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6 Ideas on How to Decorate Your Living Room With Mirrors

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Mirrors can give any space in the house depth and brightness. But you should have a plan for how you're going to use them if you want them in your living room.
6 Ideas on How to Decorate Your Living Room With Mirrors
Last update: 04 March, 2019

There are lots of ways to use mirrors to decorate your living room. They’re still one of the basic elements to any home. This has a lot to do with the fact that they’re both aesthetically pleasing and bring a kind of balance of energy to the home.

Nowadays you can find mirrors for bedrooms, bathrooms, hallways, and basically anywhere else. But today we want to focus specifically on how you can use them in your living room, because you’ll need more specific strategies on style and placement. Interested? Keep reading to see our 6 ideas!

The best ideas on how to decorate your living room with mirrors

Using mirrors to decorate your living room can give it a wonderful feeling of depth and space. Plus, because they’re so great at spreading light around, they can also make the room much brighter. But if you want to achieve all that, there are a few simple tricks you need to know.

1. Choose a prominent place in the living room

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One of the first things to think about if you want to decorate your living room with mirrors is placement. Find a strategic place where it generates lots of light and life for the greatest impact.

If your house has a fireplace, the mantel above it is the perfect place for a mirror. Another good option is to put them on the back of a piece of furniture or close to a window.

2. Mirrors in pairs

Using mirrors in pairs is a very popular in living room decor right now. People like them because they create a feeling of order and harmony if you can make them contrast well with the furniture and accessories.

Paired mirrors should have frames in line with the style you want to give off. If you have a contemporary style, white, silver, and black are all good choices. Wood is good for a classic style. The important thing is that the final result be visually pleasing.

3. Be bold and use multiple mirrors

Did you like the idea of having two mirrors in the living room? How about using even more? You can make a kind of collage of mirrors that divides the reflection. You can use all kinds of mirrors: wide, tall, zigzag, different sizes, etc…

4. Try new shapes

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If you want to give your living room an updated look, don’t use mirrors to decorate in a conventional way. That classic rectangular shape goes well in just about any space, but an oval or or circle could add a really nice touch to your living room. 

But think about what you have around it first. These kinds of mirrors can be a bit harder to combine with other things. So, try to avoid cluttering up the space around the space around it if you use one of these mirrors.

5. Pick one with a metallic frame

Metallic colors are also very popular in interior design right now. If you still can’t think of how to decorate your living room with mirrors, try one with a metallic frame. They go really well in light-colored spaces. You can find them in colors like gold, silver, and blue steel, among others.

6. Use an antique mirror

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Are you going for a more vintage, classic style for your living room? Well then, find an antique mirror! They’re a great way to decorate this part of your house. It also doesn’t matter if they have a worn-down look, or don’t have a frame.

Their particular style will give your living room a romantic feel. Plus, if you don’t want your mirror to look so old, you can always restore it. For example, you could paint it the traditional color of wood or be bold and paint it gold.

One last tip!

Our last tip is that you need to remember not to put a living room mirror between windows or next to a door. The key is to find a neutral place where there’s a good amount of light, and a balance with the overall decor.