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Using the Cosmopolitan Style in Your Decor

3 minutes
Today's world offers multiple decorative options and styles. For this reason, it's important to see, know and learn so that we can soak up the different aesthetic possibilities on offer. This particularly applies to the cosmopolitan style.
Using the Cosmopolitan Style in Your Decor
Last update: 25 August, 2021

We all want to follow the latest fashions and incorporate new trends in our home interior designs. Therefore, today, we’ll explain how to implement the cosmopolitan style in your decor and the formulas you need to carry it out.

In cities, contemporary aesthetics are commonplace. Apartments, studios, and single-family homes represent a cosmopolitan style that abandons classical and traditional trends for more up-to-date ones.

Ultimately, city living follows a modern style originating and emulating the best designers. Cosmopolitan style introduces original novelties combined with technology.

Contemporary looks for a cosmopolitan style

Some figure

When it comes to highlighting some of the styles that reflect cosmopolitan design, it’s necessary to clarify that they’re a unique group and they don’t all have the same outcome. For this reason, it’s essential to extract your own ideas that serve as inspiration.

A particular case is the urban style, in which street concepts are combined with sophisticated ones. For example, you can leave an exposed brick wall, while other walls can be retouched by paint or wood and even by wallpaper.

In the same way, any style that’s within the contemporary scope is a good option. Undoubtedly, everything that exemplifies the harmony that’s typical of the hustle and bustle of the city, is going to be a good formula.

The cosmopolitan style in your decor: principles to follow

How can the cosmopolitan style be applied in your decoration? There are different formulas but, for this, it’s convenient to apply a realistic and friendly perspective. The idea is that you can present a modern image.

  • The fact of resorting to exclusive elements of the industrial style opens a very interesting door towards modernity. Today, refined forms, basic, simple principles, and, in addition, essential approaches prevail.
  • Minimalism is another style that we can’t overlook; there’s no doubt that this style is very interesting. The careful placement of furniture and elements allows us to rejuvenate our homes and create a current look that emulates the present.
  • Neutral colors become so direct that to this extent, they begin to sleep more than other shades. However, the contrasting system introduces warm, light, and dark colors to achieve dynamism.
  • The use of striking elements: be it a famous advertising panel, neon lights, a black and white photograph of a distinguished person, or even contemporary works of art.
  • Establishing a dialogue between different elements is essential. Hence there’s no need for eclecticism or extravagant accessories.

Take inspiration from travel

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Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

We all know that traveling is beneficial, not only to discover new places but also for living unrepeatable experiences. For this reason, it’s good to visit other destinations and visualize the decor that predominates in other cultures.

Visiting other large cities teaches us how aesthetics work according to the culture. In a metropolitan area such as New York City, you can learn about the latest trends.

On the other hand, in places such as Tokyo, decorative simplicity is exposed to technology and complete comfort. Obviously, each country has its own customs and this makes their interior aesthetics vary. Therefore, to a certain extent, we’re attached to the culture that surrounds us.

Impact of the cosmopolitan style generated by trends

Once we understand which decor is appropriate to the cosmopolitan style, a clear conclusion is drawn: globalization allows trends to reach any corner of the world.

In this way, if we want to follow a contemporary, urban and international line, we must soak up the life that goes on around us. Through our lived experiences, we can obtain the ideas reflected in our homes.


We all want to follow the latest fashions and incorporate new trends in our home interior designs. Therefore, today, we’ll explain how to implement the cosmopolitan style in your decor and the formulas you need to carry it out.

In cities, contemporary aesthetics are commonplace. Apartments, studios, and single-family homes represent a cosmopolitan style that abandons classical and traditional trends for more up-to-date ones.

Ultimately, city living follows a modern style originating and emulating the best designers. Cosmopolitan style introduces original novelties combined with technology.

Contemporary looks for a cosmopolitan style

Some figure

When it comes to highlighting some of the styles that reflect cosmopolitan design, it’s necessary to clarify that they’re a unique group and they don’t all have the same outcome. For this reason, it’s essential to extract your own ideas that serve as inspiration.

A particular case is the urban style, in which street concepts are combined with sophisticated ones. For example, you can leave an exposed brick wall, while other walls can be retouched by paint or wood and even by wallpaper.

In the same way, any style that’s within the contemporary scope is a good option. Undoubtedly, everything that exemplifies the harmony that’s typical of the hustle and bustle of the city, is going to be a good formula.

The cosmopolitan style in your decor: principles to follow

How can the cosmopolitan style be applied in your decoration? There are different formulas but, for this, it’s convenient to apply a realistic and friendly perspective. The idea is that you can present a modern image.

  • The fact of resorting to exclusive elements of the industrial style opens a very interesting door towards modernity. Today, refined forms, basic, simple principles, and, in addition, essential approaches prevail.
  • Minimalism is another style that we can’t overlook; there’s no doubt that this style is very interesting. The careful placement of furniture and elements allows us to rejuvenate our homes and create a current look that emulates the present.
  • Neutral colors become so direct that to this extent, they begin to sleep more than other shades. However, the contrasting system introduces warm, light, and dark colors to achieve dynamism.
  • The use of striking elements: be it a famous advertising panel, neon lights, a black and white photograph of a distinguished person, or even contemporary works of art.
  • Establishing a dialogue between different elements is essential. Hence there’s no need for eclecticism or extravagant accessories.

Take inspiration from travel

Some figure
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

We all know that traveling is beneficial, not only to discover new places but also for living unrepeatable experiences. For this reason, it’s good to visit other destinations and visualize the decor that predominates in other cultures.

Visiting other large cities teaches us how aesthetics work according to the culture. In a metropolitan area such as New York City, you can learn about the latest trends.

On the other hand, in places such as Tokyo, decorative simplicity is exposed to technology and complete comfort. Obviously, each country has its own customs and this makes their interior aesthetics vary. Therefore, to a certain extent, we’re attached to the culture that surrounds us.

Impact of the cosmopolitan style generated by trends

Once we understand which decor is appropriate to the cosmopolitan style, a clear conclusion is drawn: globalization allows trends to reach any corner of the world.

In this way, if we want to follow a contemporary, urban and international line, we must soak up the life that goes on around us. Through our lived experiences, we can obtain the ideas reflected in our homes.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • De Haro Lebrija, Fernando; Fuentes, Omar: Espacios con estilo, AM Editores, 2012.