Aroma Diffusers: Types and Characteristics

We all want our homes to smell good and aroma diffusers can help. The fragrance is chosen by you and depends on whether you prefer soft or strong scents that are citrus or sweet. The idea is that you enjoy the aroma and give your home a personal stamp.
We’ll explain the different types of diffusers that you could use for this purpose and what characteristics to consider when choosing one. Keep reading!
Benefits of aroma diffusers

The main benefit of aroma diffusers is that they provide a delicious aroma to the spaces of the house, even those of the office.
But this isn’t all, there are other benefits that you can take into account. In fact, experts explain that essential oils have particular therapeutic properties and also help us to maintain well-being.
- They help fight the flu: when the season changes, colds, and flu are common. The use of certain essences such as mint and eucalyptus help to refresh the environment, help us breathe better and improve coughing.
- They relax: essences such as lavender have relaxing and regulating properties of the nervous system. By breathing its aroma through a diffuser we can feel more relaxed.
- They improve the mood: citrus essences have another plus because they can improve the mood.
The use of aromatherapy or essential oils has even reached hospitals. Research indicates that it’s been used as an optional treatment to relax, improve mood, and decrease pain in patients.
Types of aroma diffusers
Aroma diffusers are the devices that are responsible for vaporizing the aroma that we’ve chosen for the spaces of the house. The most modern ones have very elegant styles that can work in tune with the decor. Yes, there are different types and mechanisms of operation! Here are some of them:

The aerosol is the traditional diffuser, but not exactly the most ecological. Studies indicate that it affects the ozone layer. Even so, they’re still popular in many homes and you can activate them when you want.
Ceramic and candle aroma diffusers

This is even more traditional than an aerosol. They increase the temperature of the container where the essence is placed through the heat of a candle so that the smell begins to permeate the house
Reed diffusers

Reed diffusers are made up of a glass, ceramic or plastic container that contains the essence inside. Rattan rods are placed through the entry point of the container, from which the essence begins to rise. It provides perfume to all spaces and is very useful in small rooms.
Electric aroma diffusers

Electric diffusers come with sheets or pads that contain essential oils and a fan that spreads the scent. They don’t have temperature control, but they’re safe. They have elegant designs and suit a wide range of spaces. They’re similar to ultrasonic diffusers.
Nebulization type diffusers

Also known as fogging diffusers, they don’t use water, but they do break down essential oil particles before dispersing them. As these particles are lighter, they cover a greater range and the scent is quite long-lasting.
The points to consider are that it must be cleaned well and often because using pure essential oils requires more care.
Ultrasonic aroma diffusers

Ultrasonic diffusers are one of the newest. They use electromagnetic frequencies to generate vibrations in the water that break down the essence drops into microparticles. Therefore, you’ll see that the diffuser nozzle comes out as a cold mist.
Contrary to electric diffusers, they don’t generate a concentrated scent, precisely because the essence combines with water.
Which of these aroma diffusers will you choose?
Now you know that the use of essential oils is supported with diffusers, take advantage of them. Enjoy their therapeutic properties or simply aromatize your home Which one did you like the most?
We all want our homes to smell good and aroma diffusers can help. The fragrance is chosen by you and depends on whether you prefer soft or strong scents that are citrus or sweet. The idea is that you enjoy the aroma and give your home a personal stamp.
We’ll explain the different types of diffusers that you could use for this purpose and what characteristics to consider when choosing one. Keep reading!
Benefits of aroma diffusers

The main benefit of aroma diffusers is that they provide a delicious aroma to the spaces of the house, even those of the office.
But this isn’t all, there are other benefits that you can take into account. In fact, experts explain that essential oils have particular therapeutic properties and also help us to maintain well-being.
- They help fight the flu: when the season changes, colds, and flu are common. The use of certain essences such as mint and eucalyptus help to refresh the environment, help us breathe better and improve coughing.
- They relax: essences such as lavender have relaxing and regulating properties of the nervous system. By breathing its aroma through a diffuser we can feel more relaxed.
- They improve the mood: citrus essences have another plus because they can improve the mood.
The use of aromatherapy or essential oils has even reached hospitals. Research indicates that it’s been used as an optional treatment to relax, improve mood, and decrease pain in patients.
Types of aroma diffusers
Aroma diffusers are the devices that are responsible for vaporizing the aroma that we’ve chosen for the spaces of the house. The most modern ones have very elegant styles that can work in tune with the decor. Yes, there are different types and mechanisms of operation! Here are some of them:

The aerosol is the traditional diffuser, but not exactly the most ecological. Studies indicate that it affects the ozone layer. Even so, they’re still popular in many homes and you can activate them when you want.
Ceramic and candle aroma diffusers

This is even more traditional than an aerosol. They increase the temperature of the container where the essence is placed through the heat of a candle so that the smell begins to permeate the house
Reed diffusers

Reed diffusers are made up of a glass, ceramic or plastic container that contains the essence inside. Rattan rods are placed through the entry point of the container, from which the essence begins to rise. It provides perfume to all spaces and is very useful in small rooms.
Electric aroma diffusers

Electric diffusers come with sheets or pads that contain essential oils and a fan that spreads the scent. They don’t have temperature control, but they’re safe. They have elegant designs and suit a wide range of spaces. They’re similar to ultrasonic diffusers.
Nebulization type diffusers

Also known as fogging diffusers, they don’t use water, but they do break down essential oil particles before dispersing them. As these particles are lighter, they cover a greater range and the scent is quite long-lasting.
The points to consider are that it must be cleaned well and often because using pure essential oils requires more care.
Ultrasonic aroma diffusers

Ultrasonic diffusers are one of the newest. They use electromagnetic frequencies to generate vibrations in the water that break down the essence drops into microparticles. Therefore, you’ll see that the diffuser nozzle comes out as a cold mist.
Contrary to electric diffusers, they don’t generate a concentrated scent, precisely because the essence combines with water.
Which of these aroma diffusers will you choose?
Now you know that the use of essential oils is supported with diffusers, take advantage of them. Enjoy their therapeutic properties or simply aromatize your home Which one did you like the most?
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Avello, Marcia, & Pastene, Edgar, & Fernández, Pola, & Vargas, Pedro, & Rioseco, Mery, & Libante, Paulette, & Castillo, Claudia, & Monsalve, Carolina, & Guíñez, Bárbara, & Inzunza, Paulina (2006). Efectos de la Aromaterapia en el Servicio Medicina del Hospital las Higueras, Talcahuano Chile. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas, 5(4),84-91.[fecha de Consulta 3 de Junio de 2021]. ISSN: 0717-7917. Disponible en:
- García, M. Guía de aromaterapia. La salud a través de los aceites esenciales. El mundo del bienestar.2008.
- Pascual, R. Impacto de las emisiones de aerosoles sobre las precipitaciones de los Andes centrales. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. 2019.