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Do You Want a Pool in Your Yard?

3 minutes
Think about the fun of having your own pool!
Do You Want a Pool in Your Yard?
Last update: 10 September, 2020

The chance to go swimming is always appealing, but not always available to everyone. Maybe if you make a small investment to install a pool in your yard it would be worth it.

When summer comes it involves entertainment and fun outdoors. So if you want to cool off without leaving your house, maybe it would be beneficial to learn the different types of pools you can put in your yard.

The hottest days of the year are the best times to go for a swim. Generally, we go to community or municipal pools. But there’s also the chance to enjoy your free time at home whenever you choose.

It doesn’t matter if the lot your house is on is small or if you don’t have the right conditions due to the kind of terrain you have. You can have a pool that suits your needs. So how about putting a pool in your yard?

Why have a pool in your yard?

Some figure

Photo from VisionPic.net en Pexels

Sometimes, it’s impossible to go to the beach or a lake. Because of lack of time or simply due to work, we find ourselves spending a lot of time at home. Usually, this is a time that we associate with vacations.

The simple fact of having a pool doesn’t mean that you can take a dip anytime you like. But when you have time and the weather’s warm you can enjoy it without needing to leave your house.

A pool is also great for entertainment and fun and young people. In summer, they have a lot of free time and the being able to be in the water at any time of day is a benefit.

                                  With the summer heat, any time is a good time to go swimming.

3 types of pools for your yard

Some figure

Image: piscinasdearena.com

The first thing you need to do is to assess your yard. For instance, you need to know the dimensions and the area that is most appropriate for its location. Of course, you need an area with enough space, so you can have a pool of considerable size.

Let’s look at three types that will work before choosing:

1. The most common pool style is rectangular or curved and set into the ground which requires excavation. Even though this type is pricey, it’s worth the money. You can select the depth and install internal lights for night time.

2. A similar type is one that simulates a natural environment in an oasis style. Normally, it has an irregular shape, with a central island with vegetation around it. Also, you can add a beach to your yard.

3. A pool is an appropriate option for both summer and winter if you live in a warm place and cover it.  It can be covered by an enclosure to protect it from the cold.

Portable and prefab pools

Some figure

Image: amazon.es

Another solution is a portable pool which can be set up and taken down if necessary. These are called prefabricated since they come in pieces that you put together yourself.

However, the simplest types of pools for your yard are inflatable ones. These are easy to put up, and when the swimming season is over you can just deflate them and keep them in a basement or storage area.

There are various sizes, from the largest for the entire family to use to the smallest for babies and children. Depending on the function that you want to use them for, you have to decide if this type or a prefab one is best.

                                         Assembling should not be difficult, but a simple and practical process.

Prices for a pool in your yard

Of course, price is a factor to consider. Naturally, this will depend on what you choose. Some pools are less expensive than others. On the other hand, some are more expensive due to the materials and installation.

Inflatable pools tend to cost between $100 and $600 depending on the category and the quality. In contrast, in-ground pools can be much more expensive and are about $9000 or more. In general, this depends on the work that has to be done.



The chance to go swimming is always appealing, but not always available to everyone. Maybe if you make a small investment to install a pool in your yard it would be worth it.

When summer comes it involves entertainment and fun outdoors. So if you want to cool off without leaving your house, maybe it would be beneficial to learn the different types of pools you can put in your yard.

The hottest days of the year are the best times to go for a swim. Generally, we go to community or municipal pools. But there’s also the chance to enjoy your free time at home whenever you choose.

It doesn’t matter if the lot your house is on is small or if you don’t have the right conditions due to the kind of terrain you have. You can have a pool that suits your needs. So how about putting a pool in your yard?

Why have a pool in your yard?

Some figure

Photo from VisionPic.net en Pexels

Sometimes, it’s impossible to go to the beach or a lake. Because of lack of time or simply due to work, we find ourselves spending a lot of time at home. Usually, this is a time that we associate with vacations.

The simple fact of having a pool doesn’t mean that you can take a dip anytime you like. But when you have time and the weather’s warm you can enjoy it without needing to leave your house.

A pool is also great for entertainment and fun and young people. In summer, they have a lot of free time and the being able to be in the water at any time of day is a benefit.

                                  With the summer heat, any time is a good time to go swimming.

3 types of pools for your yard

Some figure

Image: piscinasdearena.com

The first thing you need to do is to assess your yard. For instance, you need to know the dimensions and the area that is most appropriate for its location. Of course, you need an area with enough space, so you can have a pool of considerable size.

Let’s look at three types that will work before choosing:

1. The most common pool style is rectangular or curved and set into the ground which requires excavation. Even though this type is pricey, it’s worth the money. You can select the depth and install internal lights for night time.

2. A similar type is one that simulates a natural environment in an oasis style. Normally, it has an irregular shape, with a central island with vegetation around it. Also, you can add a beach to your yard.

3. A pool is an appropriate option for both summer and winter if you live in a warm place and cover it.  It can be covered by an enclosure to protect it from the cold.

Portable and prefab pools

Some figure

Image: amazon.es

Another solution is a portable pool which can be set up and taken down if necessary. These are called prefabricated since they come in pieces that you put together yourself.

However, the simplest types of pools for your yard are inflatable ones. These are easy to put up, and when the swimming season is over you can just deflate them and keep them in a basement or storage area.

There are various sizes, from the largest for the entire family to use to the smallest for babies and children. Depending on the function that you want to use them for, you have to decide if this type or a prefab one is best.

                                         Assembling should not be difficult, but a simple and practical process.

Prices for a pool in your yard

Of course, price is a factor to consider. Naturally, this will depend on what you choose. Some pools are less expensive than others. On the other hand, some are more expensive due to the materials and installation.

Inflatable pools tend to cost between $100 and $600 depending on the category and the quality. In contrast, in-ground pools can be much more expensive and are about $9000 or more. In general, this depends on the work that has to be done.



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  • AA. VV.: Piscinas XXI, Kripsol, 2004.