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Ways to Use the Color Red in Your Home

3 minutes
There are different ways to use the color red in your home. It's a way to activate the senses and add a touch of intensity to the decor.
Ways to Use the Color Red in Your Home
Last update: 01 August, 2020

Usually, people are afraid of taking risks and stick to neutral shades that are easy to combine within their interior decor. Fear no more, today we’re going to show you some ways to successfully use the color red in your home.

We all like being creative from time to time and not being too conservative. However, the use of certain traditional colors or those that are considered to be safe continues to be a trend.

Therefore, red is an aesthetic concept that’s not often used in interior design, unlike other colors such as white, blue, or cream. But red has a lot to say. And although it’s an intense impressive color, it’s easy to work with as long as you’re careful.

How to use the color red in the living room

Some figure
Image: pecansthomedecor.com

The first thing to remember is red shouldn’t dominate the room. Therefore, you must try to distribute it evenly. If you want it on the walls, we recommend combining it with white or light gray.

The sofa is where red can look best, even if it’s just on the cushions. It’ll become a point of attraction since this piece of furniture is usually the focal point of the room.

On the other hand, you can also use it on the television cabinet, especially if it contrasts with the tone of the wall. However, we don’t recommend red on red. It’ll overlap and make it hard to make out the shape of the furniture.

– Red becomes a reference point at the aesthetic level in the home.-

Three ways to use red in the kitchen

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

The kitchen is an ideal space where you can use bright colors. Having intensity and strength, red is directly related to the functionality of this space. Let’s look at some tips on how to use it:

Cabinets are ideal for red. Cabinet doors can use this color and even the fridge can be red. However, there should be a contrast with the tone of the wall, which should be primarily white.

If you have an island in the center of the kitchen, the stools will stand out if you use red on them. There’s no need for more items with this tone. However, it always helps if there’s a certain color link with other elements of the room.

Finally, we’d like to highlight an interesting connecting idea – red on the wall of the hood of the stove. It’ll be a topic of conversation and add a dash of color to the room, contrasting with the furniture and the wall where the use of neutral tones is recommended.

Apply a passionate red color in the bedroom

Some figure
Image: bedroomtori.myblogika.ru

If you want to give passion and strength to a bedroom, the color red can be on the bedspread. It will then become the focus of the room.

Another idea would be to use blankets or cushions that you can place on the bed, as long as the quilt is white to create contrast. Remember it’s essential to consider the background wherever the color red is used.

On the other hand, this shade can be applied to the wall of the head of the bed. The rest of the walls and the decoration should be of other neutral and white colors so you achieve contrast.

How to apply the color red in the bathroom

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

The color red isn’t common in bathrooms. Generally, they tend to use lighter shades, such as blue, green, or white. What can work is the idea of ​​a combination to counteract the intensity.

Red and white wall tiles look great. Furthermore, this connects to the dark tone of granite. Avoid aesthetic experiments such as matching red with blue, orange, or yellow since this will make the bathroom feel cluttered and unrelaxing.


Usually, people are afraid of taking risks and stick to neutral shades that are easy to combine within their interior decor. Fear no more, today we’re going to show you some ways to successfully use the color red in your home.

We all like being creative from time to time and not being too conservative. However, the use of certain traditional colors or those that are considered to be safe continues to be a trend.

Therefore, red is an aesthetic concept that’s not often used in interior design, unlike other colors such as white, blue, or cream. But red has a lot to say. And although it’s an intense impressive color, it’s easy to work with as long as you’re careful.

How to use the color red in the living room

Some figure
Image: pecansthomedecor.com

The first thing to remember is red shouldn’t dominate the room. Therefore, you must try to distribute it evenly. If you want it on the walls, we recommend combining it with white or light gray.

The sofa is where red can look best, even if it’s just on the cushions. It’ll become a point of attraction since this piece of furniture is usually the focal point of the room.

On the other hand, you can also use it on the television cabinet, especially if it contrasts with the tone of the wall. However, we don’t recommend red on red. It’ll overlap and make it hard to make out the shape of the furniture.

– Red becomes a reference point at the aesthetic level in the home.-

Three ways to use red in the kitchen

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

The kitchen is an ideal space where you can use bright colors. Having intensity and strength, red is directly related to the functionality of this space. Let’s look at some tips on how to use it:

Cabinets are ideal for red. Cabinet doors can use this color and even the fridge can be red. However, there should be a contrast with the tone of the wall, which should be primarily white.

If you have an island in the center of the kitchen, the stools will stand out if you use red on them. There’s no need for more items with this tone. However, it always helps if there’s a certain color link with other elements of the room.

Finally, we’d like to highlight an interesting connecting idea – red on the wall of the hood of the stove. It’ll be a topic of conversation and add a dash of color to the room, contrasting with the furniture and the wall where the use of neutral tones is recommended.

Apply a passionate red color in the bedroom

Some figure
Image: bedroomtori.myblogika.ru

If you want to give passion and strength to a bedroom, the color red can be on the bedspread. It will then become the focus of the room.

Another idea would be to use blankets or cushions that you can place on the bed, as long as the quilt is white to create contrast. Remember it’s essential to consider the background wherever the color red is used.

On the other hand, this shade can be applied to the wall of the head of the bed. The rest of the walls and the decoration should be of other neutral and white colors so you achieve contrast.

How to apply the color red in the bathroom

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

The color red isn’t common in bathrooms. Generally, they tend to use lighter shades, such as blue, green, or white. What can work is the idea of ​​a combination to counteract the intensity.

Red and white wall tiles look great. Furthermore, this connects to the dark tone of granite. Avoid aesthetic experiments such as matching red with blue, orange, or yellow since this will make the bathroom feel cluttered and unrelaxing.


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  • Atkins, Caroline:Colorea tu hogar, Londres, Ceac, 2003.