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Things to Keep in Mind if You Want to Decorate Your Porch

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If you're lucky enough to have a porch, read our advice on how to decorate it right.
Things to Keep in Mind if You Want to Decorate Your Porch
Last update: 11 January, 2019

Today, we’re going to give you some tips on things you should keep in mind if you want to decorate your porch.

When the weather is nice, all you want to do is spend your days relaxing with friends and family. So, it’s no surprise that we spend most of our summers in our gardens and on our porches or patios. This is why it’s so important to give them the right feel.

Even if you only have a small porch or it doesn’t get much sunlight, your hands aren’t completely tied. You can always adapt to the circumstances to get the most out of the space!

So, read on if you want some ideas and advice on how to decorate your porch.

How to decorate your porch

Divide the space

You can apply this rule with a garden or patio, too. The basic goal is to create separate environments. You can do this easily just by distributing your furniture the right way.

Even if you have a small porch, organizing the space well can make it feel much bigger.

Some figure

For example, you could divide it into two space: one for meals and the other for relaxing. If you have enough room, you can even create a platform to separate them. You would just need to make sure the surface is completely level.

You could either leave the floors untouched or put some artificial grass on one, giving the porch a more natural feel.

Make sure to use plants

Plants are indispensable for a good porch: not only are they a great way to decorate, they even have health benefits.

Just be sure to buy plants that can handle high temperatures or dry climates. Some good choices for that are succulents and cacti.

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If you have a very small porch, you could paint one wall green, or do that naturally with a vertical garden. You could also anchor flowerpots at different heights on the wall.

Or, if you have a trellis, you could put a climbing plant on one (or more) of its posts.

Choose your furniture and accessories carefully

A lot of the time, less is more. Sometimes it’s better not to have too many things on your porch.

Even if you’ve divided it into two environments, make sure there’s a visual continuity between them. The best way to do that is to choose furniture of the same style and fabrics with complementary colors or similar patterns.

Some figure

Furniture made of natural fibers like wicker or rattan generally goes great in outdoor spaces. Wood is also a good option. You’ll find a lot of variety at places like IKEA or your local furniture store.

If you want a relaxation area, you can put in a hammock, a deck chair, or even a swing chair if you have a lot of space.

The importance of light in porch decoration

Porches tend to be areas with lots of natural light. If you want to be able to use yours when it’s cold out, you can enclose it with glass windows. If you have a small house, this is one of the best ways to add some usable square feet. It will also help you get more natural light inside the house itself.

You should also put in some light sources–we personally love string lights. If you don’t have any electrical sockets on the porch, you can buy a battery to plug the lights into. One great option is to hang the lights from your trellis, or along the borders of the porch if you don’t have one.

Some figure

If you’ve decided to make a relaxation area with a bohemian touch, you’ll probably be more focused on the space by the floor, with rugs, puff chairs, and short tables. Lanterns and candles in colorful holders are perfect for this kind of setup.

The best part is that you can do this all pretty easily yourself, creating a warm, comfortable outdoor environment. 

Decorating a porch doesn’t have to be hard. Just make sure to measure the space you have and distribute the furniture and accessories well, and you’ve already done half the work! You’ll create yourself a balanced, peaceful area, no matter how big or small your porch is. So go on, start decorating your porch and make your summers even more enjoyable!

Today, we’re going to give you some tips on things you should keep in mind if you want to decorate your porch.

When the weather is nice, all you want to do is spend your days relaxing with friends and family. So, it’s no surprise that we spend most of our summers in our gardens and on our porches or patios. This is why it’s so important to give them the right feel.

Even if you only have a small porch or it doesn’t get much sunlight, your hands aren’t completely tied. You can always adapt to the circumstances to get the most out of the space!

So, read on if you want some ideas and advice on how to decorate your porch.

How to decorate your porch

Divide the space

You can apply this rule with a garden or patio, too. The basic goal is to create separate environments. You can do this easily just by distributing your furniture the right way.

Even if you have a small porch, organizing the space well can make it feel much bigger.

Some figure

For example, you could divide it into two space: one for meals and the other for relaxing. If you have enough room, you can even create a platform to separate them. You would just need to make sure the surface is completely level.

You could either leave the floors untouched or put some artificial grass on one, giving the porch a more natural feel.

Make sure to use plants

Plants are indispensable for a good porch: not only are they a great way to decorate, they even have health benefits.

Just be sure to buy plants that can handle high temperatures or dry climates. Some good choices for that are succulents and cacti.

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If you have a very small porch, you could paint one wall green, or do that naturally with a vertical garden. You could also anchor flowerpots at different heights on the wall.

Or, if you have a trellis, you could put a climbing plant on one (or more) of its posts.

Choose your furniture and accessories carefully

A lot of the time, less is more. Sometimes it’s better not to have too many things on your porch.

Even if you’ve divided it into two environments, make sure there’s a visual continuity between them. The best way to do that is to choose furniture of the same style and fabrics with complementary colors or similar patterns.

Some figure

Furniture made of natural fibers like wicker or rattan generally goes great in outdoor spaces. Wood is also a good option. You’ll find a lot of variety at places like IKEA or your local furniture store.

If you want a relaxation area, you can put in a hammock, a deck chair, or even a swing chair if you have a lot of space.

The importance of light in porch decoration

Porches tend to be areas with lots of natural light. If you want to be able to use yours when it’s cold out, you can enclose it with glass windows. If you have a small house, this is one of the best ways to add some usable square feet. It will also help you get more natural light inside the house itself.

You should also put in some light sources–we personally love string lights. If you don’t have any electrical sockets on the porch, you can buy a battery to plug the lights into. One great option is to hang the lights from your trellis, or along the borders of the porch if you don’t have one.

Some figure

If you’ve decided to make a relaxation area with a bohemian touch, you’ll probably be more focused on the space by the floor, with rugs, puff chairs, and short tables. Lanterns and candles in colorful holders are perfect for this kind of setup.

The best part is that you can do this all pretty easily yourself, creating a warm, comfortable outdoor environment. 

Decorating a porch doesn’t have to be hard. Just make sure to measure the space you have and distribute the furniture and accessories well, and you’ve already done half the work! You’ll create yourself a balanced, peaceful area, no matter how big or small your porch is. So go on, start decorating your porch and make your summers even more enjoyable!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

G. Schiffman, Leon; L. Kanuk, Leslie: Comportamiento del consumidor, Pearson Prentice Hall, 1978.