Marvelous Ideas for Creating a Cozy Living Room

It’s clear that the coziest room in the home is the living room. It’s the place where we receive our guests, enjoy a cup of coffee, watch TV as a family or lay on the couch to read a good book. If you want to know how to create a cozy living room, our post today will give you some good ideas and tricks to get you started. Don’t miss out!
Tricks for creating an even toastier living room
Our life and home activities revolve around the living room; it’s where we tend to spend most of our time whether we’re alone or with company. A cup of coffee, a book, a movie, a chat or a nap… we enjoy all of these things here.

Considering all of those activities, it’s easy to understand why we’d want to make our living room cozier and why we’d want to feel comfortable here. But how can you create that warm and snug atmosphere? With these tricks below:
1. Make the most of natural light
Natural light is a huge help for decor in general, but it’s also great for creating ambiance. A large window will light up the entire room, helping it look nicer overall.
If you don’t have a big window, no worries; with a normal-sized one you’ll at least be able to enjoy a little natural light at some point in the day. Use that time to do your activities. Another way of gaining more light for your cozy living room is by painting your walls white and avoiding dark-colored furniture.
You could use two sofas facing each other, just one against the wall and in front of the TV or fireplace, a smaller one on the side, a rocking chair in one of the room’s corners… whatever you want to do, just make the setting comfortable and clutter-free.

3. Pick out rustic fabrics
You have the light and the sofa… what else do you need for a cozier living room? The right kind of fabric! We’re talking about curtains, rugs, decorative pillows or maybe even a blanket to keep on your sofa to keep your feet warm during winter as you read your favorite novel with a nice cup of tea.
Go for items that have texture, like velvet or chenille, because they can help add a warmer note to any room. For your curtains, you’ll be better off with a thicker selection that’ll help you feel cozy; but make sure they allow sunlight in.
As for a rug, rugs are an interesting decor piece, especially in areas where winter hits hard. In the summer, you can put the rug away or move it to a less noticeable area, like to a side of the room.
Your rug can be plain, patterned or decorated, but it should always match the rest of your furniture and fabrics. Some people even choose to use a brightly colored rug to counteract neutral or light colored furniture.
4. Be conscious of your colors
Previously, we mentioned that white walls and light-colored furniture are better options. But what about your decor pieces? We suggest using calm, neutral tones because they help us think about pleasant, relaxing and comfortable things.

Try a brown, beige, yellow, peach, terracotta or pastel color palette. They’ll look wonderful and your cozy living room will be warmer and more beautiful.
5. Set up a good lamp
Our last tip for a cozy living room is using a nice lamp. While natural light is hugely important, we can’t always count on daylight and so need a good source of artificial light as well.
A central light could be a great idea. Using lamps in the corners or at the ends of your sofa is also a good way to go.
As you’ve read with us today, you can create a cozy living room with just a few tricks and enjoy time with the people that you love.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Solé, I. (1995). EL PLACER DE LEER. Lectura y Vida.