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Vintage Style Rugs - a Glimpse Into the Past

3 minutes
One type of decoration that looks to the past and helps us recover an old look, with touches of modernity.
Vintage Style Rugs - a Glimpse Into the Past
Last update: 25 August, 2020

Antiques have become fashionable. Items that used to be in homes in previous decades are becoming popular again in interior design. One case is vintage style rugs – a touch of the past being brought into the present.

Today, it’s common for stores to sell products that were a trend from the past. What’s the reason for bringing these ideas back? Why are we seeing them in homes again? Could you consider them modern elements?

We’re going to take a careful look at these questions. What we should keep in mind is that interior design often tries to be innovative. However, to do this, you can’t just look at modern creations. Instead, you can also bring back things from the past.

What can vintage style rugs bring to a room?

Some figure

Sometimes, we think that carpets aren’t a very important feature of a room. Generally, when you enter a room, you first notice everything at eye level, such as furniture, walls, colors, and other decorative objects. We don’t look down until later.

For rugs to get attention, we have to choose the right option. Everything depends on the design you want and the tones. This is the only way to attract people’s attention and give rugs a more elegant, defined presence.

If you use a vintage rug, then you’ll be creating a different aesthetic in the room. Without a doubt, these aesthetics are striking and unique. They go beyond the norm and create an antique feeling.

You can enrich your interior design in a subtle and alternative way.

Main characteristics of vintage style rugs

Some figure

When it comes to pointing out the main characteristics of these types of rugs, it’s important to know that, generally, their size and appearance make them attractive options. They tend to create an original, unique feeling within a space.

  1. There are many variations, but the most common shape is rectangular with dimensions approximately 2.5 to 5 feet. You can also find circular options. These can take up a lot of space on the floor.
  2. The range of colors is varied. Of course, there is usually one dominant color, and others that complement this without clashing. You can usually find colors that perfectly combine with your decoration.
  3. The prints are generally very striking. They are normally made up of geometric and linear damask-style motifs that are linked together and create a particular design on the surface. Also, the design is usually symmetrical, which helps generate a feeling of harmony and stability.
  4. The most common materials for these rugs are polypropylene, synthetic wool, or cotton. This creates a pleasant texture to the touch because they are natural fabrics. They are also easy to clean, although you should use special products.

The worn effect 

You can get a rug that looks vintage through the worn effect. For example, you can see deterioration on the surface of some vintage looks that’s part of the aesthetic itself. This way, the rug gives off the feeling of having been used for a long time.

However, this doesn’t mean that the rug is going to rip any time soon. Instead, it’s a design factor to consider and part of the appearance of vintage style rugs. This material is very resistant and it’s difficult to find imperfections in these items.

You can find distressed looking rugs on the market, made to look as if they are older. On the other hand, you can also find vintage style rugs that don’t have this effect.

Interior design ideas of the past are once again becoming features of our homes.

Where can you buy vintage style rugs?

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Antique stores are often a great place to start. You can buy authentic rugs from old houses, but the prices can be pretty steep. Keep in mind that these are unique, decorative items.

If you want to get a more current rug that is more budget-friendly, you can also look online. Many online stores sell vintage style rugs at a good price and quality. They have a wide variety in stock and, also, they look completely real, as if they were original pieces.


Antiques have become fashionable. Items that used to be in homes in previous decades are becoming popular again in interior design. One case is vintage style rugs – a touch of the past being brought into the present.

Today, it’s common for stores to sell products that were a trend from the past. What’s the reason for bringing these ideas back? Why are we seeing them in homes again? Could you consider them modern elements?

We’re going to take a careful look at these questions. What we should keep in mind is that interior design often tries to be innovative. However, to do this, you can’t just look at modern creations. Instead, you can also bring back things from the past.

What can vintage style rugs bring to a room?

Some figure

Sometimes, we think that carpets aren’t a very important feature of a room. Generally, when you enter a room, you first notice everything at eye level, such as furniture, walls, colors, and other decorative objects. We don’t look down until later.

For rugs to get attention, we have to choose the right option. Everything depends on the design you want and the tones. This is the only way to attract people’s attention and give rugs a more elegant, defined presence.

If you use a vintage rug, then you’ll be creating a different aesthetic in the room. Without a doubt, these aesthetics are striking and unique. They go beyond the norm and create an antique feeling.

You can enrich your interior design in a subtle and alternative way.

Main characteristics of vintage style rugs

Some figure

When it comes to pointing out the main characteristics of these types of rugs, it’s important to know that, generally, their size and appearance make them attractive options. They tend to create an original, unique feeling within a space.

  1. There are many variations, but the most common shape is rectangular with dimensions approximately 2.5 to 5 feet. You can also find circular options. These can take up a lot of space on the floor.
  2. The range of colors is varied. Of course, there is usually one dominant color, and others that complement this without clashing. You can usually find colors that perfectly combine with your decoration.
  3. The prints are generally very striking. They are normally made up of geometric and linear damask-style motifs that are linked together and create a particular design on the surface. Also, the design is usually symmetrical, which helps generate a feeling of harmony and stability.
  4. The most common materials for these rugs are polypropylene, synthetic wool, or cotton. This creates a pleasant texture to the touch because they are natural fabrics. They are also easy to clean, although you should use special products.

The worn effect 

You can get a rug that looks vintage through the worn effect. For example, you can see deterioration on the surface of some vintage looks that’s part of the aesthetic itself. This way, the rug gives off the feeling of having been used for a long time.

However, this doesn’t mean that the rug is going to rip any time soon. Instead, it’s a design factor to consider and part of the appearance of vintage style rugs. This material is very resistant and it’s difficult to find imperfections in these items.

You can find distressed looking rugs on the market, made to look as if they are older. On the other hand, you can also find vintage style rugs that don’t have this effect.

Interior design ideas of the past are once again becoming features of our homes.

Where can you buy vintage style rugs?

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Antique stores are often a great place to start. You can buy authentic rugs from old houses, but the prices can be pretty steep. Keep in mind that these are unique, decorative items.

If you want to get a more current rug that is more budget-friendly, you can also look online. Many online stores sell vintage style rugs at a good price and quality. They have a wide variety in stock and, also, they look completely real, as if they were original pieces.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Gilliat, Mary: El libro de la decoración, Folio, 1986.