernández, F. Las antiguas fábricas de mosaico hidráulico en Navarra. Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía de Navarra (CEEN), 84 (2009), 55-95.