The Fruit Bowl: a Decorative Resource

If you want to create an exotic, warm yet original ambiance to your kitchen or living room, consider using a fruit bowl. It’s a decorative resource that’ll fill your home with life.
A fruit bowl doesn’t just hold fruit; they also hold colors and joy. Ultimately, they transmit serenity and good vibrations to a setting as they’re made with natural products.
You can put fruit out on view. It needs a dry, clean setting to keep; but make sure to replace it regularly because it can start to rot after being out for too long.
Kitchen and living room decor
Fruit bowls don’t work in just any room. Each room has a different purpose and appropriate decor. Fruit bowls fit wonderfully in kitchen or living room settings.

- Kitchen: kitchens are associated with food prep and storage. We normally find fruit in the kitchen so why not use them as decor as well?
- Living room: rest, leisure and personal recreation activities usually take place in the living room but they can also be a dining area. They might feature a fruit bowl as the dining table decor.
The kitchen and living room are the main spaces where fruit can serve as a decoration. Bedrooms or bathrooms, on the other hand, aren´t suitable.
— Fill your kitchen and living room with warmth and color.–
Fruit bowl arrangement
You can’t use every fruit for decor. Some varieties have sizes or colors that aren’t visually aesthetic. So, you’ll have to choose wisely.
- Bananas: nice and yellow, bananas represent fruits that come from warmer climates and have a unique curved shape. They will offer a great exotic feel.
- Apples: apples are the classic example and are an essential part of the fruit bowl. You can find red, green or yellow apples. The healthier it looks on the outside, the more beautiful of a decor it’ll create.
- Pears: pears are similar to apples. They’re great for a contrast in shape. Pears add more dynamism to the decor.
- Grapes: grapes create a bucolic, dreamy and classical ambiance. They make us think of wine and transmit gentleness.
- Cherries: whenever you can, add cherries to the mix for color contrast. They have an intense shade of red.
- Oranges and lemons: the colors of these two colors together look incredible. On top of that, they have a lovely fragrance.

Don’t overload your fruit bowl. Use one piece of each kind of fruit to create a variety, dynamic decor and beautiful fountain of color.
Real fruits or plastic fruits
There are two kinds of fruits: edible and non-edible. The latter are usually made of plastic and you can find them at dollar or home decor stores. But which ones should you choose?
- Real fruit has a natural color. It’s realistic and gives off fragrance. However, it has a downside: over time it starts to rot, giving off odors.
- Plastic fruit: there are different kinds of plastic fruit, and some are very realistic to the point where you can’t tell the difference. They’re easy to clean and will never rot.
Your choice will depend on your budget. If you eat fruit daily, using real fruit can be a good idea. If not, you’re better off choosing its plastic counterparts that can look just as real as nature’s bounty.

What kind of container should you use?
There are all kinds of choices. Some containers have different tiers and come in a circular or rectangular shape. You can place your fruit on each tier, distributing colors accordingly to create a harmonious balance.
Or you could use a bowl, jar or a metal cup. In these cases, mix your fruit up randomly. You can try hanging your grapes off one side for a decorative effect that’ll look great for your dining table in the living room or for your kitchen.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Ellis, Kally; Moroni, Ercole: Decorar con frutas y hortalizas, Elfos Editora Ltda, 1997.
Lobo, M. Elsa: Decoración con frutas y verduras, Tilka Ediciones, 2009.